Key Elements of a Project Management Framework in Practice

Project Management Framework

B9MG117 Project Management Frameworks

Table of Contents

Objectives, deliverables, and milestones of the project 3

Traceability matrix 3

Stakeholder analysis 3

Acceptance criteria 4

Project assumptions and constraints 4

Communication plan 5

Work breakdown structure 5

Risk register 6

Procurement strategy 6

Quality plan 7

Project budget and cash flow statement 7

Change management process 7

References 9

Objectives, deliverables, and milestones of the project

The main goal of the renovation project is to develop the hotel to serve as Premier Inn’s first location in Ireland. Previously Premier Inn didn’t have any hotel properties in Ireland; thus, the company Premier Inn wanted to develop a hotel with all the effective itineraries and facilities to provide adequate services to the guests that visit the Premier Inn hotel. The location chosen for the redevelopment of the hotel was encouraging enough and lucrative to attract the customers for their stay in the hotel. The goal is to introduce the Premier Inn brand to Ireland so that the brand can make a mark in the Irelands’ hospitality industry (Morrisons Quay – Greenleaf Group, 2022). The foremost objective is to become one of Ireland’s most successful hotels, offering unique amenities for visitors.

Traceability matrix

A traceability matrix is a document that assists in mapping the project’s needs. Similarly, a traceability matrix has been created for the Morrison Quay Redevelopment project. In the traceability matrix, the requirements that are foremost required for the redevelopment program of the hotel have been mentioned so that it can be effectively evaluated (Mezghani et al. 2019). The key requirements mentioned in the traceability matrix are the transformation of the bedrooms in the hotel and the redevelopment of the southern wing into a new office. Both the requirements are under the construction department, which is in progress currently because the work has started. The final design of the bedrooms has been prepared, whereas the design of the transformation of the southern wing into an office has not yet been finished.

Stakeholder analysis

The relevant stakeholders are identified and analysed with the use of stakeholder analysis so that concerns related to the redevelopment of Morrison Quay do not cause difficulties with the key stakeholders. The importance of stakeholder analysis is that the management of the project could effectively identify the key stakeholders related to the project and then analyse them so that if there is a certain or uncertain issue that could be effectively resolved so that the issues are not widespread which could eventually impact the project in a negative manner (Węgrzyn and Wojewnik-Filipkowska, 2022). The ways through which the stakeholders could be engaged are also mentioned in the matrix so that the key stakeholders could be engaged in the redevelopment project. The other benefit of the engagement through stakeholder analysis is that the key stakeholders can be engaged in the project, which comprehends the project, and the key stakeholders can recommend several changes in the project which apprehends their presence in the project as the key stakeholders can rely on the project. The key stakeholders identified for the renovation project are the ministry of public works, suppliers, and the general public (Sarhadi, Hasanzadeh and Hoseini, 2021). The general public is the ones that would become the customers of the Premier Inn hotel and the people that could get impacted directly or indirectly by the development of the hotel project.

Acceptance criteria

Acceptance criteria are a set of stated conditions that must be completed since the hotel developer will determine the scope and needs for the rebuilding project. With the help of the acceptance criteria, the hotel Premier Inn can ensure that the redevelopment program is being performed according to the criteria developed by the hotel and its authorities (Verzuh and American Psychological Association, 2021). While the redevelopment work is in progress, there could be several changes that the hotel would want to make which could be effectively fulfilled by the acceptance criteria. Also, the owner of the hotel, which is the Premier Inn, can review the progress of the project, and the defects of the project could also be analysed for further evaluation. Three primary defect severity levels have been mentioned in the following developmental work’s acceptance criteria: major, minor, and enhancement. Major defect severity could impact the hotel severely, which has numerous negative consequences such as less customer satisfaction. The other defect severity level is minor, which describes that it is the issues related to look and feel where the hotel could face issues such as faulty lights and decorations. The last-mentioned defect severity level in the project is an enhancement that depicts that it is to be used for suggestions and feedback so that the hotel can implement the changes according to the feedback gathered from the customers.

Project assumptions and constraints

The project’s primary goal is to expand the Premier Inn brand throughout Ireland. In addition, the development should contribute to the brand’s success, with customers happy with the hotel and its services. The project’s key restrictions are that structural alterations necessitate a higher initial expenditure, and environmentalists might block the project if the improvements are harmful to the environment. While the development work is in progress, the project could face issues that could negatively impact the project are the major constraint for the project (Morrisons Quay – Greenleaf Group, 2022). In comparison, the project assumption is to develop the hotel so that it may become the first Premier Inn in Ireland. Premier Inn had no hotel properties in Ireland previously; thus, the firm intended to build a hotel with all the necessary routes and facilities to give acceptable services to the visitors who visit the Premier Inn hotel. The purpose is to bring the Premier Inn brand to Ireland for it to build a name for itself in the country’s hospitality sector.

Communication plan

For a project to be effectively completed, the immediate aspect where the management is required to act is to develop a communication plan where the owner of the project and the manager of the project has the responsibility to manage the project would be able to manage project effectively. The communication plan is required essentially for the project status report, which is weekly reported to the project manager, and the goal of the communication is to review the status of the redevelopment project and discuss the potential issues regarding the project. The other aspect required for a communication plan is task progress updates, and the owner of this aspect is also the project manager, which is to be taken in a daily manner (Arandi-Klee et al. 2020). The objective behind the aspect is to regularly get the project’s updates. The other aspect required for the specified development project is that project review which is to be done every month, and the objective behind the project review communication is projecting the deliverables of the redevelopment project and gathering feedback. As because the communication plan is a written document that everyone involved in the rehabilitation project may accept, it will play an essential role in the project. In addition, the project’s expectation has been stated to receive updates within a certain time frame.

Work breakdown structure

The work breakdown structure is a tool usually used in project management. The work breakdown structure helps the project to be divided into several steps so that the project can be completed in several steps. Work breakdown structure is a method for completing the project by dividing the large project into several stages. The major benefit that the hotel Premier Inn could get from this tool is that the hotel would be able to review the overall progress of the project and would be able to guide the project managers responsible for managing the project by breaking down the overall project into smaller parts from a large compact project work (Rianty, Latief and Riantini, 2018). The work breakdown structure for this particular project has been divided into two major parts: interior development and exterior development.

Risk register

Risk analysis is an attribute and inalienable technique in project management that helps the project analyse the certain and uncertain risks that could emerge while the project is in progress. The foremost objective behind the risk analysis is that the project manager performing the risk analysis would be able to analyse the risk for the project, which could negatively impact the project (Van Greuning and Bratanovic, 2020). With an adequate analysis of the risk, the project manager will be able to come up with appropriate mitigation strategies to mitigate the risks. The risk register for the project has analysed the major possibilities for the risks that could emerge are the workforce-related risk whose overall impact on the project is high. The mitigation strategy for the particular risk is the recruitment of an effective and experienced workforce that could mitigate the risk (Huselid, 2018). The other major risks are environmental risk and supply management risk, where the environmental risk could be mitigated if the project can follow all the necessary environmental rules and regulations (Pahlevan et al. 2021). The supply management risk could be mitigated by maintaining appropriate relationships with the suppliers would avoid supplier risk (Lee and Ha, 2018).

Procurement strategy

The project’s objective is to develop the hotel to serve as Premier Inn’s first location in Ireland. Previously Premier Inn didn’t have any hotel properties in Ireland; thus, the company Premier Inn wanted to develop a hotel with all the effective itineraries and facilities to provide adequate services to the guests that visit the Premier Inn hotel. The project has to ensure that the necessary items such as furniture, decorative items for the hotels, bathroom fittings are being procured at competitive rates. The procurement strategy is a long-term plan to ensure that the project can get the goods it needs at a reasonable price (de Oliveira, Lopes and Abreu, 2021). The rehabilitation project would necessitate interior design for the bedrooms and office.

Quality plan

The quality planning process in project management becomes one of the most deciding factors, which is crucially important for the project. Delivering the project with all the required attributes and aspects of quality is the foremost objective of the project; when the determining factors for the quality of the project to successfully deliver the project then the role of the quality plan come into effect where it developed a quality plan under which the project is reviewed whether the project can follow the attributes of the project or not (Rajković, Popadić and Milosavljević, 2019). Quality planning is a strategy of selecting which aspects of a project are vital to keeping in mind to maintain the project’s quality. The aforementioned quality plan has been developed for the redevelopment project.

Project budget and cash flow statement

A project budget is a stipulated budget that has been agreed upon and allocated for a specific project or work. The objective behind the project budget is that the project undergoing the changes and development could work under a constraint budget. The project is overgoing the budget could. Under the project budget, the total estimated cost for completing the work is projected. It helps to set the expenditure and funds ready when it is required. A cash flow statement is a financial statement that is considered the organisation is receiving funds for their operations. The cash flow statements also include the outflows of the revenue from the business operations, which depicts the overall expenditure of the project (Nugraha and Riyadhi, 2019).

Change management process

It has to be followed by the project that may successfully guide the workforce through the adoption of the adjustments (Jayatilleke and Lai, 2018). The modifications include four preliminary phases that prepare the project for the necessary alterations. Creating a strategy and vision for change management. Embedding the modifications into project processes to analyse them. Finally, examine the process and analyse the project’s outcomes. The changes for the transformation could be adaptive changes and transformations changes. Adaptive changes are the ones where minor changes are performed so that the project could effectively undergo better outcomes. The adaptive changes include hiring a team member for the development process (Shafiq et al. 2018). Transformational changes are the major changes that the project has to consider where major changes are performed so that better outcomes could have prevailed. Transformational changes are usually large in scale and scope from the adaptive changes and have major impacts on the project.


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