How Coevolutionary Gaming Enhances Group Decision-Making

The Role of Coevolutionary Gaming in Group Decision Making

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Coevolutionary gaming is one of the simulation tools used in facilitating strategic planning in businesses today. Most global companies employ this tool in developing strategies that make them fair ahead of their competitors and enjoy the global competitive advantages. The coevolutionary gaming tool finds much use on the defense industry. The military used it in planning their war attaching techniques because it gives a clear analysis of what the enemies might be planning. On the business context, the tool is used in decision making process whereby concrete decisions are made concerning a market entry strategy both for local and global markets (Harris & Bullock, 2002). The following analysis shows how coevolutionary gaming can facilitate group decision making, and the main limitations for this tool.

Defining the problem

Cares and Miskel justified how coevolutionary gaming tool could be used in facilitating group decision making process when the group is faced with complex scenarios. The tool assists in developing plans that not only cater for the present situation, but also look at the future strategies. The coevolutionary gaming theory calls for decision makers to take every plan into consideration irrespective of the amount of impact they have in an organization.

Moreover, coevolutionary gaming theory enables training of decision makers from zero-knowledge without any biases on decision strategy terms. In addition, the decisions made through the theory are sensible and adapted to the current business environment. On the other hand, coevolutionary gaming tool facilitates decision making by basing its arguments on the available data and maintain the status quo where possible outcomes are considered. Coevolutionary gaming theory still facilitates communication process in group decision making since it avoids conflicting of ideas and thought, but encourages cooperation between teams (Cares and Miskel, 2007).

Analyzing the cause

Coevolutionary gaming is a highly effective simulation tool in designing business strategies. The tool has significant effects on crucial aspects of group decision making strategies like communication and critical thinking. With the current business environment, organization managers have a duty to come up with crucial decisions on how to carryout their business operations. There is a challenge on the high growth rate of the business environment due to globalization the advancement of technology. Coevolutionary gaming technique contributes to the settling of disputes between decision makers because it provides an opportunity for understanding between parties. In addition, the tool eradicates biases among groups with a common goal. 

Effects on communication

Communication is a major aspect in all business decision making processes. Perfect communication between the group decision makers results into a perfect strategic plan that makes an organization progress in front of the competitors. Communication is very essential in the military in order for various teams to know the location of their enemies. The military has successfully used the coevolutionary tool in managing their attacks, which has shown particularly appealing results. By using the JoHari Window, coevolutionary gaming technique affects group communication by accessing and improving group relationship. The tool gives room for groups to create awareness between different sectors and communicate on the necessary recommendations that bring proper understanding among groups (Steward, Davies & Dick, 1999).

Through the JoHari Window, various groups present their findings and receive comments from their fellows encouraging cooperation and togetherness. In addition, coevolutionary gaming technique employs various communication theories and models that organizations require in addressing various issues affecting their performance. Many gadgets are employed today that facilitate communication between people and the coevolutionary gaming technique uses these gadgets in communicating new ideas and approaches to group members. A group makes use of the JoHari window in increasing opportunities for future growth by opening new routes of decision making strategies.

With the help of coevolutionary gaming tool, the Window allows groups to communicate between open areas and unknown areas. In addition, the groups still get to discover what lies on the blind areas and hidden areas. By discovering all these aspects, the groups come up with business innovations that enable them to decide on the best move. Figure 1 shows the JoHari Window model and its parts. The JoHari Window creates an understanding between various groups in discovering new ideas and sharing of information from one quadrant to the other (Steward, Davies & Dick, 1999).

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 Impact on group decision biases such as risky/cautious shift and groupthink

Coevolutionary gaming simulation technique makes use of complex calculations the determines the best approach a group should take for the benefit of the organization. Carrying out a business involves many risks that decision makers should try and avoid. The coevolutionary gaming technique navigates from the initial failures to success giving managers an opportunity to explore in the global market.

In addition, the theory conforms with the idea of taking the third move first because the world is growing at an alarming rate and managers should focus on future marketing strategies that will have a significant impact to the economy. Moreover, coevolutionary gaming tool creates an environment brings together group members who only focuses on the future success of a business, and never look at individual gains. The tool represents the learners knowledge in a neutral network where by decision making mechanism is aided by one voice recognition (Cares and Miskel, 2007). 

Proposed solution

Coevolutionary gaming technique facilitates group decision making processes, though it has many limitations. First, the technique is exceedingly complex, and only professionals are able to put it into practice. This limits the ability of small sized organizations to employ the technique due to its high cost. Managers from one nation should work together in making strategies that place their organizations in the international markets. On the other hand, coevolutionary gaming method does not provide room for mistakes that occurs while coming up with the best strategy to make.

The tool should have a window that gives specific recommendations for the possible outcomes in case one takes the third step first. Since the technique only allows managers to omit two steps and concentrate on the third, it fails in analyzing situations that might occur in case the real resources, and forecasted brands fail in the future market. This call for a backup plan that employs the first and second step in line with the third step. 


Information Technology governance models require an aspect of strategic management in regard to the economic costs of decisions involved. Strategic planning systematically evaluates a business in an effort of defining the long-term and short-term objectives, identifying goals and locating resources necessary to achieve these strategies. Most organizations make use of various simulation techniques required in facilitating their strategic plans taking into consideration the present business competition and the advancing technology. Business simulations are rapidly evolving, since they form the fundamental tools for developing perfect strategies that encourage growth and development in today’s business organizations. The advancement in information technology has led into many innovations that have replaced traditional approaches to strategic planning (Marshall & McKay, 2004). 


Cares, J. & Miskel, J. (2007). Take Your Third Move First. Harvard Business Review, Vol.

85(3), pp. 20-21.

Harris, D. & Bullock, S. (2002). Enhancing game theory with coevolutionary simulation model

of honesty signaling. Informants Research institute. Retrieved from:

Marshall, P. & McKay, J. (2004). Strategic it planning, evaluation and benefits

Management: the basis for effective it governance. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 11(2), pp. 25-26

Steward, H., Davies, A. & Dick, B. (1999). The Johari Window and the Dark Side of

Organisations. Southern Cross University.