The Role of Employer Branding in Recruitment Success
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The starting point of any recruitment is Employer Branding. This research assignment will examine the concepts of employer branding, what it is and why it is important. The research essay paper must thoroughly answer the following:
1. An explanation of employer branding, and why it is important in recruitment.
2. An examination of the attributes associated with employer branding. Identify the attributes most associated with employer branding. A minimum of 6 attributes must be identified.
3. For each of the 6 attributes, explain how it is used to promote the employer brand.
4. Of the 6 attributes identified in point 2, rank them in order of importance from the perspective of a candidate. For the attributes that the paper ranks as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, provide an explanation as to why a candidate feels these attributes are the top three.
5. Select a company of your choice and use the 6 attributes selected in point 1. For the selected company, explain the how the company demonstrates each of the 6 attributes for employer branding. Diagrams, tables, and charts are encouraged to support your answer.
6. For the selected company in point 5, what three recommendations would you make to improve their employer brand through changes to its attributes. How will your three recommendations improve the connection between the employer brand and candidate perception?
According to the opinion of Reis, Sousa and Dionisio (2021), employer branding is a technique that is being used by companies to attract efficient workers. This essay will investigate employer branding and its role in recruitment. Various attributes which are related to employer branding will be examined and the most effective attributes will be discussed in this essay. The attributes followed by Hubspot which is a company that has gained importance in the market due to its employer branding strategy will be accordingly discussed along with certain recommendations for further improvement.
Employer branding
Employer branding has the ability to improve the value proposition of a company and it aalways assists in creating a better image of a company. The value proposition, in this relation, increases as an organization proves to be a better workplace for all the employees. It has been opined by Theurer et al (2018) that an organization can have a positive employer branding if the brand proves to be a good place for work and the perception about the organization is positive in the market. Any organization that is trying to establish itself in the market should be able to offer a good workplace to the employees.
As per the suggestions of Roxo (2020), if a company’s image is positive in a market then it is evident that the company would be capable of retaining better employees due to its good reputation. Therefore, it can be concluded that having a proper employer branding strategy is important for any organization and it would help any organization to create a positive work environment. The recruitment process would become transparent as the company would be able to include diversity in their model. According to the opinion of Reis, Sousa and Dionisio (2021), looking for efficient employees would become easy for every organization that has good employer branding as the employees are easily attracted to the health and medical benefits on the paid leaves that are provided by the organizations.
According to the opinion of Tumasjan et al (2020), there are multiple employer branding attributes that every organization should possess in order to improve their scope of talent acquisition. The ever first attribute of employee branding is to be able to provide an opportunity for career advancement. If an organization is capable of offering proper career opportunities to the employees then they will be easily attracted to the brand. Another attribute that an organization should have is the ability to provide an opportunity for learning and development. According to the opinion of Tumasjan et al (2020), when a company is capable of providing training to the employees then it is often observed that the organizational performance is optimized.
It has been suggested by Noutel et al (2021), that a proper work-life balance is an essential attribute for employer branding as employees who have families and personal interests would want to live other than just work. Work life balance is thereby integral towards ensuing the mental stability of the employees while ensuing their proactive participation in the differe4nt areas of organizational operations. Another attribute of employer branding includes job satisfaction as most employees expect increased rate of job satisfaction after getting their work done. As per the suggestions of Roxo (2020), the feeling of fulfillment allows employees to perform better and stay contended at the same time. Having proper culture and values is another important attribute that an employer should have. Lastly, diversity and inclusion within a company may turn out to be a factor that enhances employer branding in future.
Role of attributes
As per the suggestions of Roxo (2020), it was observed that employees are attracted to the brands that can offer them opportunities in their careers and modern-day employees are trying to find jobs that provide them with the opportunity to grow significantly. Learning and development is an attribute that allows a company to increase the efficiency of the employees along with an increase in a competitive environment. Work-life balance should be maintained by these employees as the mental health of an employee affects the daily tasks performed by them.
The employees who are connected with the organization proactively participates and collaborates which enables the same in maintaining efficiency and productivity. It may be suggested that the employees feel more productive if they are getting appreciated at work and feel satisfied with the job role that they have been assigned. A company’s commitment towards ensuing integrity ensures trust and commitment of the employees which contributes efficiently towards the growth and sustenance of a buisness (, 2022). A business that is capable of working with a team is able to gain trustworthy employees because teamwork enables a company to reduce competition. Companies that have a diverse group of employees are able to function in a better way because diverse opinions about a particular topic can be obtained in this case (, 2022).
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Ranking the attributes
All the six attributes that have been mentioned can be ranked from the best to the least important attribute from the perspective of an employee. The primary attribute is the maintenance of work-life balance as in the current time mental health is the first priority of most people. The second most important attribute can be considered to be job satisfaction as it is certainly linked with mental health. The third most important attribute may be career advancement as the candidates would try to improve their career with the opportunities that they get from the company. The fourth attribute would be learning and development which may be followed by diversity and inclusion and the culture and values of the company. Hubspot
Figure 1: Employer branding attributes of Hubspot
(Source: Made by the researcher)
Hubspot is a company that has become popular due to the employer branding and the number of benefits provided by the same. The company provides various benefits to the Employees which allows multiple talented employees to work for this company (Hubspot, 2022). The company provides a good opportunity for work-life balance as it allows their employees to work remotely so that their employees can easily concentrate on work without having to worry about their personal life.
The company provides the employees with a five-year Sabbatical that allows the employees to take a leave for 5 years and come back to the company and work for the post that they were previously working in (Hubspot, 2022). The company definitely cares about the financial well-being of the employees and provides specific retirement plans that allow the employees to trust the brand and work efficiently (Hubspot, 2022). The company has organized certain employee resource groups that allow the employees to gain knowledge about various factors from the current employees who are working for the company globally, these groups and namely LGBTQ+ Alliance, People of Colour at Hubspot and Women at Hubspot. The company sometimes provides parental benefits that provide resources to the new parents who need help to balance their work and personal life. Hubspot provides permanent financial help to women that are planning to freeze their eggs (Hubspot, 2022).
Hubspot often provides healthcare facilities to the employees that helps to attract multiple persons to apply for a job at Hubspot (Hubspot, 2022). The employees who work for the company have the ability to learn and grow as the company appreciates the learning and development of their employees because the company has seen better results when their employees have developed knowledge about a particular subject (Hubspot, 2022). Moreover, if an employee wants to continue their studies outside of the organization the company always provides tuition reimbursement which helps to attract multiple employees (Hubspot, 2022).
The company positively provides one week off for the employees in July as it is the time to take a vacation and enjoy tropical regions. this allows the employees to trust the brand and work efficiently (Hubspot, 2022). the company has a positive attribute of leadership development that helps managers to build great teams and solve problems with the help of recognition programs and resources. The company truly cares about the employees and provides healthy options for food in the workspace and sometimes organises workshops that deals with mindfulness and stress management (Hubspot, 2022).
The company should emphasize improving the work environment and the mental health of the employees as it is often observed that the IT industry employees face issues with their mental health. Teamwork should always be appreciated and introduced more in the daily life of these employees so that any type of internal competition can be reduced and the work environment can remain collaborative. Recreational activities should be increased and promoted by the company so that the employees feel refreshed after working long hours.
Therefore, from the discussion it was concluded that every organization needs to have proper employer branding so that they can attract efficient and productive employees. Providing certain benefits to the employees may definitely help the company to get better results. Hubspot is a company that has provided its employees with multiple opportunities and benefits which has allowed the company to gain better and more efficient employees. Every company should be able to have certain attributes that allowed them to attract employees and these attributes may play an important role in deciding the future of a particular brand.
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Hubspot, 2022. Our story.
Noutel, R., Araujo, P., Fernandes, R., & Arriscado, P. (2021). An employer branding strategy: developing a talent atraction model through action research. South Florida Journal of Development, 2(1), 417-431.
Reis, I., Sousa, M. J., & Dionísio, A. (2021). Employer branding as a talent management tool: A systematic literature revision. Sustainability, 13(19), 10698.
Roxo, F. (2020). Transmedia Storytelling as a Potential Employer Branding Strategy: Participatory Culture and Recruitment. U. Porto Journal of Engineering, 6(1), 66-77., 2022. What is an employer brand, and how can we develop an employment branding strategy?
Theurer, C. P., Tumasjan, A., Welpe, I. M., & Lievens, F. (2018). Employer branding: a brand equity‐based literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 20(1), 155-179.
Tumasjan, A., Kunze, F., Bruch, H., & Welpe, I. M. (2020). Linking employer branding orientation and firm performance: Testing a dual mediation route of recruitment efficiency and positive affective climate. Human resource management, 59(1), 83-99.