Reflection and Its Impact on Personal and Professional Skills






Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Skill 1: Learning Styles 1

Skill 2: Communication and Presentation skills 1

Skill 3: Reading skills 2

Skill 4: Reflection 2

Skill 5: Reflective Writing 2

Skill 6: Features of email writing 2

Skill 7: Harvard Referencing 2

Skill 8: Technological advancement and collaboration 3

Skill 9: Relevance of “World of Work” 3

Skill 10: Leadership Development Skills 3

Skill 11: Provided Images 3

Skill 12: Time management skills 4

Conclusion 4

Appendices 5


The current study presents an elucidation of various types of personal skills that have been developed through personal understanding as well as academic courses conducted. These skills contain a communication analysis to discuss personal strengths, opportunities as well and areas to be improved. Further, the development of personal weakness is conducted through undertaking a presentation. The administration of time and reading materials is done through the reading log and reflection skills. In addition, the importance of communication, employability, critical thinking, teamwork as well as collaboration, and other skills have also been discussed here. It is undertaken to view the availability of such skills in the personal domain and how the present lack can be improved with certain resources and techniques.

Skill 1: Learning Styles

Reflection in skill development

Reflection and Its Impact on Personal and Professional Skills 1

The study depicts various learning styles that combine various measures through which learning is developed. It encompasses various learning measures that involve audio-visual and other materials so that learning can be made more effective.

Skill 2: Communication and Presentation skills

Reflection in skill development

The communication table is the one that provides an encapsulated version of the advantages and benefits of having notable communication skills. It highlights how communication can aid in enhancing productivity and impressing people in their personal as well as professional lives (Cummins et al. 2020). It is conducted so as to achieve maximum gains. The distinction between effective as well as ineffective presentation provides an idea of what practices must and must not be undertaken while presenting before the audience. While a good presentation leaves a long-lasting impact along with a good presentation, the ineffective presentations leave the audience confused and disinterested (Nadolski et al. 2021). Therefore, practices must be undertaken likewise.

Skill 3: Reading skills

Reflection in skill development

The reading log provides an idea of the time utilized for reading different types of books. It keeps a record of the books read in a certain period of time to calculate the number of pages read and the time required for each (Kalsum et al. 2023). It is done to judge the reading capacity according to the interest generated while reading the mentioned books.

Skill 4: Reflection

Reflection in skill development

It is one of the main measures through which personal experiences can be better evaluated. Various models can be utilized for the same. They include VARK, Gibbs Kolb’s and others. Based on the same, understanding can be effectively formulated. The experiences are analyzed and evaluated so that better understanding can be developed. Further actions can also be taken so that the present faults can be eradicated.

Skill 5: Reflective Writing

Reflection in skill development

Driscoll Model is one of the necessary models that has been developed by John Driscoll in 1994, that helps to incorporate personal experience through “What”, “So What” and “Now What”, which means it is not only describing the experience but also, giving reason for further actions.

Skill 6: Features of email writing

Reflection in skill development

It is a method whereby formal and well-structures messages can be exchanged so that better data can be exchanged among people. The messages are concise, well-developed and have greater focus and attention. A good email can develop good impression. Through the same a proper idea can be exchanged on how I require help in understanding a chapter in a concise yet clear format without jargons.

Skill 7: Harvard Referencing

Reflection in skill development

Harvard Referencing is one of the main sources of referencing whereby the authors, dates and topics are assembled properly for better understanding by the people. The above table presents my ability of successfully using Harvard referencing in my academic life. I follow the rule of listing them alphabetically, with surnames. Moreover, articles and journals from the last 5 years, that is from 2019 are used only. There is no plagiarism and they can be used for cross-referencing. I can use the same further to develop in my academic life in my assignments.

Skill 8: Technological advancement and collaboration

Reflection in skill development

In the modern-day world technological advancement is extremely crucial since through the same better knowledge can be gained and the work can be made more advanced and convenient. Collaboration skills are quite essential since they develop better teamwork and conducting of various tasks. It enabled the development of better productivity, more creativity, and total success (Hidayati et al. 2020). The above table depicts the various actions that can be undertaken to develop such skills and the resources that can aid in achieving the same.

Skill 9: Relevance of “World of Work”

Reflection in skill development

“The world of Work” is a complex world where various elements such as globalization, technology, flexibility and the service sector are amalgamated to form a total environment. It results in a dynamic business environment suitable for better business.

Skill 10: Leadership Development Skills

Reflection in skill development

Leadership is an essential skill in any individual as it provides various benefits such as career betterment, better capacity for crisis administration, and personal growth. Based on the same trust is developed as well. Such people are preferred over the others in any professional area (Moldoveanu and Narayandas, 2019). The above table provides the means and resources to develop such skills.

Skill 11: Provided Images

Reflection in skill development

The mentioned images are associated with the various lessons conducted in the class based on which the assessments have been undertaken. The “process of communication” provides an idea about the communication channel and its effectiveness, whereas, the “self-knowledge skills” refer to the various methods through which knowledge can be gathered and used (Casado and Casaú, 2019). Furthermore, one essential element to be followed includes the maintenance of “academic integrity” such as honesty, trust, and avoiding plagiarism so that learning can be more moral. The “priority matrix” also provides an idea of how to assemble the various tasks based on their priority.

Skill 12: Time management skills

Reflection in skill development

The “To-do list provides a complete idea of the main tasks to be completed within a required time period. Based on the same, these are ranked according to their priority, and the resources needed to achieve them are discussed as well (anak Ringgau et al. 2021). Therefore, based on the same, actions are taken to enhance efficiency.


Therefore, from the above discussion, a total assessment of personal skills has been conducted. It has been done to develop a total understanding of the available skills and areas that require development. Along with the same, the resources required for the betterment of the skills and the actions undertaken have been depicted as well. Based on the same, future endeavors can be undertaken to gain more success.



anak Ringgau, D., Keong, C.W. and Wee, B.S., (2021). Development of To-Do List and Monetary Management System. International ABEC, pp.90-97.

Bintani, K., (2020), August. Personal Development Plan as a Guidance and Counseling Strategy in Higher Education. In 2nd International Seminar on Guidance and Counseling 2019 (ISGC 2019) (pp. 18-22). Atlantis Press.

Casado, A.B.F. and Casaú, P.M., (2019). Personal Self-Knowledge, a Key Factor for Entrepreneurship in People with Disabilities 1. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22, pp.1-6.

Cummins, C., Pellicano, E. and Crane, L., (2020). Autistic adults’ views of their communication skills and needs. International journal of language & communication disorders, 55(5), pp.678-689.

El Soufi, N. and See, B.H., (2019). Does explicit teaching of critical thinking improve critical thinking skills of English language learners in higher education? A critical review of causal evidence. Studies in educational evaluation, 60, pp.140-162.

Fajaryati, N., Budiyono, Akhyar, M. and Wiranto, (2020). The employability skills needed to face the demands of work in the future: Systematic literature reviews. Open Engineering, 10(1), pp.595-603.

Hidayati, N., Zubaidah, S., Suarsini, E. and Praherdhiono, H., (2020). Cognitive learning outcomes: Its relationship with communication skills and collaboration skills through digital mind maps-integrated PBL. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 10(6), pp.433-448.

Kalsum, K., Rauf, F.A. and Sardi, A., (2023). Implementation of Reading-Log to Increase Students’ Interest on Literacy at Islamic Boarding School. IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature, 10(2), pp.1887-1898.

Mikhaylova, A.G., Balynin, I.V. and Nizhneva, N.N., (2019), December. SWOT-Analysis of information technologies application to form future managers’ communicative competence. In International Scientific and Practical Conference on Digital Economy (ISCDE 2019) (pp. 912-916). Atlantis Press.

Moldoveanu, M. and Narayandas, D., (2019). The future of leadership development. Harvard business review, 97(2), pp.40-48.

Nadolski, R.J., Hummel, H.G., Rusman, E. and Ackermans, K., (2021). Rubric formats for the formative assessment of oral presentation skills acquisition in secondary education. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69, pp.2663-2682.

Prada, E.D., Mareque, M. and Pino-Juste, M., (2022). Teamwork skills in higher education: is university training contributing to their mastery?. Psicologia: Reflexao e Critica, 35.


Skill 1: Learning Styles

TheoriesFeatures/ StepsAdvantagesLearnings
VARK modelV= visual

A= Auditory

R= “read-write”


  • Aids in understanding personal learning style
  • Learning effectiveness is maximized
  • A more inclusive and involving learning atmosphere is generated.
  • I understand that I learn best through visual learning
  • Furthermore, I have understood that physical engagement in activities results in a better understanding
“Honey and Mumford”“Activities”




  • It provides better engagement
  • It promotes self-awareness and communication
  • A positive learning atmosphere is developed.
A: I have understood that I perform well through active participation

R: I can observe more when I am able to actively participate

T: I learn better through logical reasoning

P: I have applied theoretical knowledge to practical situations in an effective manner.

Kolb’s Experimental Cycle“Concrete experience”

“Reflective Observation”

“Abstract Conceptualization”

“Active Experimentation”

  • It provides better engagement with new experiences
  • It is the most learner-oriented
  • A deeper and more critical understanding is developed
  • A dynamic learning process is developed
I have experienced that I am more comfortable learning through practical experience. I have observed that only classroom study is not efficient. Through conceptualization, I have developed theories on the same. Finally, I can use the theories for real-life circumstances.
Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardener“Kinguistic”

“Logical, mathematical”






  • It allows proper understanding through various styles
  • Areas of limitations can be recognized and improved
  • It also promotes self-awareness and unique intelligence
I understand that I have an understanding of dominant intelligence

It aids me in developing diverse strategies.

It also provides me with more growth and empowerment.

Skill 2: Communication and presentation skills

Effective CommunicationBenefitsImportance in personal and professional life
It refers to the effective transmission of messagesMisunderstanding can be effectively eradicatedThrough the same, transmission channels among different departments can be kept smooth
The main features include understandable language, utilization of gestures, and othersIt enables better sharing of data and informationIt aids in better learning and retention of knowledge
It aids in creating a good impressionIt increases productivity and better teamworkIt charms people and goodwill is created
Effective PresentationIneffective Presentation
Such presentations are properly formulated and extremely relevantIt is monotonous unclear and often irrelevant
It provides thoughtful as well as clear ideas and is attractedThere is a disregard for time and is often a failure to create engagement
It leaves a greater impactThere is no such impact left on the audience

Skill 3: Reading Skills

Reading Log
DateTitleAuthorTime periodPages Finished
04.07.2023“The Hard Thing About Hard Things”“Ben Horowitz”5 days132
06.07.2023“The Effective Executive”“Peter Drucker”8days93
13.07.2023“The Confidence Code”“Clair Shipman” and “Katty Kay”12 days121
17.07.2023“The 5 Second Rule”“Mel Robbins4 days144

Skill 4: Reflection writing

Reflection modelsFeaturesLearnings
ERA Cycle“Experience”



Through this model, I have understood that I have tailored my learning modules with that of my dominant intelligence. I have also reflected that I possess enhanced self-awareness and communication. However, my self-esteem is low which I must improve through my actions.
Discroll’s Model“What”

“So, What”

“Now What”

I have understood that there are different learning methods that I can utilize to suit my needs. Therefore, I can streamline the learning process to achieve the desired results. However, to improve my communication skills and awareness, I will prepare action plans.
Kolb’s “Experimental Cycle”“Concrete experience”

“Reflective Observation”

“Abstract conceptualization”

“Active Experimentation”

In the 4th week, I have developed an understanding that I learn better through participation. I have observed that with the selection of the correct learning method I can improve my learning and perform better. I will consider improving my self-consciousness and confidence.
“Gibbs’ Reflective Model”“Description”





“Action Plan”

I have learned the existence of learning methods. I feel that I am more participative. Therefore, evaluation can be made that I can improve myself in terms of communication. Therefore, specific action plans are created.

Skill 5: Reflective Writing

Features of reflective Writing Discroll’s ModelLearnings developed
It depicts personal perspectiveIt involves identifying the significant aspects of the experienceIt aids me analysing my entire experiences
Critical analysis and better learning are promotedBased on the same further decisions are developedThrough the same, I can compare various experience from different parts of life
Articulation and contextualization are clearIt creates self-directed learning to inspect evaluate and apply behaviour.I can have a better analysis of various situations and experiences.

Skill 6: Features of e-mail writing

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Issues in understanding Chapter 4 due to absenteeism

Respected sir,

This is to inform you that I have been facing certain issues while reading chapter 4. When the lesson was taught in the class, I could not attend the class since I had high fever and was diagnosed with malaria. I took all the notes from my friends, but when I am trying to read and understand the meaning, I am unable to do the same. Therefore, if you could provide me with a short lecture on this chapter, it would be extremely helpful.

It is my responsibility to you to help me in this situation since I am unable to proceed further in this chapter.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Alex Totaleanu.

Skill 7: Harvard Referencing

Building a sustainable start: The role of career competencies, career success, and career shocks in young professionals’ employability. Journal of Vocational Behavior112”

(Blokker et al. 2019)

The reference has been taken from “Google Scholar” on the topic of measures to develop a career. The rule of taking references based on last 5 years has been followed and no plagiarism has been undertakenThe reference has academic integrity, is credible and provides scope for “cross referencing” and reviews. It is credible as well.
100 research rules of the game: How to make your research world class; how to successfully publish in top international refereed journals. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal32(2)”

(Brennan, 2019)

The mentioned reference has been taken from “Google Scholar”, following all the rules properly such as peer reviewed, with means to cite a single author’s name.The reference is made in line with the topic and following all the rules. The journal type is in italics and entries are arranged based on the surnames of authors
How to Thrive as a Library Professional: Achieving Success and Satisfaction. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2020. 134p”

(Cardoso, 2020)

The reference is based on gaining professionalism. It has been taken from the “Google scholar” following all the authentic meansThe reference has been taken from an authentic source and contains proper information based on the developed rules.
“Growing up poor but doing well: Contextual factors that predict academic success. The Journal of Economic Inequality21(1)”

Jagannathan et al. (2023)

The reference is authentic since it has been taken from the “Google Scholar” following all the authenticity measuresAuthentic sources have been taken that are peer reviewed. It meets all the requirements of authentic referencing

Skill 8: Technological advancement and collaboration

Technological knowledge developmentAdvantages of CollaborationActions taken for developmentResources needed
It can be enhanced through research, development, education and networkingIt provides resource sharing and expertise developmentTaking part in different associated workshopsTraining materials and books
Industry partnership and IP protection are also essentialIt enables better decision formulationDevelopment of open communication channels and exchange of ideasOnline platforms for sharing ideas and knowledge
Global collaboration, regulatory frameworks and others are also essential.Stronger relationships and efficient performance of tasks is also doneUnderstanding collaboration through different booksSenior people and leaders to assist in skill development

Skill 9: Relevance of “World of work”

“World of work”Features of “world of work”Utilization of the same
There are diverse industries and changing job marketTechnological innovation is an essential featureIt aids in the development of informed career decisions
It promotes better career developmentThere is globalization and better flexibilityIt results in the development of dynamic and inclusive workplaces
There is more inclusion and remote and flexible workIt expands from service to the manufacture industryUpdate curriculum is developed and enhanced technology is used.

Skill 10: Leadership skill Development

Benefits of leadershipActions taken to developResources required
It enables better solving of issuesBeing enrolled in associated workshopsLeadership development courses and study materials
It increases team efforts and collaborationReading books on leadership developmentBooks and journals
Efficiency in undertaking tasks is ensuredAssociating with leaders and seniors to understand leadershipProfessors and senior people to gain assistance

Skill 11: Photos of assessment conducted in class

Reflection in skill development

Figure 1: “Communication process”

(source: “provided lecture material”)

Reflection in skill development

Figure 2: “Self knowledge and evaluation”

(source: “provided lecture material”)

Reflection in skill development

Figure 3: “academic integrity”

(source: “provided lecture material”)

Reflection in skill development

Figure 4: “time and task priority matrix”

(Source: “provided lecture material”)

Skill 12: Time Management Skills

Understanding the importance of skills1stAssessing the importance of skills and their utilizations3 weeks 
Organizing time and track accordingly2ndFinishing tasks in due timelines2 weeks 
Assessing goals to be achieved3rdEvaluating the personal goals that must be achieved to become successful3 weeks 
Development of ideas to achieve the goals4thAssociating with seniors so that proper ideas and guidance can be achieved1 week