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Measures to Protect Electronic Health Records
Electronic health records (EHR) are a digital form of patient paper charts containing treatment and medical history of patients in a healthcare system or facility. There has been a big challenge in keeping HER data sensitive in a separate location and one form. Most governments in various countries have introduced the HER to keep health records safer for the future and patient’s health history. Even though the EHR has many advantages and is more cost-effective, a lot of security issues have been raised regarding safety control to keep the EHR. According to the research by (Cao et al., 2020) these documents are essential and cannot be underrated.
The use of paper record-keeping in most health care systems around the world has led to a massive challenge, and the introduction or shifting to the HER will vastly improve and bring effectiveness to the health care sectors. However, the security concerns on how to keep electronic health records safe are a big challenge. Safety control measures to protect electronic health records are needed to make the process more effective and integrated, as indicated in the research by Carey et al. (2016). Some of the safety control measures to protect electronic health records have been introduced. In most health care systems in most countries, and this has been working tremendously to keep the patient’s health records safer. These measures include; Privacy features and security of HER systems or access control tools like passwords and encrypting stored information to ensure only authorized health personnel can access the electronic health records (Whetstone & Randeree, 2008).
Modernized and new technology is creeping into the health care systems, and therefore, organizations must be more vigilant when it comes to breaching rules of the health care systems. Organizations such as the American College of Clinical Engineering, Clinical Engineering Information Technology Community, and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society have emerged to monitor and provide security of the EHR (“In Focus: Safeguarding Patient Information in Electronic Health Records,” 2014). Such organizations ensure that health care management is effective. Patient’s records are stored within EHR safely (Bisogni & Asghari, 2020). Safety control measures to protect EHR are vital in harmonizing the health care documents in a more precise and straightforward format than paper records.EHR is also cost effective and therefore highly considered in modern health care sectors. These safety measures ensure that only authorized health personnel are allowed to access the patients’ health records.
Protecting mobile agents for patient data transmitted from one facility makes electronic health information even more available and safe. Saving mobile agents for patient data sent from one facility makes electronic health information even more functional and safe. Another form of cryptography is the use of usernames. They will aid in the prevention of security breaches by incorporating individual privacy into passwords and encouraging users to update their passwords regularly. Another form of cryptography is the use of usernames. The research indicates that (“Portable Digital Personal Health Record: To Bridge the Digital Gap in Medical Information Storage of Individuals with Personal Health Records in Flash Drives,” 2007)Will help significantly in monitoring EHRs privacy.
Although EHR has tremendous improvements and positive change in health care sectors, there have been some drawbacks. Increased maintenance cost and workflow interactions are some of the biggest challenges or disadvantages of the control measures.EHR advantages, however, are many compared to the weaknesses of the control measures, and therefore this cannot be underrated. Faster review of the patient’s health records, reduced labor usage, improved data collection, and improved health care delivery are some of the electronic health advantages. Additionally, more organized work and efficiency is achieved by the use Of electronic health records (Hudspeth & Parr, 2015)
Health workers and medical personnel should be urged to effectively use the mentioned measures to protect electronic health records effectively. As seen in different studies, efforts to protect electronic health records have been practical, and therefore, health sector workers should make it more effective. By doing that, the health workers will be making a remarkable move in protecting electronic health records. Medical health records may be deprived, leading to misdiagnosis. This eventually can lead to the fall of health care facilities in a health care system. To prevent and counter theft activities in a health care system, the health care organization should invest in a modern identity of patients, maintain workflow, to mention but a few.
Modern technology in health care sectors has greatly improved medical services, primarily in most countries. There is a need to invest more of the same to make a milestone step in improving health care sectors. Most importantly, investing in new electronic health records and protecting the patients’ health records will maintain ease in working in the modern health center.
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Cao, Y., Sun, Y., & Min, J. (2020). Hybrid blockchain–based privacy-preserving electronic medical records sharing scheme across medical information control system. Measurement and Control, 53(7–8), 1286–1299.
Carey, D. J., Fetterolf, S. N., Davis, F. D., Faucett, W. A., Kirchner, H. L., Mirshahi, U., Murray, M. F., Smelser, D. T., Gerhard, G. S., & Ledbetter, D. H. (2016). The Geisinger MyCode community health initiative: an electronic health record–linked biobank for precision medicine research. Genetics in Medicine, 18(9), 906–913.
Hudspeth, J., & Parr, J. B. (2015). Global health: Leveraging delivery science to improve health and achieve health equity. Healthcare, 3(4), 179.
Portable Digital Personal Health Record: To Bridge the Digital gap in Medical Information Storage of Individuals with Personal Health Records in Flash Drives. (2007). The Internet Journal of Health, 5(2), 25–26.
Bisogni, & Asghari. (2020). More Than a Suspect: An Investigation into the Connection Between Data Breaches, Identity Theft, and Data Breach Notification Laws. Journal of Information Policy, 10, 45.
Whetstone, M., & Randeree, E. (2008). Personal health records: addressing consumer needs for access. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 9(3), 258.
In Focus: Safeguarding patient information in electronic health records. (2014). AORN Journal, 100(3), C7–C8.