Hilton hotels are some of the best and the largest hotels dedicated to business clientele since they have established an event operation department that focuses on selling ballroom functions. Working at the hotel in the food and beverage department provided me with the opportunity to apply my theoretical classroom knowledge in the real working environment. In addition, I got to understand the significance of factors that contribute to the provision of quality services that is essential in the hospitality industry. This report discusses my experiences such as mise en place, standard drink to be served, working with the task and proper Hilton standard service.
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Carrying out mise en place is very vital for proper cooking of most dishes as well as the organization of events. I realized that making sure that everything required for a particular task like preparation of specific dishes such as ingredients are set minimizes the possibility of running out of important items needed during cooking or service as stated by Moore & Doherty (2011). . Moreover, it saves time, makes the task easier and simpler as well as boost confidence thus enhancing efficiency. Failure to carry out mise en place may result in confusion leading to the provision of poor services thus the risk of losing clients.
In addition, I did learn how to correct service of standard drink to the patron when I served as a bartender at the hotel. This is crucial as it enabled me to carry out responsible beverage service as required by the law. Keeping track of the amount of standard drinks such as spirits a patron consumes assists me know when the limit has been reached thus stop service. Being able to assess the guests as they come into the hotel ensures I do not sell alcohol to minors as well as well as gauge whether the person is already intoxicated since the law forbids selling of alcohol to such individuals as stated by Mahoney (2010).
Furthermore, I adopted working with a task that aided me in prioritizing duties as the job is challenging since it requires the execution of several tasks within a specified time limit, and every task is crucial. Working with task ensures no task is forgotten and gauges the level of performance at a particular task and gives room for improvement consequently promoting competence as claimed by Borlund & Schneider (2010).
Hospitality and tourism is one of the most demanding industry that requires proper training and excellent work experience as its success relies on the stuff ‘s ability to provide quality services as implied by Minghtti (2003).. Therefore, working at Hilton hotel enabled me realize that the basic theoretical knowledge I acquired from LCB requires an adjustment in the practical environment due to clients’ unique nature in terms of taste and preferences. Thus the training I received at Hilton hotel enhanced my ability to relate well with clients as well as determine and offer their different diverse needs hence better my career.
In summary, gaining experiences such as mise en place, working on task and standard service drink are vital in the provision of quality services in the hospitality industry as they boost efficiency thus success as well as minimize violation of laws concerning selling of alcohol. Moreover, adjusting classroom knowledge to suite practical working environment is vital since the concepts defer in their application depending on the needs of clients and hotel policies, and the calibration facilitates career proficiency.
Borlund, P., & Schneider, J.W. (2010). Reconsideration of the simulated work task situation: a context instrument for evaluation of information retrieval interaction. doi:10.1145/1840784.1840808
Mahoney, K.M. (2010). Responsible Service of Alcohol: A Way to Reduce Injuries and Protect Against Liability.
Minghtti, V. (2003). Building Customer Value in the Hospitality Industry: Towards the Definition of a Customer-Centric Information System. Information Technology & Tourism. doi:10.3727/109830503773048246
Moore, D. P., & Doherty, A.G. (2011). United States travel and tourism industry. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publisher’s, Inc.

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