Impact Of Cultural Differences On Educational Philosophies
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The first article on western and eastern educational philosophies implies that both the eastern and western sides differ greatly in their educational philosophies. The author implies that the eastern educational philosophies are mainly based on the role of the teacher being built on power and authority. Schools in the western side do not necessarily require their students to comply with the authority and power of their tutors and school. I agree with the author when he says that teachers are in a position and power to conform societies through education. What the author did not add is that teachers must not focus on this power and authority rather they should focus on the ability to instill knowledge in their students.
The second response is by Suzan who writes in response to an article by Ford whose main argument is that education in the west is the best. The author uses the kind of discrimination that occurred between the poor and the rich in the past to make a point. She argues that the eastern and western cultures are still divided by the fact that many people usually deem the west to have the best of everything from education to food to lifestyle than the east. I agree with the argument she makes that though the wall that divides these two cultures has been brought down, there still remains an imaginary wall that indicates that the west is better than the eastern cultures. I agree with the argument made in this response that prejudice can be done with if people did not view each other in the light of wealth, and if people viewed each other as equals. It is extremely true that the gap can be closed through education, though the probability of discrimination and prejudice being reduced to zero is extremely low.
Laura responds to an article on differences in culture and gender in Internet use, which explores the differences in ways in which students from China and Britain utilize the Internet. The article concludes that there are differences in the way the British and the Chinese students use the Internet. The British students were found to have more Internet experience, usage, attitude and self confidence than the Chinese students because they had been using the internet for a longer time. The boys in Britain were found to utilize the Internet more. I agree with the author when she concludes that different individuals have different expertise and experiences when it comes to the Internet.
The forth article is by Cassandra which indicates that the education system in the US has several shortcomings. The country was ranked 19 out of 24 nations in a study that aimed to find out the educational standings of various countries. The author expresses concerns that the future generations might be affected by the current educational standing of the country. I agree with the argument of Cassandra that more focus should be put on education because if children perform poor then adult learners will not be available at the post- secondary education levels. I also agree with her argument that it is the responsibility of educators to ensure that children have a renewed interest in studies. Cassandra argues truthfully that it is there is a communication gap between the homes of the students; the schools and the students which make the student perform poorly.
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