Reflective Practice and Its Role in Professional Growth

reflective practice in professional development
reflective practice in professional development

Presentation and Learning Development Reflection Report


Student Name:

Student ID:

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Gibbs’ Reflective Model 3

Performance Development Plan 6

Conclusion 8

References 9


The study aims to highlight the reflective report based on the topic, which is the importance of impact-building information modelling (BIM). The report reveals the learning and development process of the given module. Although, the reflective report is a process of writing or summarising an individual’s critical reflection on a given topic. Reflective reports are reliable in terms of the assessment of practical projects (Abroad, 2019). In addition, the context also highlights the PDP plan that mentions the skills and development within an individual that helps them in career development. In the following reflective report, Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle is being considered for better outcomes.

Gibbs’ Reflective Model


I gained information about Building Information Modelling (BIM) from the session. I have analysed the importance of Building Information Modelling in the construction sector in the presentation. It was a group project where all were supposed to give full attention to the presentation because the main objective of the presentation was to give an overview of BIM. We were only supposed to listen to the lecture carefully and respond to the teacher. As it was beneficial for me, that may help in the future. There has been a significant role of BIM that influences technologies for better operations in the industry.

Although, BIM helps design architecture and construction that improves building performance (Rogage et al. 2019). I have gained deep knowledge in terms of understanding the impact and importance of BIM in the construction sector. This was only possible because of the presentation done on the given topic. It was important for me to understand the term BIM because it might help me in the future for starting any business related to construction. After going through the session, I understood the operational process of BIM and its significance.

On the other hand, with the help of assessments, I have gained information related to BIM in construction. In addition, there has been a discussion on one of the Multi-Storey buildings in Germany that BIM integrated along with future associated implications (Olsson et al. 2018). Therefore, I have analysed the areas where I have to focus more, which might help me gain more knowledge related to BIM.


Before the session, I was confident that I would be able to catch all the required information related to BIM. However, it was quite difficult for me initially to cover all the topics of BIM. When I realised I couldn’t hand in the topic like it was, I got quite frustrated. This was one of the weird situations I faced while going through the session. Observing this attitude in me made other people doubt my confidence level. However, with the assistance of the assistors, I could cover all the topics related to BIM. With the right assistance, it was helpful for me to understand the concept and significance of BIM. Mainly, the focus was on BIM and its operations in the construction sector. I felt that while going through the sections, I have revealed the knowledge within me related to the concept of BIM and its impact on the construction sector. Therefore, I have analysed that I need to gain the optimal level of knowledge in the following context. Along with the aspect of knowledge, I gained confidence within myself because it is a vital aspect that I have to consider accordingly in my future study. However, looking back, I feel satisfied that I decided to put in study.


The good thing that worked well was that the guidance while going through this topic was of high quality. Moreover, the assistors of this study motivated me to learn faster and to be a part of this session ethically. In the given PRESENTATION, it was mentioned regarding the impact of BIM on the construction sector. The study revealed that BIM is being simultaneously used as a digital building model along with the technologies associated (Lee and orrmann, 2020). On the other hand, I have evaluated the operations of BIM that involved Plan, Design, Operating, and Building. In other words, it can be said that BIM is effectively and mostly utilised in the infrastructure process (Costin et al. 2018). This helped me to cover all the requirements of the construction sector that might influence me to start a business related to construction with the BIM concept associated. I have understood that BIM not only deals with the designing and construction sector but also creates benefits and seeks operations or maintenance activities (Moses, Heesom and Oloke, 2020). This is why BIM is involved in the industries and has always been effective to get better outcomes. All these were the sections I have covered in the given PRESENTATION, and gained a lot of information related to BIM. The major thing I have evaluated is that BIM deals with sustainable operations with less carbon emission while building any project (Kaewunruen, Sresakoolchai and Zhou, 2020). I have analysed that BIM influences energy-saving measures that drive the structure’s efficiency. This helps the operations to be effective compared to other companies not considering BIM in their operations. All this information was only accessible because of the PRESENTATION done on the related topic and has significantly highlighted the impact on the operations,


I think the reason behind the study of the BIM concept was to enlighten its significance in the construction sector. The study helped me to discover new things related to this topic that might be helpful for me in the future. Along with discovering new things, I have enhanced the innovative ideas in me that help me to understand things critically. Although in other words, it can be said that the PRESENTATION has highlighted that construction accounts for 40% of raw materials and 60% of greenhouse emissions worldwide (Naqi and Jang, 2019). This is majorly impacting the environment. Therefore, the study allowed me to enhance my skills to get new ideas for mitigating these problems. Firstly, through the study, I was able to analyse the problem, and concerning this, the solution has also been made. To understand it deeply, I have gone through the session related to the case study of the Multi-Storey Building in Germany. The case study has revealed the importance of BIM on Multi Storey buildings in Germany. The main reason behind the study of the following case study was to understand the application of BIM to the project. I have learned about the sustainability and quality associated with BIM. The solution was implemented in the Multi-Storey Building to reduce time and money and enhance sustainability or quality (Schneider-Marin, Winkelkotte and Lang, 2022).

On the other hand, it was accessible to understand the future implications of BIM. BIM can be beneficial for city development because of the modifications of construction sites (Olanrewaju et al. 2021). Therefore, all these were the knowledge that I gained from the session.


I learned that implementing BIM in the construction sector is effective because it changes the infrastructural design that influences the operations with the technologies associated. On the other hand, I have also analysed that BIM deals not only with design or infrastructure but also with maintenance and operational activity in the industry. This, compels the industry to use BIM as a strategic tool. From the session, I have analysed that one of the major reasons behind the use of BIM is to enhance sustainable measures (Manzoor et al. 2021). Whereas, I have gained the fact that the implication of BIM deals with the environmental aspect and positively impacts the ecological terms. The energy-saving measure is also possible under the adoption of BIM in every industry in the world. BIM also deals with zero carbon emissions that benefit the world’s environment (Li et al. 2022). From the session, I have concluded that BIM provides an opportunity to make efficient changes in the operations with the effective use of technologies that also deals with the environmental aspects. Therefore, the study revealed that BIM is being simultaneously used as a digital building model along with the technologies associated.

On the other hand, I have analysed the operations of BIM that involved Plan, Design, Operate, and Building (Heaton,  Parlikad and Schooling, 2019). In other words, it can be said that BIM is effectively and mostly utilised in the infrastructure process. Hence, BIM helps design architecture and construction that improves building performance (Edirisinghe and Woo, 2020). I have gained deep knowledge in terms of understanding the impact and importance of BIM in the construction sector.

Action Plan

When I was going through the session, I analysed the level of knowledge I have regarding the concept of BIM. Mainly, the area of concern was the construction sector because it was necessary to understand the operations. Therefore, from this study, I have observed that I need to gain more knowledge related to the operations of constructions and the implications of BIM. On the other hand, I would also focus on the technologies used in the sector by including BIM as I have to grab information related to the concept of BIM and its significance in the sector. To enhance my knowledge and skill, I might go for the round in terms of grabbing knowledge related to BIM in construction. I also need to enhance my confidence level, which might positively impact my personality. Depending on the context, it shall be better for me to start any construction business in the future. However, I would use BIM in my operation, which could help me to gain competitive advantages. Therefore, whenever I go through any session, I would try my best to perform, which might also reflect my confidence.

Performance Development Plan

Academic skills to develop.

Plan to develop skills

Future Implementation



  • I would List the areas where self-confidence is most lacking
  • Determining the beliefs 
  • It might help in improving my speaking skills.
  • Increases potential innovations

2 weeks


  • I would start asking questions to myself.
  • Scheduling time with myself and being honest with myself.
  • Making smarter choices
  • Enhances making career choices

4 weeks


  • I will give more time to cohesive creative thinking.
  • I will learn to pitch innovative ideas by reading a lot of books
  • It might find unique solutions to problems
  • Innovative content for professional projects

5 weeks

From the above PDP, it has been observed that there were three major areas where I have to focus majorly. These were self-confidence, self-introspection, and creativity. This might affect my career or academic plans effectively, there have been ways by which these skills can be developed and might be brought a positive change within me. On the other hand, there are future implications for developing these skills (Hirschi, 2018). Therefore, it would be beneficial to go for my career and academic development. Whereas, a time scale is mentioned to analyse the period in developing these skills accordingly.


In the summation of this reflective report, it has been concluded that there has been critical discussion on the terms BIM and its impact on the construction sector. In addition, the report has majorly discussed the parts where the importance of BIM has been mentioned. Although BIM has always been successful in making the industry sustainable and competitive. Concerning this, one case study has been taken into consideration: The Multi-Storey Building in Germany. It has been observed that BIM has been implemented to reduce time, and energy and enhance sustainability or quality. BIM also considers the environmental aspect because using BIM means fewer greenhouse emissions. BIM provides an opportunity to make efficient changes in the operations with the effective use of technologies that also deals with the environmental aspects. Therefore, the study revealed that BIM is being simultaneously used as a digital building model along with the technologies associated. Hence, it has been proved that the study revealed the positive impact of BIM on the construction industry, and its operations are also worthwhile.


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