Leadership is defined as an individual’s ability to influence other people so that they can obtain specific objectives enthusiastically and willingly. It can be seen that leadership is quite different from management because it is considered one of the most important management elements. Leadership needs a very good and clear vision of thinking all over boundaries. In the environment of business, leadership goes beyond the people in the business as a particular organization has the capability of attaining leadership in the various markets by beating the competitors they have. In this case, leadership can be seen in terms of brand, costs, products, and many more. On the other hand, management can be defined as a person’s ability to run things in the very best manner possible. It is further elaborated as the art of expertise of being able to get the given work done with colleagues. In nature, management and leadership are inseparable. Managerial qualities need leadership skills so that the subordinates can be inspired. In most cases, management is majorly about the maintenance and arrangement of an organization (Bailey et al., 2018).
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Research indicates that diverse groups of individuals, communities, and markets outperform those that are homogenous (Alesina & Ferrara, 2005). Working together with people from different communities and markets enables a business organization to come up with better solutions for our clients and it also helps us build better relationships with the clients which will assist us in distinguishing us from our major competitors. Demographic trends show that minorities and women quickest growing parts of the workforce worldwide. Therefore, when an organization focuses on diversity and includes a variety of cultures, they have a greater chance of retaining and attracting top talent. For those parents who are working especially mothers, formal flexibility can be considered as an important factor. Therefore, a company or an organization should put into consideration having different programs that allow people to work from home, work for fewer hours, or organize job sharing.
In my opinion, the main difference between and management strategic decision making is that; leadership can be seen as an important managerial function that assists in efficiency maximization so that the goals of an organization can be achieved. Leadership involves an individual who communicates the plans and policies of work before it begins to his support staff (Noe et al., 2006). For a business owner to be successful, he or she needs to have both the managerial and leadership skills to get the team on board so that they can help him in reaching his goals. Managing however is majorly concerned about the administration and ensuring that everyday activities are taking place the way they should. A very good example of leadership is; when a business organization decides to teach and involve the community about their products for that community to familiarize themselves with the product, samples will be taken to the people. In this case, there will be a team leader who will ensure that the right amount of the product has been given and the targeted group received the products. The manager is the one who will permit such activity and take the products to be given from the store. He will work with the leader to ensure this comes to success.
Leadership can be seen as a way of being in charge of people through encouragement while management is being in charge of an organization’s activities. An organization needs both leaders and managers for the various activities to run smoothly. The manager works with the leader to get to other staff members and hence eases communication in the organization. For one to lead he needs his followers’ trust while for management, the manager controls his support staff. With the help of the leaders, the management gains the trust of his staff because they feel the leader believes in the management so why not trust in the management.
Alesina, A., & Ferrara, E. L. (2005). Ethnic diversity and economic performance. Journal of economic literature, 43(3), 762-800.
Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018). Strategic Human resource management. Oxford University Press.
Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2006). Human resource management. China People’s University Press.

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