Defining an Informative Speech
An informative speech is a type of speech that uses facts, figures, and stats to educate the audience.
It may be about any chosen topic or subject matter, but it should have credible information that supports its claims.
As a successful informative speaker, you engagingly presents a topic based on factual information and sources.
This type of speech aims to provide credible information to make the audience understand what it’s all about.
When engaging in an informative speaking, the presenter will sometimes use visuals to increase engagement and keep their audience from getting bored.
The similarities between a regular essay versus an informative presentation are that they both contain facts or figures.
But only one can be held interesting through various tricks such as videos, pictures, etc.
All informative speeches cover the history, evolution, and other relevant information about a specific topic.
For example, if you’re designing a demonstration speech, then demonstrate an entire process instead of just explaining it verbally or in text format.
For instance, if you wish to present to your audience how to install software, you will explain its history, its evolution, and all those steps for setting it up.
An informative speech presents facts about a given topic to an audience.
The idea is that the speaker (speechwriter) is passionate and well informed about a given topic, and they want to share that information with others.
An informative speaking requires you to commit adequate time to gather information and excellent writing and public speaking skills.
Speech writing is covered in high school.
However, you have been practising informative speech delivery since you learned how to talk.
Remember, as a child, when you tried to convince your parent to buy you a certain toy.
That was an informative speech since you prepared a series of arguments and delivered your arguments in the most compelling way possible (that is, before resulting in throwing tantrums).
What is the Primary Purpose of an Informative Speech?
Public speaking takes on different meanings depending on who you ask.
For some public speakers, their purpose of giving a speech could be informing audiences about an issue in society they care deeply about, like poverty or immigration reform. In contrast, others may speak as practise before diving into more challenging endeavors, such as standing up in front of thousands at graduation ceremonies without shaking.
An informative speech’s primary purpose is to give the audience engaging, unique, and useful information.
This thought corresponds with why you have to convey accurate knowledge as well.
Informative speaking is all about providing knowledge to the audience that they don’t have.
This can mean teaching them something new or introducing a topic of interest to their job or hobby.
An informative speech aims not just for spectators’ information but also for them to understand more and perform better in what they do best.
Did you know that informative speaking is about providing knowledge and imparting it to people?
Giving your listeners facts can be a significant step towards bettering one’s career in this field.
Types of Informative Speeches
There are four types of informative speeches: definition, explanatory, descriptive, and demonstrative.
1. A definition of speech
A definition speech is an informative presentation where the speaker explains what a specific subject or thing means.
The goal for this type of speech varies depending on who gives it and their purpose. Still, in general, they aim to educate the audience about something that may not be well known by them so that everyone can understand things better when talking with each other.
2 A demonstration speech
A demonstration speech is a powerful way to communicate important information.
A how-to speech provides listeners with the steps they need to complete a task, increasing their likelihood of completing that task afterwards.
Visualizations often follow demonstration speeches to see what each step looks like and retain all the necessary information for later use on their own time.
3 An explanatory speech
In an industry conference, a speaker might give an explanatory speech to inform the audience on various aspects of that particular industry.
For instance, they could discuss what makes up their company’s product or supply chain and how these processes are used in other industries.
With visualizations such as graphs and charts shown during their talk, this is one way for speakers to condense complex information into easily retainable packages for attendees.
4 A descriptive speech
You can use descriptive speech to create a vivid picture in someone’s mind, and it could be about anything from an object to the discovery of a new dinosaur.
As all of these types make clear, there are many ways that you can communicate a given set of information in a speech.
When deciding what type you want to write and deliver, consider who the audience will know about your topic.
How To Write An Informative Speech
An excellent informative speech has the following elements:
A thesis Statement
Like any other form of an essay or large text, you should have a thesis statement.
A thesis statement tells your audience your stand on a specific topic.
In the case of an informative speech, the thesis statement acts as the title of your speech.
An example of a thesis statement of a global warming informative speech could read:
Global warming is the greatest threat to future generations
The following are the main components of an effective introduction. The introduction should:
- Grab your audience’s attention
A few facts on the subject will grab your reader’s attention and demonstrate your authority on the subject of the speech.
Another way to grab your audience’s attention is by using a joke or explaining why you are there.
Most importantly, read your introduction as if you are explaining something to your friend.
- Let your speech demonstrate who you are
Do not use a fake persona; instead, be yourself when writing and reading the speech.
According to studies, when faced with many people, liars will fidget or show other signs of deceitfulness.
If people notice insincerity when you are addressing them, they might lose interest and stop concentrating.
So, do not fake your interest in a given subject.
If your speech is not coming from the heart, it will definitely sound insincere.
- Quote material
An informative speech requires research.
Therefore, quote the material you used whenever possible in your introduction.
Quoting relevant sources demonstrates your passion and authority in the subject of the speech.
- Appeal to the emotions of your audience
An excellent way to appeal to people’s emotions is by telling a story.
For instance, in a speech about global warming, give a real-life example of how it has affected the world.
- Try to tell a joke
A joke in the introduction of a speech is a good way to break the ice. It is one of the main components of an effective introduction
Not only does it put your audience at ease, but it also helps you relax, especially if they laugh or at least giggle.
- Use catchy and or coined statements…
A coined statement is one that your audience can relate to and is memorable, like Coca-Cola’s ‘Taste the feeling.’
Catchy or coined phrases will stay in your audience’s mind long after delivering the speech.
Like how you randomly remember ‘Taste the feeling’ and associate with Coke, your audience will randomly remember a catchy slogan you used and remember your speech.
Moreover, a catchy statement personalizes your informative speech.
Consider the following factors in the body of your speech:
- Organization
Split your speech into relevant sections (paragraphs), which will be presented in about 5 minutes each.
- Transition
Let your audience know that a particular section is complete, and you are moving to your next point using a prolonged pause, starting each section with transition phrases, such as first, next, and now that you know, followed by a topic sentence.
- Provide solutions or recommendation
Do not just state facts.
Explain how these facts relate to the real world, address the problem, and provide solutions.
- Use repetition
When moving to your next point, briefly restate the previous one.
That is a good way of ensuring your audience follows what you are trying to say and helps them remember all your key points.
People mostly remember the beginning and the end of a book and movie.
The same applies to a speech.
Therefore, you must restate your thesis statement and tie it to the main points in your speech.
Also, consider ending your speech with a rhetorical question that will have them thinking about the subject of your speech for a long time or a question or statement that will inspire them to conduct further research.
Remember, you should always thank your audience for their time.
What is the Best Way to Write an Informative Speech?
When giving an informative speech, it’s important to start by considering how best you can deliver the information without expressing your opinion on the topic.
This is because an informative speech presents facts and knowledge for another person or group of people in a way that isn’t meant to persuade anyone on one side or another.
Informative speaking is a great way for audiences to gain the information they need or want to be more informed on whatever topic is being discussed at hand.
This may seem like something that would bore your audience into submission, but if done correctly can actually motivate them as well!
Below, we have listed seven ways to make your informative speaking the best it can be.
Each of these methods will help you get all those thoughts out and share them with listeners clearly and deliberately.
1. Attention getter
A speaker that wants to captivate an audience must first gain their attention.
You can do this in many ways, but it is important not to rely on a single strategy because if the listeners don’t feel engaged in your talk, they won’t have as much incentive and will start losing interest very quickly.
Additionally, selecting a topic that is not well-known to the audience can help make your speech more interesting.
If you select an already known subject and provide additional information about it, they will be grateful for new insight or light on why this matter needs attention.
The best subjects for informative speaking vary from person to person and are usually based on the interests of your audience, knowledge level, or age.
When considering these factors, you should ask yourself: What do my listeners know about this topic? Are they interested in it?
2. Show credibility
A vital element to consider is showing your experiences from the world of informative speech topics, which will make you authentic and credible.
When researching for good informative topics, use reliable resources to have no inaccuracies in what’s written down on paper.
You might be required to answer the people’s questions about your presentation.
Your understanding will help you reply to their queries after your speech, so it would be wise for you to make sure that these don’t become a problem in the first place and do what is needed now; comprehend them well.
3. Provide testimony
When giving an informative speech, you may find yourself feeling stuck with limited data to support your claims.
As such, you must provide expert testimony to back up the information presented.
Without this additional material for backup and clarification of points made during the presentation, people will not be as well-informed or educated when they leave your talk.
Leaving them more susceptible to misinformation.
Furthermore, it is best not to make baseless claims without referencing them.
Support your talk with testimonies from professionals for the information to be more impactful and credible.
Let your words be powerful and meaningful.
Utilize references to make them more informative, interesting, and credible for listeners.
4. Thesis statement
A thesis statement is a summary of your informative speech’s central point or argument.
Drafting one can be difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that crafting an engaging and concise introduction to your speech does wonder for its quality.
Your thesis statement is the backbone of your informative speech.
Without it, you may find yourself wandering through a confusing maze, searching for meaning and purpose in what seemed so clear before.
5. Preview your points
We all know that not everything we say is interesting.
That’s why before going head to your primary points, you must give your audience a heads up first.
This method will provide them with an initial preview of the list of informative topics for discussion and serve as a guide for listeners.
Because it gives them some insight on where they’re headed next in this speech.
6. Transition
Now, it’s time to transition into your main points.
The useful starting point is outlining the first point and making sure you spend a good amount of time on this topic so that they can really get what you are trying to say about said subject.
Then proceed with another main point!
With your informative speech, you need to ensure that each main point has adequate discussion time before proceeding.
You also want the audience and yourself not to be confused by transitions, making it easy for them to participate.
7. Conclusion
The conclusion of your speech is the most important part.
It’s where you sum up all the points that you made, and the audience will remember it for a long time to come if done correctly.
The first thing people remember about anything they hear or see is usually what was said initially.
So make sure to include some discussion on why you’re giving this talk to establish credibility from square one before moving on with more information.
Dense sections later in your presentation and highlight any key takeaways near its end when it’ll have a maximum impact against listeners’ memories.
Since those items are likely coming back fresh after forgetting everything else prior thereto due out of sheer exhaustion.
Tips on Writing Informative Speech
Here are some tips from professional writers to follow if you want to write a great informative speech:
- Informative speaking is not just a way to pass the time. They’re an opportunity for listeners to learn about something they didn’t know before, and that’s why it is important for you as a speaker to make every second worth listening to. Every minute of your speech should be filled with information so that no one has any reason to tune out or stop paying attention because there isn’t anything interesting going on in their mind already – filling up all those minutes will provide them with more than enough new things.
- Persuasive speech is not just about persuading an audience but informing them of a topic. Understanding the difference between persuasive and informative speech is crucial to know how to speak in public effectively. Persuasive speeches are intended for persuading your audience and informing them on a particular topic or idea. Informative speeches, however, focus more on providing information without any intention of persuasion whatsoever…
- Provide examples from the real world so that your audience can relate to your best topic of the speech on a practical basis.
- To back up your argument, you need solid data sourced from a credible source.
- Do not put any unreliable and irrelevant information.
- When delivering the speech, make sure to maintain good eye contact with your audience. This will help establish trust and credibility on both sides of the equation.
- When you’re done speaking, be prepared for the question-answer session. Let your audience know that they can ask their questions and be attentive because it will happen soon.
Good Informative Topics
To keep your audience’s attention and ensure they learn something from you, you must have good informative speech ideas.
Following is a full list of informative speech topics for a great speech:
Informative Speech Topics About Education
- How to Excel in College with Online Learning
- Should Schools Give the Students Homework
- Various Forms of Learning and Teaching
- The Benefits of E-Learning
- The Importance of Education for Professional Growth
Informative Speech Topics About Technology
- Cryptocurrency and the Future of Finance
- Cloud Computing and Storage
- Hardware vs. Software
- The Importance of Learning How to Code
- The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Learning
Informative Speech Topics About Vehicles
- The Benefits and Setbacks of Purchasing an Automobile
- The Process of Changing Your Vehicle’s Oil
- The Process of Replacing a Flat Tire
- How to Choose a Suitable Set of Tires for Your Automobile
- What Features to Consider When Buying a New Automobile?
Informative Speech Topics About the Environment
- The Negative Effects of Water Contamination
- Why is Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Necessary?
- Reasons Why Preserving Energy is Essential
- The Benefits of Organic Agriculture
- What are the Most Efficient Manners to Preserve our Environment?
Informative Speech Topics About a Family
- The Significance of Having a Family
- At What Age Do Infants Start to Speak?
- What are the Things to Consider When Naming a Child?
- What is the Significant Connection Between a Child and their Parents?
- The Father as a Life Model
Informative Speaking with a Visual Aid?
Every informative speech needs a presentation to help the audience understand complicated parts.
This is because it’s hard for people to visualize what you’re saying when they can’t see your visual aids (like graphs).
I’ve listed four reasons why visuals are important and practical for informative speaking, so keep reading.
- To keep the listener’s attention and to get a hold of their interest.
- A good informative speech topic is one that the audience can both see and remember. It’s no secret how helpful a visual aid or memory device may be for remembering something; after all, it serves as an excellent point of reference to help recall concepts in general.
- A PowerPoint presentation can be a helpful tool when presenting your speech during an interview. Create slides that will contain the keywords you want to emphasize throughout your presentation and make it easy for yourself by having them in one place!
- Using visual aids like graphics and charts helps create smooth transitions between two concepts displayed on a slide.
There are many different types of visual aids available to you when presenting. Some examples of the visual aids include:
- Charts
- Graphs
- Handouts
- Models
- Objects
- Photos
- Posters
- Slides
Informative Speeches vs. Persuasive Speeches
What are informative speeches?
What makes them different from persuasive speeches?
These questions may be going through your head, but don’t worry! We’ll tackle all that for you.
This article will explore the difference between an informative speech and a persuasive one.
They may sound similar, but they have their differences you should know about before speaking in front of your audience.
An informational speech is typically given to teach or inform others on something specific that there might not be any other information out there for them to learn from.
In persuasion speeches, people use various methods like logic, emotion, and reason combined to get someone’s agreement with his point of view.
These are also called rhetoric devices such as logos (logic), ethos (character) pathos (emotion).
For those of you who are not familiar with the difference between an informative speech and a persuasive speech, let me break it down for you:
Informative Speech
- It is the most popular type of speech.
- An informative speech describes knowledge regarding specific informative speech topic ideas, process, event, or object.
- Informative speaking does not tell the audience what to do with the facts and information they impart.
- The primary goal of an informative speech is for the listeners to comprehend the knowledge fully.
- Academic lectures are examples that have good informative topics.
Persuasive Speech
- Persuasive speeches also use information.
- Besides understanding the information, this type of speech convinces the audience about a particular viewpoint.
- A persuasive speech might utilize similar informative speech techniques but can also use emotions to persuade the people.
- A persuasive speech’s end goal is for the listeners to perceive the topic rather than merely having the information.
- A sales demo or presentation is one example of a persuasive speech.
Informative speeches are usually used to provide information about a topic.
They can be given as part of an educational course or to share knowledge with the general public.
In this blog post, we’ve discussed how to write an informative speech and what informative topics are best for the purpose.
The primary purpose is to educate the audience and inform listeners on the subject at hand.
An informative speech should always have some form of visual aid that supports your claims (such as photographs), so you must discuss this before giving your speech.
If you need help with your informative speech, don’t hesitate to contact Essay Freelance Writers.
We’re happy to provide assistance and support for any informative topics listed above or a topic that’s not on this list.
Place your order today by filling the order form so we can get started right away.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an informative speech example?
A lecture given by a teacher in a high school or college class is an example of an informative speech. A manager in a retail store giving a presentation to her staff about how to explain a new product line to customers would also be an example of an informative speech.
What are good topics for an informative speech?
- Taking depression seriously.
- Treatment of chronic ailments.
- Importance of sleep.
- Technology and healthcare.
- Impact of food consumption on health.
- Importance of a balanced diet.
- Psychological disorders: causes and impact.
- Advantages and disadvantages of home remedies.
What are types of an informative speech?
9 types of informative speeches
- Descriptive speeches
- Demonstrative speeches
- Explanatory speeches
- Definitive speeches
- Speeches about objects
- Speeches about people
- Speeches about processes
- Speeches about events
- Speeches about ideas

With a passion for helping students navigate their educational journey, I strive to create informative and relatable blog content. Whether it’s tackling exam stress, offering career guidance, or sharing effective study techniques