Strategic Quality Control for Product Standardization


The Impact of Quality Control in Manufacturing

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I am grateful to my mentor and guide without whom I would not be able to complete this research work. I am also thankful to my peers who helped me to collect data and influence my productivity. I also want to thank my parents who always inspire me to work positively.


This research focuses on an extensive study on quality control and standardization in manufacturing emphasizing the printing industry. The methodological approach of this research signifies the effective incorporation of primary research by the mixed method of quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The survey and interview of the employees of the selected company ensure a high degree of authenticity in data analysis and ethical considerations to create value from m broader perspective Emphasizing the current changes through TQM, the evaluation of the standardization refers to an in-depth analysis of the current scenario of product production. On the other hand, the incorporation of f literature review by addressing research problems is another significant approach by the researcher to create effective insight into the research subject. Apart from that, the analytical outcome through the primary research ensures in-depth knowledge development along with strategic recommendations that can create value from a broader perspective. The selection of the methodological approaches in this research shows a higher degree of credibility and accuracy of the analytical process which can effectively contribute to the future research developments associated with the research subject. The incorporation of the primary research ensures the current practices on quality management and organizational developments in the contemporary manufacturing industry. However, this research work ensures ethical considerations to ensure the authenticity and credibility of the impactful research outcome along with the higher level of accountability of the researcher.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction 5

1.1 Research background 5

1.2 Research problem 6

1.3 Aim and objective 7

1.4 Research questions 7

1.5 Rationale 7

1.6 Scope of study 7

1.7 Summary 8

1.8 Research structure 8

Chapter 2: Literature review 9

2.1 Introduction 9

2.2 Total Quality Management (TQM) 9

2.3 Theoretical models 9

2.4 Manufacturing standardization in the printing industry 13

2.5 Literature gap 13

2.6 Conceptual framework 14

Chapter 3: Methodology of the research 14

3.1 Introduction 14

3.2 Research onion 15

3.3 Philosophy of research and its justification 15

3.4 Research approach and justification 16

3.5 Research design and justification 16

3.6 Data collection and sampling method 17

3.7 Data analysis 17

3.8 Ethical considerations 17

3.9 Timeline 18

Chapter 4: Results and findings 19

4.1 Quantitative data analysis by survey 19

4.2 Qualitative data analysis by interview 27

Chapter 5: Discussions 30

Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations 32

6.1 Conclusion 32

6.2 Linking with the objectives 32

6.3 Recommendations 33

6.4 Future scope of the research 34

6.5 Research limitations 34

References 37

Appendix 42

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Research background

With the enormous development in technologies in the recent business scenario, the manufacturing industry is going through a significant transformation in processing and marketing products. The current global market is showing a significant focus on n higher degree of utility and convenience of the products through the perception of the diverse range of customers. On the other hand, according to Sader, Husti, & Daroczi, (2022), factors like quality control and management focused on Total Quality Management (TQM) are evolving through adapting new strategies of improvement to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the manufacturing process. Apart from that, the sustained improvement in material procurement in the printing industry shows the importance of implementing aspects like environmental sustainability and ethical workplace management with an emphasis on the human resources and environmental impacts of manufacturing. This factor is playing a crucial role in the modern approach and standardization process of manufacturing focusing on cost reduction by creating a higher degree of value by maintaining environmental sustainability through the process and material selection (Anderson et al., 2019). However, one of the leading printing business organizations Dai Nippon Printing in London shows the adoption of effective quality control approaches by evaluating the internal and external business environment to standardize the manufacturing processes. The primary research approach in this study by interviewing and surveying the employees in this study signifies a higher degree of development of knowledge and understanding of contemporary manufacturing practices. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis approach ensures the in-depth analysis of different perspectives of these associated people with the manufacturing standardization through the quality control approaches of the printing business organization part from that, as the current technological landscape is changing rapidly, this methodological approach has the potential to focus on the recent changes in quality control and management in manufacturing to enhance the knowledge on the research subject. 

Evaluation of technological advancements and current market demand from the global perspective essentially helps the business to adopt effective methods and processes in manufacturing practices to create a higher degree of value. The UK site of Dai Nippon Printing signifies the incorporation of a distinctive set of supply chains for the introduction which needs to be addressed through the study. Apart from that, the company has developed significant positioning in commercial printing, and, studying the manufacturing aspects of the company can create significantly effective insight into modern manufacturing and standardization Hirano, & Takeuchi, (2022). As the current organizational changes are emphasizing enormous technological advancements in different aspects, the evaluation of the current scenario influences the strategic developments of the manufacturing industry. Apart from that, re-evaluating the manufacturing process through the TQM essentially impacts the new strategies through these technological innovations. On the other hand, in recent years, technological innovations like 3D printing and automation are leading to enormous changes in manufacturing processes by enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the manufacturing methods (El-Mesery, Mao, & Abomohra, 2019). These approaches need to incorporate new approaches of standardization through effective quality control approaches for aligning the manufacturing approach with the changes. The incorporation of a wide range of data management in the overall process of manufacturing and supply chain management is significantly influencing the overall process in the printing industry.

1.2 Research problem

Developing a continuous improvement process in manufacturing by identifying the rapid changes in technology and addressing the process challenges is a crucial factor in the current world of manufacturing products. The printing industry is evolving through the rise of new demand for capacity enhancement with highly efficient processing that can create value extensively in the competitive market. Wu, & Chen, (2018), argue that Total Quality Management (TQM) signifies the requirement of improving the quality of inputs and outputs by maintaining the capital volume at the same level. This cost-effective manufacturing refers to the requirement of an in-depth evaluation of the current process standardizing the overall operations through adopting new technologies and strategies. On the other hand, as the current business world is rapidly transforming with a new capacity of market scopes and challenges in the competitive business environment, the effective evaluation of standardizing processes signifies the importance of new adoptions in the quality chain of the business organizations (Khorasani et al., 2021). Dai Nippon Printing in the UK site is also focusing on assessing these external business environments to create a higher degree of positioning through incorporating lean management in the case of supply chain and manufacturing processing. According to Misumi, (2021), the current extensive globalization signifies the essential technological incorporation related to digital technologies and highly efficient information technology to create a global supply chain. However, this factor significantly impacts the manufacturing process and standardization by adopting effective approaches through supply chain management and quality control strategies. On the other hand, factors like lack of organizational commitment and resistance of the workforce are playing a crucial role in this transforming era of business. Addressing these factors is essential to enhance the strategic developments to enhance the overall performance of the manufacturing processes. 

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1.3 Aim and objective

This study aims to evaluate the different impacts of Quality Control as an effective tool to create better standardization in the manufacturing process.


  • To investigate different aspects of Quality Control in manufacturing standardization in the printing industry.
  • To examine the key significance of cost reduction and survival in economic downturns with sustainable business operations in an extended market.
  • To create strategic recommendations for effective standardization through quality control and management.

1.4 Research questions

  • What are the different aspects of Quality Control in manufacturing standardization in the printing industry?
  • What are the key significance of cost reduction and survival in economic downturns with sustainable business operations in an extended market?
  • What are strategic recommendations for effective standardization through quality control and management?

1.5 Rationale

The research focuses on Total Quality Management (TQM) for developing in-depth knowledge of the standardization process in the manufacturing of the printing industry. The selected organization along with other case studies signifies a higher degree of knowledge development on contemporary manufacturing practices. On the other hand, as this research focuses on primary research by incorporating qualitative and quantitative data analysis through the interview and survey of the employees of the selected company, this study ensures a high er degree of tactical knowledge of the research problems. However, the effective evaluation of the standardization process along with quality control signifies an in-depth assessment of manufacturing processes (Mizuno, 2020). Evaluation of the consistent approaches in strategic implementations in the sector has the potential to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the manufacturing processes to create value in the competitive market. 

1.6 Scope of the study

The scope of the study signifies the effective development of knowledge and understanding of quality control and management in the manufacturing process focusing on standardization. The incorporation of an effective evaluation process ensures a higher degree of adoption of new tools and techniques along with human resources. The scope of the study also signifies the importance of the incorporation of new technologies to create an effective value chain in the contemporary manufacturing industry. The definition of new strategies by identifying the progression in the new manufacturing process and quality management is essential in this transforming phase of technological advancements. However, the analytical approach in this research signifies the essential development of contemporary organizational approaches to standardization and manufacturing processes.

1.7 Summary

The research background signifies the extensive focus on the current changes in the manufacturing process and quality management along with the standardization process. The knowledge development on manufacturing in the printing industry by selecting the organization in the UK refers to an in-depth analysis of the market organizational developments. On the other hand, this factor effectively focuses the quality control and management to emphasize the standardization process by adopting new technological advancements However, the data incorporation on the research problems shows an in-depth analysis of the scenario to enhance knowledge on the manufacturing and standardization processes. 

1.8 Research structure

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Figure 1: Dissertation structure

(Source: Developed by the author)

Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1 Introduction

The incorporation of a wide range of secondary sources on quality control and manufacturing has the potential to create in-depth knowledge on manufacturing standardization. Evaluating the recent studies on the research problems ensures the incorporation of a vast range of perspectives on the research subject. However, effective evaluation of the standardization process by emphasizing the quality management of manufacturing aspects of the printing industry is focused on in this literature review. Focusing on different quality management theoretical management has the potential to create in-depth knowledge on manufacturing standardization. On the other hand, the effective evaluation through these secondary resources can enhance the overall organization developments related to manufacturing processes and new adoptions by addressing the challenges and new scopes through technological advancements.

2.2 Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management (TQM) signifies the overall continual process of detection and elimination of ineffective processes and errors in manufacturing by focusing on the integrated approach in the entire system. For instance, considering the issues with supply chain management and improvement of the customer experience and their impacts on the manufacturing process is a significant part of TQM (Ching et al., 2018). The quality management approach in the printing business sector refers to the in-depth assessment of the material procurement and the processes along with the current changes in demand of the customers with a wider perspective of the market. On the other hand, the systematic approaches of TQM ensure a higher degree of efficiency in the production process which can ensure efficient streamlining of the supply chain management with the global operations of the companies like Nippon Dai Printing. Kamath, & Rodrigues, (2020), argue the by emphasizing the current changes in consumer behavior, and market demand, TQM significantly focuses on the local integration of the suppliers of raw materials in the UK and effective evaluation of the processes of improvement in manufacturing. Apart from that, the effective development of TQM signifies the involvement of different third parties in an industry to create an accountable production process that can create value in the changing market.

2.3 Theoretical model Relationship to standardization

Quality Control in Manufacturing

processes2: Interrelationships and purpose of standards in manufacturing

(Source: Makwana & Patange, 2022)

The purpose of standardization signifies the multidimensional benefits in overall business management from the perspective of manufacturing. Focusing the quality, safety, and organizational standards, manufacturing units need to create compliance organizational standards for ethical and procedural improvements. According to Makwana & Patange, (2022), as the framework of standardization shows the important structural representation through these standards as a base and then standard specifications and standard procedures as the pillars, internal definitions of manufacturing management help the organizations to enhance overall value through these processes. On the other hand, the standardized work and operator instruction signify the top or outer-level standardization of procedures in manufacturing which ensures a higher degree of operational efficiency and accuracy.

As the interrelationship among the different standards in the manufacturing process signifies the importance of fundamental developments in technical aspects, factors like standardized work and operational instructions play a vital role in an integrated manner. On the other hand, this integration also influences the sustainability of the manufacturing units as well as the new operational developments with the help of new technologies (Kamble, Gunasekaran, & Sharma, 2018). However, the safety and environmental standards are getting influenced by the new operational developments by implementing new technological advancements. However, this factor significantly impacts the overall changes and continuous improvement in the manufacturing industry. However, depending on the standardized approaches, the detailed work methods and quality checking in this phase refer to the effective evaluation of the whole manufacturing project with compliance. Compared to that, factors like waste management or continuous process improvement play a crucial role to enhance the overall accountability of the manufacturing process in an industry (Lyons, Um, & Sharifi, 2020). Moreover, the industry-specific measures in all the stages of manufacturing degree of credibility and compliance in the manufacturing process. Assessment of the customer requirements or incorporation of new advanced technologies also needs to be evaluated through the quality or safety standards to enhance the overall capacity of the manufacturing.

7 QC Tools

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Figure 3: 7 Quality Tools for Manufacturing

(Source: Psarommatis & May 2022)

7 QC Tools are the most utilized approaches in manufacturing which ensure industry-specific solutions for developing and maintaining quality in manufacturing processes. These tools significantly focus on different industry-specific parameters and KPIs to detect any fault in the manufacturing process. Psarommatis & May, (2022), suggest that the logical approaches of detention in the tools like Fishbone Diagram or Control Chart signifies the cause and effect approach to understanding the gaps in the manufacturing process Emphasizing the man, machine, material, and method, these analytical approaches significantly help the manufacturing organizations to address the problem and its effects. On the other hand, the statistical approach of evaluating the population of process-related data in a Scatter Diagram or Stratification refers to the in-depth evaluation of the defects through the creation of correlation. However, the incorporation of 7 QC tools ensures a wide range of cover in detecting process gaps and identifying the impacts of faults he manufacturing caused by a diverse range of factors. Defining preventive measures by addressing the issues through these analytical tools is the most crucial factor in quality control in the manufacturing process (Doulgkeroglou et al., 2020). Apart from that, the effective evaluation of the systematic process of detection has the potential to enhance the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process.

Recent changes in the 7 QC Tools through technological advancements show the incorporation of algorithm and automation which dictates the improvement in detection and solution in the manufacturing process. Apart from that, tools like Fishbone Diagram have shown significant potential in the standardization process by effectively incorporating automation and IoT technologies on a large scale. According to Haseeb et al., (2019), as the detection and finding of solutions require a continuous development and monitoring process, 7 QC Tools are gaining significant importance through technological incorporations. For instance, the cent incorporation of AI is redefining the Stratification approaches in manufacturing process management by incorporating a large and diverse range of daily data in the manufacturing unit (Kohtamäki et al., 2020). On the other hand, the incorporation of new and efficient data management approaches has the potential to influence process control standardization positively.

Structure of Industrial Standardisation

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Figure 4: The structural approach of industrial standardization

(Source: Foucart & Li, 2021)

The structure of industrial standardization refers to the solution process for certain key components of a specific industry. Foucart & Li, (2021), suggest that by constructing a network of product element standards and non-product standards, the manufacturing organization significantly incorporates the technological advantages to create effective standardization of the manufacturing process. On the other hand, emphasizing the interface standards, system-level standardization product-level standardization signifies the collaborative efforts in the industry by incorporating different partners. On the other hand, depending on the industries, the development of infrastructure through controllers and hardware allows the companies to emphasize the plex measure-intensive to take advantage of the industry-specific procedures. For instance, the printing industry focuses on automation. AI for precise utilization of the materials collected from the suppliers through the global supply chain (Thomson, 2022). Apart the development of effective standards signifies the dependency on the transitions between the generations of semiconductors processing technologies for service efficiency. standardization needs systematic improvement supported by advanced technologies and communication systems to develop an effective ecosystem of processing. Standardization in different levels allows the manufacturing companies to evaluate the real issues and segregate them from the perceptual level of identification of the issues through process management. For example, product element standardization essentially provides the manufacturing units to emphasize the quality and performance of the product rather than the physical appearance of the standardized products (Park, Woo, & Choi, 2020).

However, infra-technologies are significantly reshaping the standardization process by creating effective interconnections among different systems and proud product revelations. This factor essentially allows the manufacturing units to identify the root causes of faults and creates filters to resist the inefficiency in the manufacturing process. Apart from that, Büchi, Cugno, & Castagnoli, (2020), suggest that the incorporation of IoT and automation is playing a vital role in manufacturing organizations creating a highly efficient ecosystem of standardized manufacturing units. Production engineering focuses on the effective incorporation of the communication system that can impact the different standardization levels on a large scale through the interface standards. This factor essentially shows an effective impact on the costs of the overall manufacturing and continuous development of the quality control and management system. However, the focus on the technologies related to interface and communication in the manufacturing industry is gaining potential due to the large-scale implementation of innovations for standardization in the manufacturing industry. On the other hand, the structural model of industrial standardization also focuses on the different primary, secondary, and tertiary industries and the development of the ecosystem of manufacturing in a standardized manner. Leng et al., (2020), argue that this approach essentially influences the production rate and capacity by creating effective control concerning the market demand and consumption. However, the infra-technologies focusing on effective communication systems allow manufacturing units to provide industry-based solutions during economic downturns ie manufacturing, and standardizations. Redefining the quality control approaches through standardization has the potential to enhance production capacity efficiently.

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2.4 Manufacturing standardization in the printing industry focusing on cost reduction and sustainability

The standardization process in the printing industry signifies the collaborative development of different processes and printing conditions. Areas like a higher degree of control in packaging printing through special play a crucial role for business several approaches like ISO process and design play vital roles in the industry to create systematic production in the organization according to Wu et al., (2022), UK market shows a significant development of effective valuation of the environment due to fluctuations in temperature and humidity which needs a standardized approach to manufacturing and processing. However, developing technical measures like timing and the amount of materials like ink is essentially important for the manufacturing units in the industry. Standardized approaches like the usage of ASCII characterize another factor of the printing industry that signifies the universal development of printing for different products or packages (Sotorrío Ortega et al., 2020). Apart from that, the effective assessment for the elimination of traditional and ineffective manufacturing approaches is gaining momentum due to the effective cost reduction aspects in the current challenging organizational management of manufacturing to enhance the overall quality and efficiency of the manufacturing processes. Moreover, Davies et al., (2021), suggest that the current development in advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) or data analytics shows the requirement for new hardware and computing systems like neural engines and natural language processing (NLP). These technologies are being incorporated to create a standardized approach in the production process to create a higher degree of quality processing. 

The printing industry is evolving through the innovations and continuous incorporation of advanced technological infrastructure. digitization process is creating significant transformation by creating new scopes of production and impact in the market. The manufacturing capacity is also expanding through technologies like 3D Printing the and incorporation of AI. Effective data incorporation and management is also playing a vital role in the printing industry which signifies the effective development of automation and operational efficiency (Park, Woo, & Choi, 2020). Apart from that, the quality management standardization based on the new process development shows the new approaches of production engineering focusing on cost-effective manufacturing which can create value in the market. Apart from that, the value chain analysis in the printing industry shows the effective evaluation of new demand in the market through a vast range of data and design of the manufacturing process and standardization approaches. Qi et al., (2019), suggest that technologies like natural language proceeding (NLP) are influencing conciliating processing in a highly efficient manner which is a theory of manufacturing in the printing industry. Focusing on the effective assessment of operational efficiency, and minimizing’s costs is a significant factor in implementing these advanced technologies. Additive manufacturing is gaining potential in recent times by influencing the overall manufacturing prices in the printing industry. Apart from that, according to Gleadall et al., (2018), technological advancements in neural networks through machine learning technologies are influencing the printing industry on a large scale. These technologies are redefining manufacturing by developing new standardization approaches on a large scale. The effective evaluation process of the industry also shows significant development of new demands through digitalization in an extensive manner.

2.5 Literature gap

The literature review focused on contemporary studies on the standardization of manufacturing through effective quality control and management approaches. However, this review lacks in incorporating a diverse range of objective and statistical data on the research problems. On the other hand, the incorporation of the literature also focused on the UK-based approach whereas a global perspective could enhance more knowledge development on the standardization of manufacturing.

2.6 Conceptual framework

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Figure 5: Conceptual framework

(Source: Developed by the author)

Chapter 3: Methodology of the research

3.1 Introduction

Research methodology signifies the technical approaches for the research work focusing on the methods and procedures of data collection and analysis. The selection of the research methods and procedures refers to the appropriate adoption of effective approaches toward data incorporation and evaluation based on the research problems and objectives. However, the incorporation of effective methodological approaches in this research work ensures a higher degree of credibility and accuracy in the analytical outcome of the research (Butler et al., 2022). As this research deals with the current scenario of standardization and quality control in the manufacturing process in the printing industry, the evaluation of the primary data from the employees of the selected company is the focus of this study.

3.2 Research onion

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Figure 6: Research onion

(Source: Melnikovas, 2018)

Research onion refers to the systematic approach of the adoption of technical approaches in a step-by-step manner. Implementation of the different approaches towards knowledge and pragmatic aspects of the overall analytical process is defined by the structural representation of the research onion. However, according to Melnikovas, (2018), the external layers of the onion represent the implementation of an overall perspective on knowledge through research philosophy and research approach along with research design in the next inner layer. On the other hand, research strategy is represented in the middle layer which signifies s step-by-step by step approach to the adoption of methods and selection of data sources. However, data collection shows the core layers the of research onion as the most fundamental of research work.

3.3 Philosophy of research and its justification

Research philosophy refers to the overall perspective development through analyzing the knowledge associated with the research. Positivism, realism, and interpretivism are the most commonly implemented research philosophies in contemporary studies. This research incorporated interpretivism research philosophy to analyze the impacts of quality control on manufacturing standardization in the printing industry. Interpretivism research philosophy has the potential to enhance overall understanding by pragmatically incorporating evidential data. Unlike realism or positive research philosophy, interpretivism research philosophy helped the researcher to focus on the subjective opinions of the participants of the primary research (Moon et al., 2019). However, this research philosophy has a limitation of action of human bias of the researcher during the interpretation of the evidential data. The human bias was eliminated through conscious decision-making by the researcher by focusing on the reasoning-based approach of data evaluation. On the other hand, interpretivism research philosophy helped the researcher to explore different perspectives of the participants to create in-depth knowledge on contemporary manufacturing practices in the printing industry.

3.4 Research approach and justification

The research approach essentially provides direction to the analytical approach by defining the overall framework of data analysis. Inductive and deductive are the most popular research approaches in the contemporary academic environment where the inductive research approach signifies the development of new knowledge and ideas through the analytical outcome. Compared to that, the deductive research approach refers to the identification of the pattern or phenomenon from the already existing concept or knowledge. However, the research incorporated an inductive research approach in this study’s in-depth knowledge of TQM in manufacturing by evaluating a wide range of primary data. Focusing on first-hand hand experiences and knowledge of the participants, an inductive research approach has the potential to incorporate a broader perspective through data evaluation (Azungah, 2018). On the other hand, this approach is significantly effective for creating a new understanding of the subjective and objective opinions of the respondents of the primary research.

3.5 Research design and justification

Research design allows the researcher to create an understanding of the core issues of data evaluation by defining the scope of knowledge. Exploratory, explanatory, and descriptive research designs signify the most implemented research designs in the current academic scenario. This research incorporated an exploratory research design to evaluate the different opinions and information of the participants through the interview and survey. According to Liaquat et al., (2020), the exploratory research design has the potential to emphasize different specific perspectives of collected data to explore a diverse range of knowledge to create effective understanding. As this research focused on the contemporary issues and developments of quality control and management to influence the standardization of manufacturing in the printing industry, exploratory research design effectively made the researcher understand the quality of manufacturing more effectively. The exploratory research design has the potential to investigate through a diverse range of subjective and objective information to create an effective insight into the research subject. This factor is essentially effective for evaluating current issues and research problems for identifying potential improvements.

3.6 Data collection and sampling method

According to Lamm & Lamm, (2019), data collection and sampling is one of the core approaches in research work which signifies the accuracy and credibility of the research outcome by selecting appropriate data for achieving the research objectives. The primary data collection through interviewing and surveying the employees of Dai Nippon Printing was incorporated in this research work. Focusing on the subjective and objective approaches towards data incorporation, the interview incorporated 6 managers for the interview and 50 employees for the survey. The sampling method signified purposive sampling method which signifies a non-probability approach to the n selection of the participants. The strategically developed questionnaire for the interview and survey along with the transcript method for recording the answers of the interview participants was incorporated into this creating a higher degree of accuracy in data analysis. The data collection process through strategically structuring the questionnaires for the interview and survey showed a higher degree of accuracy in data evaluation in the contemporary standardization in manufacturing. On the other hand, focusing on the personal experiences of the respondents was a crucial factor in this data collection approach which enhanced the authenticity of the overall research outcome.

3.7 Data analysis

Data analysis of this research signifies the mixed approach toward primary research by incorporating both qualitative and quantitative analysis through the interview and survey of the participants. Sechelski & Onwuegbuzie, (2019), suggest that this approach has the potential to create in-depth knowledge through the personal experiences and knowledge of the respondents which can lead to the development of a higher degree of understanding of the research problems. On the other hand, the researcher effectively implemented the reasoning-based scientific approach to the analytical method to enhance the understanding of the research subject by logically interpreting the collected data. Analyzing the interpretations was focused on the data analysis approach of this research which allowed the researcher to create an in-depth knowledge of current quality control and management for developing standardization in the manufacturing process of the printing industry. However, the critical evaluation of the primary data collected from the respondents who were working in the printing industry has the potential to produce effective knowledge on standardization by incorporating subjective and objective responses. The evaluation process ensures a higher degree of credibility through the reasoning-based approaches of critical evaluation of individual knowledge by interlinking with the contemporary practices in the manufacturing aspects of the printing industry.

3.8 Ethical considerations

Ethical considerations are the most crucial factors in contemporary research practices which signifies a higher degree of fair research environment through maintaining moral development is research incorporates primary research focused on interviews and surveys of the employees from the selected business organization. However, the researcher ensures a higher degree of accountability and academic integrity by maintaining the confidentiality of the information and collecting consent from the participants. On the other hand, according to Hasan et al., (2021), treating the participants with respect and privacy was another significant factor in the data collection process through the interview and survey incorporation of academic codes and conduct for data collection, permission, management, and data storage are crucial factors in the current research environment. The ethical considerations in this research are an overall environment of fair practices of data management without any commercial gain. Focusing on accountability researcher effectively emphasized the individuality and personal dignity of the participants in the primary research. However, these approaches signify a higher degree of accountability of the researcher along with effective research outcomes ensuring the ethnicity and credibility of the overall research process.

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3.9 Timeline


Tasks for completing the research

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

5th week


7th week

8th week

Title selection and background research with planning









Literature review









Research Methodology









Collection of data, analysis, and discussion of findings









Conclusion, recommendation, and future scope


















Table 2.1: Gantt chart

(Source: Developed by the researcher)

Chapter 4: Results and findings

4.1 Quantitative data analysis by survey

  1. What is your age?

Age group

Participant frequency

Total Participants

Percentage of the participants

















Table 1: Age division of the participants

(Source: Developed by the author)

The age distribution among the selected sample is essential for the survey as it provides the knowledge on demographic data of the participants. This age distribution signifies the homogeneity among the workforce of the selected company in this study. On the other hand, for developing an effective understanding of the research problems through the opinions of the respondents, data on age groups allows the researcher to enhance knowledge in quantitative analysis (Gupta, 2022). 

  1. What is your gender?


Participant frequency

Total Participants

Percentage of the participants













Table 2: Gender distribution among the participants

(Source: Developed by the author)

The information on gender provides demographic knowledge on the participants which is essential for the study. The gender distribution of the sampling reflects the gender distribution of the workforce of the selected printing business organization. Apart from that, according to Schuetzler et al., 2018), this approach has the potential to understand the opinions of the respondents with better insight into the collected information.

  1. How many years have you been working in the organization?


Participant Frequency  

Total no. of participants

Percentage of respondents 

1-3 years




3-7 years








More than 10 years




Table 3: Work experiences of the participants in the selected organization

(Source: Developed by the author)

The information on the work experience of the respondents is essentially important to create an in-depth understanding of the research problem. The tenure of working experience in the selected organization signifies the validity of the opinions and perspectives which can contribute to the data analytical process in qualitative data analysis (Ayalew, & Zeleke, 2018). The evaluation of work experience shows the essential knowledge and understanding of the organization’s access which can contribute to the analytical approach of manufacturing and standardization in the printing industry.

  1. How much do you agree with the fact that quality control is an effective tool in the standardization of product manufacturing?


No. of respondents 

Total no. of participants

% of respondents 

Strongly Agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 4: Agreeability of the respondents regarding the fact that quality control is effective in the standardization of product manufacturing

(Source: Developed by the author)

Most of the respondents in the survey signified the importance of quality control and management as an effective tool for developing standardization in product manufacturing in the printing industry. More than 50% of the participants emphasized the incorporation of quality control processes to enhance the effectiveness of standardization in manufacturing. Pei & Seidel, (2022), suggest that the current scenario of new approaches in manufacturing shows the importance of effective quality control to enhance production quality through standardizing processes and materials effectively. On the other hand, 22% of the respondents disagreed with the impact of quality control on developing standardization in manufacturing. However, the importance of quality control in manufacturing shows the effectiveness of a systematic approach in the manufacturing standardization process in the printing industry.

  1. How much do you agree with the fact that recent Total Quality Management (TQM) is changing rapidly?


No. of respondents 

Total no. of participants

% of respondents 

Strongly Agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 5: Agreeability of the respondents the recent Total Quality Management (TQM) is changing rapidly

(Source: Developed by the author)

30% of the respondents agreed with the significance of TQM in developing standardization and 24% strongly agreed with the fact. However, 8% of the participants did not provide an effective opinion and stayed neutral on this concern. As TQM focuses on holistic approaches to the improvement of manufacturing and business management, the systematic approach through TQM can enhance the standardization process effectively (Teece, 2018). As the changing printing industry shows effective systematic development through TQM, the respondents effectively focused on continuous development through different systematic approaches of TQM. On the other hand, the current scenario in the printing industry shows significant strategic incorporations through TQM that can positively influence the manufacturing process. However, 8% of respondents in this survey showed no specific view on TQM and provided neutral responses through the questionnaire.

  1. How much do you believe that advanced technologies are playing a vital role in changing the quality control approaches emphasizing significant cost reduction in your company?


No. of respondents 

Total no. of participants

% of respondents 

Strongly believe












Do not believe  




Strongly disbelieve




Table 6: Percentage of the respondents who believe that advanced technologies are playing a vital role in changing the quality control approaches in your company

(Source: Developed by the author)

The survey signifies that more than 65% of the respondents believe that advanced technologies are impacting the quality control process in manufacturing. Compared to that, around 30% of the participants do not believe in the fact and focus on skills development to enhance the quality of manufacturing. However, the current technology landscape signifies enormous development in manufacturing quality management with a reduction of cost in the overall manufacturing processes through strategic implementations of innovations (Nazarenko et al., 2021). These technologies are crucially creating a scope of continuous improvement in the manufacturing process. However, around 30% of the participants in this survey disagree with the importance of advanced technologies in changing quality control approaches in manufacturing. Apart from that, 4% of the respondents provided no specific view on this aspect.

  1. How much do you believe that strategic implementations of the standardization process are required for continuous improvement in the manufacturing and printing industry?


No. of respondents 

Total no. of participants

% of respondents 

Strongly believe












Do not believe  




Strongly disbelieve




Table 7: Percentage of the respondents who believe that strategic implementations of the standardization process are required for continuous improvement in the manufacturing and printing industry

(Source: Developed by the author)

According to Chen et al., (2022), the printing industry is going through a transformational phase by incorporating effective technologies like 3D printing or additive manufacturing. The survey responses ensure a focus on the requirement of a continuous development process through strategic implementations. However, most of the respondents believe that continuous improvement has the potential to enhance the effective development of standardization in product manufacturing. Compared to that, a significant percentage of the respondents do not believe in the role of continuous improvement in the case of the standardization process in the printing industry. Around 44% of the respondents disagreed with the requirement of continuous improvement through the strategic implementation n of standardization.

  1. How much do you agree with the fact that re-evaluation in 7QC tools is required in your organization?


No. of respondents 

Total no. of participants

% of respondents 

Strongly Agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 8: Percentage of the respondents who agree with the fact that re-evaluation in 7QC tools is required in your organization

(Source: Developed by the author)

Most of the participants focus on the importance of re-evaluation of the manufacturing process and standardization in the printing industry. 36% of the respondents agreed with the importance of re-evaluation of the 7 QC tools in the organization and 22% of the respondents strongly supported that. On the other hand, 20% of the respondents did not agree with the fact that re-evaluation of the current 7 QC tools is required. However, 6% of the participants had no strong idea of the fact and provided a neutral view on this matter. Apart from that, re-evaluation of manufacturing and quality management in the context of the recent economic downturn due to the pandemic essentially creates a positive response in manufacturing by incorporating effective and new technological models of processing (Whitford et al., 2020). As the printing industry and manufacturing practices are changing rapidly, most of the respondents focused on the importance of re-evaluating the 7QC tools to create a more efficient manufacturing process in the industry.

  1. How much do you agree with the fact that new technological models can improve the process standardization approaches and create a higher degree of sustainability in economic downturns in the printing industry?


No. of respondents 

Total no. of participants

% of respondents 

Strongly Agree
















Strongly disagree




Table 9: Percentage of agreeability on the fact that new technological models can improve the process standardization approaches in the printing industry

(Source: Developed by the author)

The printing industry is evolving through the adoption of new technologies and aspects of manufacturing which can create effective integration to sustain the business in challenging scenarios by addressing the scopes of development in the standardization process (Temesvári, Maros, & Kádár, 2019). Around 50% of the participants agreed with the fact that technology is influencing the process standardization process in the industry. On the other hand, 42% of the respondents do not agree with the fact and emphasize the new skills to improve the manufacturing process and productivity. However, around 50% of the participants of the survey reemphasized the requirement for new technological frameworks to create improvement in the standardization process in the manufacturing units.

  1. How much do you believe that globalized approaches are impacting quality control and manufacturing standardization of products?


No. of respondents 

Total no. of participants

% of respondents 

Strongly believe












Do not believe  




Strongly disbelieve




Table 10: Percentage of the respondents who believe that globalized approaches are impacting quality control and manufacturing standardization of products

(Source: Developed by the author)

More than 40% of the respondents in the survey believe that globalization is playing a vital role in the development of new manufacturing standardization in the printing industry. On the other hand, 46% of the respondents do not believe in the impacts of globalization standardization of product manufacturing. However, the current scenario of extensive globalization is significantly creating diversity through the technological models being implemented in different manufacturing organizations globally which can help the organizations perform effectively in economic downturns (Fuchs & Eaton, 2022). On the other hand, 10% of the participants had no idea about globalization and its impact on quality control and manufacturing standardization of the products.

4.2 Qualitative data analysis by interview

Q1: How does the Total Quality Management (TQM) is impacting on product manufacturing standardization in your company?

Manager 1: “TQM focuses on the holistic improvement of the business processing which significantly helps to create consistent development in manufacturing standardization.”

Manager 2: “In my point of view, TQM has the potential to define the processes through creating integration in the overall system and this factor is essential for effective standardization.”

Manager 3: “The current adoption in TQM is signifying the essential evaluation of the standardization process by focusing on new technologies and innovations in manufacturing in the printing industry.”

Manager 4: “The current organizational practices are emphasizing holistic development through TQM to improve the standardization through incorporating effective strategies and technologies.”

Manager 5: “New approaches in quality control and management through TQM ensures a higher degree of integration that can positively impact the standardization.”

Manager 6: “Continuous improvement of standardization through the modifications in quality management shows potential development through systematic approaches which influence the overall manufacturing process.”

Critical analysis: The managers focus on the systematic approach to TQM in developing effective standardization approaches in product manufacturing. As the work experience of the managers signifies the incorporation of technological advantages, most of the managers emphasize advanced technological incorporations through TQM. However, the current scenario in the printing industry shows the requirement for the incorporation of technological innovations in TQM to enhance the overall performance of manufacturing through standardization (Alofi & Younes, 2019). Emphasizing reliability and accuracy along with operational efficiency, the changes in TQM ensure systematic improvement in the standardization process. Compared to that, consumer behavior intentions of buying are also changing rapidly which also impacts the standardization process of product manufacturing through TQM now (Kohtamäki et al., 2020). This factor significantly dictates the new strategies to adopt by emphasizing the technological innovations and consumption patterns in the global market. However, the enormous level of digitalization is also impacting the TQM and product standardization which is important in temporary production engineering.

Q2: How are the recent technological advancements influencing the manufacturing process standardization to create sustainability in the lending market situations?

Manager 1: “I think technologies are evolving in a way that is impacting not only the products but also the standardization of manufacturing for better performance.”

Manager 2: “Digital technologies and automation has created modifications in TQM which is influencing the manufacturing process.”

Manager 3: “As the current technology landscape shows rapid changes in process improvement and continuous developments, advanced technologies are impacting new manufacturing standardization which allows the companies to operate cost-effectively during the economic crisis.”

Manager 4: “Influencing the manufacturing process, I think technologies like IoT and automation have the potential to create new standardization approaches through continuous improvements.”

Manager 5: “The changes in technological advancements and incorporation of innovations in digital technologies are significantly creating new manufacturing approaches in the printing industry.”

Manager 6: “Manufacturing and standardizations are crucially influencing the overall product development and low-cost production based on available technologies and effective implementation of innovations.”

Critical analysis: Focusing on the recent technological advancements, the managers significantly emphasize the different automaton and digital technologies in the case of product manufacturing. On the other hand, according to the managers, the incorporation of technological innovations in new approaches to manufacturing. Apart from that, according to Jiménez-Jiménez, Martínez-Costa, & Para-Gonzalez, (2019), the incorporation of technological advantages like IoT or AI has created new approaches to enhancing operational efficiency and creating new standardization approaches which positively impact cost management in manufacturing. Most teenagers believe that these technological incorporations have the potential to influence the overall process development positively. Apart from that, technologies like additive manufacturing and 3D printing are reshaping the printing industry by incorporating new value chains and production designs. On the other hand, according to Rossini et al., (2019), machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) in the digitalized technological infrastructure is playing a crucial role in creating new and innovative approaches in the manufacturing industry. However, these technologies are supporting manufacturers in developing innovative technological frameworks and efficient models of mass production.

Q3: How do you conceptualize the continuous development of standardization of product manufacturing through effective quality control and management?

Manager 1: “In my point of view the continuous development process requires an extensive evaluation of the scopes of improvement in product manufacturing processes.”

Manager 2: “The incorporation of continuous improvement of standardization of product manufacturing signifies new incorporations in quality control and management.”

Manager 3: “In my organization, improvements in 7QC tools are an essential process to enhance the performance of the overall manufacturing process.”

Manager 4: “I believe that rapid changes in the technology landscape globalization of business are significantly impacting on standardization of product production through incorporating continuous development.”

Manager 5: “The effective evaluation in the printing industry shows the requirement of new quality control and manufacturing approaches to create value through a continuous process of improvement which can benefit the organization during economic downturns.”

Manager 6: “I think the current approaches through digital technology have created significant changes in product manufacturing through implementing these technologies in a consistent manner of development.”

Critical analysis: The evaluation of the opinions by the managers shows that the current manufacturing scenario of the printing industry is evolving systematically and consistently. Most of the managers emphasized the incorporation of TQM through continuous development to enhance the quality of the manufacturing processes. The continuous development in quality control and management can significantly impact the standardization process by effectively incorporating technological innovations (Thomson, 2022). However, these approaches need to be evaluated through systematic assessment and strategic implementations. The current incorporation of advanced technologies has created enormous scopes of innovative technological frameworks in manufacturing in the printing industry which is influencing the sector significantly. Büchi, Cugno, & Castagnoli, (2020), suggest that new developments through digitalization play a vital role in creating value generation through product and process standardization effectively. On the other hand, these technological incorporations have the potential to create sustainable growth in the printing industry by innovating the production model on a large scale.

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Chapter 5: Discussions

The primary research through quantitative and qualitative data analysis signifies the importance of contemporary technology incorporation and evaluation of the new manufacturing approaches. According to Szalavetz, (2019), the effective evaluation of the contemporary manufacturing processes in the printing industry was focused on the opinions and perspectives of the respondents of the survey and interview. However, the survey shows that most of the employees of the selected printing organization focus on the incorporation of continuous development through the systematic approaches of TQM. On the other hand, the re-evaluation of quality control and management shows an in-depth analysis of the current changes and incorporates them into the manufacturing process. A significantly less number of respondents disagreed with the impacts of advanced technologies in the manufacturing of the printing industry. The quantitative data analysis through the survey responses ensures a higher degree of development of knowledge and understanding by evaluating their perspectives through their work experiences in the selected printing business organization. However, this factor ensures the authenticity and credibility of the research development by identifying the practical concerns of quality control and standardization. As the survey was focused on the current changes in the manufacturing sector, the respondents effectively conveyed their knowledge and perspectives on the recent changes and technological advancements. As the questionnaire of the survey strategically focused on the different perspectives on the current issues and practices in the printing industry related to manufacturing, the objective data from the respondents shows significant potential in investigating the current developments. On the other hand, by identifying the challenges and effective cost assessment approaches through innovations and technological frameworks, manufacturing organizations in the industry is creating a robust business model that can survive in economic downturns. Identification of these aspects like technological incorporations and process innovation in a systematic manner was focused on in this study. Apart from that, aligning the printing industry with a continuous digitalization process also laying a vital role according to the respondents. The individual opinions on continuous improvement in manufacturing show the requirement for systematic development of the standardization process.

However, a significantly lower number of respondents in the survey focused on the importance of continuous development and technological innovations in manufacturing processing. This factor shows the effective focus on skills development to enhance the operational efficiency in manufacturing in the printing industry. However,  Rohde et al., (2019), argue that as the current organizational business development is changing, the TQM approaches are also gaining potential by incorporating effective strategies and technological advancement. This factor has significance in creating value through effective quality control processes by re-evaluating the 7 QC tools. Apart from that, most of the survey respondents effectively focused on the re-evaluation of the strategic incorporations of innovations in the quality control approaches. This factor reflects the incorporation of new and cost-effective approaches in product manufacturing and material management. The development of effective technological innovations in engineering is gaining momentum by incorporating effective standardization and manufacturing approaches. Apart from that, modern production engineering is evolving through adapting innovations like automation and IoT to enhance the overall efficiency in the manufacturing process of different products (Psarommatis & May 2022). The respondents of the survey effectively signify this factor by focusing on the need of incorporating continuous development and holistic improvement through the TQM.

The qualitative data analysis through the interview of the managers of the selected printing company signifies a diverse range of subjective opinions on standardization and quality control in manufacturing. The participants of the interview significantly emphasized the changing scenario of manufacturing development by incorporating different strategic and technological frameworks. On the other hand, focusing on the Industry 4.0 aspects, the managers of the organization effectively evaluated the importance of advanced digital technologies and automation in the case of product manufacturing (Leksic, Stefanic, & Veza, 2020). The qualitative data through the subjective perspectives of the respondents shows the significant change in management in the printing sector focusing on the new approaches in manufacturing. These factors are significantly influencing the modern manufacturing process in the printing industry by adopting innovations and manufacturing procedures. According to Doulgkeroglou et al., (2020), this factor signifies that the printing industry is developing effective and new standardization approaches to create value in a competitive market. Apart from that, the effective evaluation of the interview questionnaire shows the identification of the inclination toward Industry 4.0 to re-evaluate the standardization process in manufacturing by focusing on low-cost manufacturing approaches like implementing 3D printing. However, the effective evaluation of the opinions of the respondents shows the in-depth evaluation of their job rules and insights through working experience which can contribute to the strategic developments in manufacturing. Kremer, (2018), argues that the extensive focus on digital technologies and communication systems is influencing the standardization process along with the re-evaluation of the different quality control tools in product manufacturing. Production engineering is evolving through these technical approaches along with changes in the organizational process through adopting changes in TQM. However, the interview data reflects the current changes and requirements of adopting new strategies and technologies to create value through the standardization process.

Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations

6.1 Conclusion

The evaluation through the primary research incorporating quantitative and qualitative data analysis in this research signifies the in-depth analysis of quality control and its impact on standardization in the printing industry. The survey and interview of the employees of the selected printing company Dai Nippon Ltd. refer to the effective data evaluation of the respondents to create an effective understanding and knowledge of the research problems. The respondents significantly focused on the importance of changes through TQM to enhance the effectiveness of the standardization process. However, the research process significantly focused on achieving the research objectives through the primary research by incorporating the participants.

6.2 Linking with the objectives

Objective 1: To investigate different aspects of Quality Control in manufacturing standardization in the printing industry.

The achievement of the first research objective is signified by the in-depth evaluation of the opinions of the respondents through the survey and interview. The structured questionnaire of the survey shows the importance of effective quality control through new adoptions in TQM to create effective standardization in product manufacturing. On the other hand, as the current manufacturing processes are being influenced by advanced technologies, the interview of the managers of the business organization shows significant adoptions of advanced technologies to enhance performance. Apart from that, the effective focus on the systematic development of quality control and management in the manufacturing process signifies a wide range of perspectives on technological innovations and systematic development. However, manufacturing and product development are crucially dependent on the new systematic upgrades of manufacturing and standardization through the effective incorporation of changes. Identifying the current changes in the industry and the global supply chain, effective strategic developments are playing a crucial role in the standardization through consistent change management in TQM. Apart from that, the effective evaluation of the new quality control and management approaches signifies the in-depth analysis of the systematic improvement by addressing the technological advancements.

Objective 2: To examine the key significance of cost reduction and survival in economic downturns with sustainable business operations in an extended market.

This research objective signifies the importance of effective change management in quality control and management in product manufacturing engineering. Focusing on continuous improvement, the participants of the interview effectively emphasized the incorporation of effective innovations and re-evaluation of the 7 QC tools in the printing industry to minimize operational costs. On the other hand, the literature review of the study also focused on the recent studies on changing scenarios of product production by emphasizing the new strategic incorporations of technological innovations. This factor is also supported by the survey responses which signified an in-depth assessment of the requirement of continuous change management process in the quality control approaches. However, the analytical outcome of the primary research shows the impacts of these changes in TQM on the standardization process of product manufacturing in the printing industry which can enhance sustainability by creating effective integration on a global level. The re-evaluation of the technical approaches through advanced technological frameworks is playing a crucial role in the printing industry by addressing the changes and incorporating effective strategic frameworks that can help organizations to survive during the economic crisis. The in-depth evaluation ensures a higher degree of knowledge development in different tools of manufacturing in a more effective manner.

Objective 3: To create strategic recommendations for effective standardization through quality control and management.

The effective evaluation through the quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods effectively helped the researcher to identify the strategic developments for the product production standardization process. By identifying the current challenges and scopes of quality control and management. The respondents essentially focused on the continuous development of the manufacturing process. On the other hand, the interview responses also show the subjective data on the importance of the effective incorporation of technologies and innovations to create value in the overall global supply chain and printing market. The data evaluation signifies the importance of incorporating new strategies like continuous improvement of TQM for developing effective standardization in the manufacturing process. The objective and subjective data evaluation through the survey and interview of the employees in the selected printing company show the development of effective insight into contemporary manufacturing practices. Apart from that, the development of integration through effective data management and re-evaluation of the quality control tools can play a vital role in improving the standardization of product manufacturing in the selected industry. However, identifying the scopes of improvement through advanced technological and strategic frameworks shows the importance of technological innovations in the printing industry to enhance the capacity of production by identifying the changing market dynamics.

6.3 Recommendations

  • Developing integration in the overall manufacturing process through incorporating effective changes in TQM can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the standardization process. Focusing on a holistic approach in the overall development of a new product manufacturing process has the potential to create value in the processing and material selection (Goh, Sing, & Yeong, 2021).
  • Incorporation of technological innovations is another effective approach that signifies continuous development in the manufacturing in the printing industry to create cost reduction and sustainability in challenging market conditions. The current scenario of the industry shows that these technological innovations have the potential to enhance manufacturing and quality control capacities by influencing manufacturing processes and methods cost-effectively.
  • Continuous skills development can incorporate a large range of knowledge on product manufacturing and standardization through the TQM. The effective influence of the TQM ensures a higher degree of integration and technological adoption by expert employees in the business sector. Hashmi, R., & Alam, K. (2019), suggest that aligning the production capacity with the changing technology landscape signifies the importance of skills development of the employees in the printing industry through sustainable development.
  • Effective change management is another crucial approach that can enhance the overall development of the manufacturing process by adopting new strategies and technologies. However, this approach needs to address the challenges like resistance from the employee in the printing industry to adopt the innovations in the standardization process more effectively to perform effectively during an economic crisis (Jimenez-Jimenez, Martínez-Costa, & Rodriguez, 2018).
  • Shifting towards smart manufacturing has the potential to create significant operational efficiency by incorporating effective digital technologies and cloud manufacturing. This approach can enhance the capacity of manufacturing by creating a highly reliable manufacturing system through effective standardization.

6.4 Future scope of the research

This research focuses on the current developments in product manufacturing in the printing industry through primary research. The implementation of a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative data analysis ensures a higher degree of knowledge development through surveying and interviewing the employees of the selected manufacturing organization. However, this factor signifies that a wide range of prospects has been developed on the TQM and standardization in manufacturing which can contribute to future research effectively Apart from that, this research also incorporated a diverse range of literature reviews focusing on the current research outcomes in the research problems. This approach also has the potential to create in-depth knowledge of the modern manufacturing aspects and standardization. As the research focused on advanced technologies and incorporation of innovation in the manufacturing process and standardization, the research outcome of this study has the potential to create value for future research developments.

6.5 Research limitations

This research focuses on manufacturing and quality control to develop insight into standardization in the manufacturing of the printing industry. However, this research emphasizes the UK market by selecting an organization from the region. A focus on global scenarios could enhance more development of insight into modern manufacturing practices. On the other hand, this research was done with limited resources and budgetary constraints which signifies that the incorporation of a secondary data analysis through thematic analysis could create more value in the research outcome. However, the limited resources led the researcher to adopt only primary data analysis where a mix of primary and secondary data analysis could create more value in the research work.

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Appendix 1:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 1: Age division of the participants

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 2:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 2: Gender distribution among the participants

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 3:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 3: Work experiences of the participants in the selected organization

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 4:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 4: Agreeability of the respondents regarding the fact that quality control is an effective tool in the standardization of product manufacturing

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 5:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 5: Agreeability of the respondents the recent Total Quality Management (TQM) is changing rapidly

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 6:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 6: Percentage of the respondents who believe that advanced technologies are playing a vital role in changing the quality control approaches in your company

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 7:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 7: Percentage of the respondents who believe that strategic implementations of the standardization process are required for continuous improvement in the manufacturing and printing industry

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 8:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 8: Percentage of the respondents who agree with the fact that re-evaluation in 7QC tools is required in your organization

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 9:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 9: Percentage of agreeability on the fact that new technological models can improve the process standardization approaches in the printing industry

(Source: Developed by the author)

Appendix 10:

Quality Control in Manufacturing

Graph 10: Percentage of the respondents who believe that globalized approaches are impacting quality control and manufacturing standardization of products

(Source: Developed by the author)