RGU Harvard Referencing is a widely used citation style in academic writing to acknowledge sources and provide a clear reference list. Robert Gordon University has its own Harvard referencing guide, providing students and researchers with detailed instructions on citing different sources. Whether writing an essay, research paper, or dissertation, using RGU Harvard Referencing correctly is crucial to ensure your work is well-researched and credible. This article will provide a detailed overview of RGU Harvard Referencing, including its basics, how to cite different sources, and frequently asked questions to assist you in effectively using this referencing style.
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How to cite a Book in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing a book in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, it is important to follow the specific format for both the reference list and the in-text citation. Here is a template and an example of how to cite a book in this referencing style:
Reference List:
Template: Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year of publication) Title of Book, Edition (if not the first edition). Publisher.
Example: Johnson, M. (2019) Environmental Management: Strategy and Influence. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press.
In-text citation:
Template: (Author’s Last name, Year of publication, Page number)
Example: (Johnson, 2019, p. 45)
How to cite a Journal in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
Citing a journal in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style follows a specific format for the reference list and the in-text citation. Here is a template and an example of how to cite a journal article in this referencing style:
Reference List:
Template: Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year of publication) Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume number (Issue number), Page numbers.
Example: Smith, J. (2022) The Impact of Social Media on Marketing Strategies. Journal of Marketing, 15(2), pp. 26-35.
In-text citation:
Template: (Author’s Last name, Year of publication, Page number)
Example: (Smith, 2022, p. 30)
How to cite Film or Movie in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
Citing a film or movie in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style follows a specific format for the reference list and the in-text citation. Here is a template and an example of how to cite a film or movie in this referencing style:
Reference List:
Template: Director’s Last name, First Initial. (Director). (Year of release). Title of Film or Movie [Film]. Production Company.
Example: Nolan, C. (Director). (2010). Inception [Film]. Warner Bros. Pictures.
In-text citation:
Template: (Director’s Last name, Year of release)
Example: (Nolan, 2010)
How to cite an Online image or video in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing an online image or video using the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, the following template can be used for both the reference list and In-text citation:
Reference List: Author/Creator Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. or Username. (Year of Publication or Upload). Title of image or video [Online]. Website or platform name. Available at: URL [Accessed date].
Example: Doe, J. (2022). Amazing sunset over the city [Online]. Instagram. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/1234567890/ [Accessed February 22, 2023].
In-text citation: (Author/Creator Surname or Username, Year)
Example: (Doe, 2022)
How to cite a Website in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing a website using the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, the following template can be used for both the reference list and In-text citation:
Reference List: Author/Creator Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. or Username (Year of Publication or Update). Title of Webpage [Online]. Website name. Available at: URL [Accessed date].
Example: Smith, J. (2022). The history of the Scottish kilt [Online]. Scottish Culture Online. Available at: https://www.scottishcultureonline.com/kilt-history/ [Accessed February 22, 2023].
In-text citation: (Author/Creator Surname or Username, Year)
Example: (Smith, 2022)
How to cite a Blog in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing a blog in the RGU Harvard referencing style, you must include the author’s name, Year of publication, blog post title, blog name, and URL. The format for a reference list entry and in-text citation is as follows:
Reference List:
Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year of publication). Title of a blog post. Title of Blog. Retrieved from URL
Example: Rogers, T. (2022, February 14). How to Start Your Own Business from Scratch. Entrepreneur. Retrieved from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/383823
In-text citation:
(Author’s Last name, Year of publication)
Example: (Rogers, 2022)
Note: If the author’s name is unavailable, use the blog name instead.
How to cite a Court case in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
In the RGU Harvard referencing style, court cases are cited differently depending on the court in which the case was heard. Below is a template and an example for citing a court case in the RGU Harvard referencing style.
Reference List: The reference list entry for a court case in the RGU Harvard referencing style should include the following elements:
Case name [Year of decision] Volume number (if applicable) Reporter abbreviation Starting page number.
Example: Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562.
In-text citation: The in-text citation for a court case in the RGU Harvard referencing style should include the case name and Year of the decision in round brackets. If you mention the case name in the text, only the Year must be included in the brackets.
Example: According to the decision in Donoghue v Stevenson (1932), the manufacturer of a product owes a duty of care to the consumer.
In the case of Donoghue v Stevenson [1932], the House of Lords established the duty of care principle.
How to cite a Dictionary entry in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing a dictionary entry in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, the citation should include the following elements:
Reference List:
Format for an entry in a print dictionary:
Author/editor. (Year). Title of the dictionary. Edition, if not the first. Publisher.
Format for an entry in an online dictionary:
Author/editor. (Year). Title of the dictionary. Edition, if not the first. Publisher. URL
Example for a print dictionary:
Merriam-Webster. (2019). Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. Eleventh edition. Merriam-Webster.
Example for an online dictionary:
Oxford University Press. (2021). Oxford English dictionary. Oxford University Press. https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/107007
In-text citation:
For a dictionary entry, the in-text citation should include the author/editor’s name and the Year of publication of the dictionary entry.
Example: (Merriam-Webster, 2019) or (Oxford University Press, 2021)
How to cite an E-book or PDF in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing an e-book or PDF document in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, the citation should include the author’s name, Year of publication, Title of the book or document, format type, and the electronic address or Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Here are the templates and examples for the reference list and In-text citation:
Reference List:
Author’s Last name, First name. (Year of Publication). Title of Book or Document [Format type]. Retrieved from URL or DOI
Smith, J. (2018). The History of England [E-book]. Retrieved from https://www.example.com/the-history-of-england.pdf
In-text citation:
For in-text citation, the author’s last name and Year of publication should be included in parentheses.
(Smith, 2018)
According to Smith (2018), the history of England…
How to cite an Edited book in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing an edited book in the RGU Harvard referencing style, the editor’s name should be listed after the book’s title. Here is a template and an example for the reference list and In-text citation:
Reference List: Editor’s Last name, Initial. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.
Example: Smith, J. (Ed.). (2010). The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
In-text citation: When citing a specific chapter or section in the book, use the author of that chapter and not the editor. In the in-text citation, provide the author’s last name and the Year of publication, separated by a comma, within parentheses.
Example: According to Smith (2010), postmodernism significantly influences contemporary philosophy.
How to cite an Email in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing an email in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, including the sender’s name, the date the Email was sent, and the subject line are important. Here are the templates and examples for the reference list and In-text citation:
Reference List: Sender’s Last name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). The subject line of Email [Email]. Recipient’s email address.
Example: Smith, J. (2022, January 15). Follow-up on project meeting [Email]. [email protected].
In-text citation: (Author’s Last name, Year)
Example: (Smith, 2022)
How to cite an Encyclopedia article in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing an encyclopedia article in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, you must include the following information in the Reference List:
Reference List: Author(s) of the article. Year of publication. Title of the article. In: Title of the encyclopedia. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, page numbers.
Example: Smith, J. 2019. “Global Warming.” In: Encyclopedia of Climate Change. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, pp. 58-62.
For the in-text citation, in parentheses, you would use the author’s last name and Year of publication at the end of the sentence that cites the information from the encyclopedia article.
In-text citation: (Smith, 2019)
How to cite an Interview in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
Citing an interview in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style requires different formats depending on the type of Interview. Here are the templates and examples for the most common types of interviews:
Reference List:
- Personal Interview: Last name, First Initial. (Year, Month, day). Interview type [Interview]. Name of person interviewed.
Example: Smith, J. (2022, January 15). Personal Interview [Interview]. John Doe.
- Published Interview: Last name, First Initial. (Year, Month, day). Title of Interview. Name of Publication. URL. Example:
Jones, L. (2021, August 12). The future of renewable energy. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/12/the-future-of-renewable-energy-interview-with-lucy-jones
In-text citation:
- Personal Interview: (Last name of interviewee, Year)
Example: (Smith, 2022)
- Published Interview: (Last name of interviewee, Year)
Example: (Jones, 2021)
How to cite a Magazine in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
To cite a magazine article in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, you can follow the template and example below:
Reference List: Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume number(Issue number), page numbers. DOI or URL
Example: Cline, E. (2021). How to have a sustainable wardrobe: Tips from the experts. Vogue, 212(5), 82-85. https://www.vogue.com/article/how-to-have-a-sustainable-wardrobe-tips-from-the-experts
In-text citation: (Author’s Last name, Year of publication, p. page number)
Example: (Cline, 2021, p. 84)
Please note that if no DOI or URL is provided, you can omit that part of the reference list entry. If the magazine does not have volume or issue numbers, you can also omit those.
How to cite a Newspaper in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing a newspaper article in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, follow the format below:
Reference List:
Surname, Initial (s). (Year, Month Day). Article title. Newspaper title, page range. URL or DOI (if available).
Smith, J. (2022, January 5). New technology promises to revolutionize the farming industry. The Guardian, pp. A1-A2. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jan/05/new-technology-promises-to-revolutionize-farming-industry
In-text citation:
(Surname, Year)
(Smith, 2022)
Note: If the author’s name is not provided, begin the citation with the article’s title. If there is no publication date, use “n.d.” instead of the Year.
How to cite a Podcast in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
To cite a podcast in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, you will need to include the following elements: the name(s) of the podcast host(s), the date the podcast was published, the Title of the podcast episode, the name of the podcast, and the URL or DOI of the podcast.
Reference List:
Author(s) of the podcast. (Year of publication). Title of podcast episode [Audio podcast]. Name of the podcast. URL or DOI.
Smith, J. (2022, January 15). The Future of Artificial Intelligence [Audio podcast]. Tech Talk. https://techtalkpodcast.com/episodes/future-of-artificial-intelligence/
In-text citation:
(Smith, 2022)
Please note that if the podcast does not have a specific title, you may use a brief description of the podcast episode in the reference list instead.
How to cite a Song in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
To cite a song in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, the following information is needed for the reference list entry:
Reference List: Songwriter, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of song [Recorded by artist A. A.]. On Title of album [Medium of recording]. Record label. (Year of release). Available at: URL or DOI (Accessed: date).
In-text citation: (Songwriter, Year)
For example, if you want to cite the song “Hello” by Adele, released in 2015, the reference list entry would look like this:
Adele. (2015). Hello [Recorded by Adele]. On 25 [CD]. XL Recordings. (2015). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQHsXMglC9A (Accessed: February 23, 2023).
The in-text citation would be: (Adele, 2015).
How to cite The Bible in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
To cite The Bible in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style, follow the following templates and examples for the reference list and In-text citation:
Reference List: Format: Bible Title, Book Chapter: Verse(s), Translation version.
Example: The Holy Bible, Genesis 1:1-2, New International Version.
In-text citation: (Bible Title Book Chapter: Verse(s))
Example: (The Holy Bible Genesis 1:1-2)
Note: If referencing The Bible in your text, you can abbreviate the Title as “Bib.”
How to cite a TV Show in the Robert Gordon University – Harvard referencing style
When citing a TV show in the RGU Harvard referencing style, there are several elements to include in the reference list and in-text citation.
Reference List:
Template: Last Name, First Initial. (Role of creator). (Year of release). Title of TV show [TV series]. Production Company.
Example: Cherry, M. (Creator). (2004-2012). Desperate Housewives [TV series]. Cherry Productions, ABC Studios.
In-text citation:
Template: (Author Last Name, Year of release, Episode number)
Example: (Cherry, 2004, episode 1)
Note: You can omit the episode number in the in-text citation if referencing the entire TV series.
FAQs on RGU Harvard Referencing
Q: What is RGU Harvard referencing?
A: RGU Harvard referencing is a referencing style developed by Robert Gordon University in the UK. The referencing style is used in various academic disciplines, including management, business, and the environment.
Q: What is Harvard referencing?
A: Harvard referencing is a referencing style used in academic writing to acknowledge the sources used in work. Harvard citation style is one of the major style of referencing in the academic world
Q: What is the difference between a citation and a reference?
A: A citation is a brief reference within the text of a piece of work, while a reference is a detailed list of sources used in a piece of work.
Q: Can I use a citation generator for RGU Harvard referencing?
A: There are citation generators available online that can assist in creating RGU Harvard referencing citations and references.
Q: What should I do if I can’t find the information needed for a reference?
A: If you can’t find the information needed for a reference, consult our RGU Harvard referencing guide on this web page, read it in the library or contact your academic advisor for content ideas and assistance.

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