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How To Write A Speech For Any Occasion In 9 Simple Steps

May 9, 2022 | 0 comments

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May 9, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

Writing is an art, and there are rules that you need to follow when writing a speech. There is no point in having the best content, but if it is not presented in a way that the audience can easily follow, then your message will not be well received.

When preparing a speech to give to an audience, who may be strangers or regular listeners of yours, it makes sense that you want to put your best foot forward and give them something they will find interesting. This article will show you how to write a speech from start to finish with easy-to-follow instructions. This wi be helpful if you have been having problems with how to write a speech about yourself or how to write a graduation speech mong other form o peeche,

Why Is It Important To Learn How To Write A Speech?

Learning how to write a speech allows you to:

  • Communicate your ideas and opinions clearly
  • Deliver a speech that is well-organized and well-structured
  • Prepare a speech that is interesting and engaging
  • Build your confidence in public speaking

The Core Elements Of An Effective Speech

Here are the core elements of an effective speech:

  • Simple, direct sentences that are easy to follow and understand.
  • A persuasive call to action that tells your audience what they should do next (assuming you’re trying to convince them to take a specific action).
  • Rhetoric and persuasive language in metaphors, repetition, analogies, etc., help make your points more memorable and interesting.
  • An attention-grabbing speech introduction that hooks your listeners from the very beginning.
  • A clear take-away message about what you want people to remember after you’ve finished speaking—a central thesis statement or theme for your entire talk.
  • An appropriate tone matches your topic and message (e.g., funny anecdotes might be better than serious statistics).
  • Descriptive language and diction choices designed with your audience in mind—dense academic terms will sound out of place at a school assembly where kids give speeches about their pets’ quirks!
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How To Write A Great Speech: 9 Steps You Should Follow

In this guide, you will discover a simple 9-step process that you can follow to write an engaging and impactful speech for any occasion.

Step 1. Research Your Audience

Research Your Audience

Before you start writing your speech, you need to know who it’s for. Your audience is the most important aspect because their needs will be the basis for what you include in your speech. Here are some things you should consider about your audience:

  • What do they want from me?
  • What is their level of knowledge?
  • What is their age range?
  • What are their expectations?

You also need to know why you’re giving a speech and what the occasion is:

  • What is the purpose of my speech? Is it persuasive or informative? Am I trying to convince people of something, or do I need to tell them something new or different?
  • What is the occasion for this speech? Is it a graduation ceremony, an awards banquet, a retirement party, or an annual company meeting?

Step 2. Choose your topic

  • Choose an interesting topic that is simple, easy to follow, and keep to the point. Only include relevant material in the speech. Always choose a topic that you are passionate about – if you aren’t excited about it, your listeners won’t be either!
  • Choose a topic that is relevant to the audience. Are they interested in learning how to make a budget? Or maybe how to plan an event or take better photos? The more relevant the speech topic is, the more engaged your audience will be, and the greater the chance of them taking action on what they hear in your speech.

Step 3. Gather your information

Once you know the topic and purpose of your speech, it’s time to gather the information. You need to gather the information relevant to the topic and appropriate for your audience. Also, you’ll want to make sure you have reliable sources for all of your materials. You can use books, magazines, scholarly articles, or websites as long as they are reputable and accurate.

The next step is to determine how much information to include. A good rule of thumb here is to go with quality over quantity. It’s better to have two or three really strong points than a handful of weak ones. Once you’ve gathered your research, distill it into a few key points that support your argument and bring up those points repeatedly throughout the speech (be careful not to sound like a broken record). This will help keep your main message front-and-center in everyone’s mind come speech time!

Step 4. Write an outline

Write an outline

An outline is a blueprint for your speech. It will help you structure your content and plan and write it.

People often skip this step because they think it will slow them down and they won’t need one.

But having an outline is even more important if you are working to a tight deadline because it will speed up the writing process and ensure that you don’t miss any important points.

Step 5. Organize Your Sentence Structure And Flow

Now that you’ve learned how to get the ideas from your brain to paper and organize your content into a logical order, it’s time to make those words shine. The best way to do that is by focusing on sentence structure and flow.

You want your sentences (and paragraphs) to be short and declarative. You also want them to read smoothly from one idea to the next. Writing experts recommend seeing/feeling/touching verbs in the active voice for most of your speech.

You should avoid run-on sentences with too many complex ideas. If you need a comma, ask yourself if that would be better as two sentences instead.

You also want to use transitions between ideas like “however” or “therefore” so listeners can follow along more easily as they listen rather than read what you have written word for word—especially if they aren’t familiar with the subject matter. As you are!

Step 6. Write a great introduction

How to write a speech introduction? Your speech introduction is your chance to grab the audience’s attention, set up your topic, and give an overview of what you’re going to be talking about.

It should be short and to the point—don’t waste too much time before getting into the heart of your speech.

A good rule of thumb is no more than 10% of your entire speech should be taken up by your introduction.

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Step 7. End with a call to action

The end of your speech should be the most memorable part. There are two reasons for this:

  • First, it’s the last thing people will remember from your talk.
  • Second, it’s an opportunity to deliver a message that can potentially change their lives or their thoughts and feelings on a certain topic.

There are some key strategies you can use as you craft your call to action (or CTA):

  • Make your audience feel like they can make a positive difference in their own lives, other people’s lives, and the world.

This is powerful stuff! If done well, your call to action will leave the audience with a clear message of what they can do next and how they might go about doing it—and hopefully with a good deal of enthusiasm!

Step 8. Practice your speech

Practice your speech

If you’re delivering a work presentation, rehearse in front of a coworker or your boss to get feedback on how your speech is coming across. That way, you can make any changes before the big day. And don’t be afraid to ask for help from others.

If you have a hard time remembering your speech word for word, write it out on note cards and keep them with you when practicing. You could also record yourself speaking to watch back and make improvements where needed. For example, is your voice too quiet? Do I speak fast? Do I fidget with my hands too much? Am I looking away from the camera or audience too often?

You’ll likely sound stiff at first, so go over your speech multiple times until you feel comfortable with it. Practice makes perfect! Also, consider using hand gestures if they feel natural—the last thing we want is for you to look like a cardboard cutout. If certain words trip you up, practice those sections more than others!

Step 9. Make any edits or revisions

You’ve written your speech and edited it for clarity and conciseness. Now, make sure your structure is sound, that you haven’t left out important points, and don’t have any extra information included. Then check for spelling and grammatical errors, ensuring consistency throughout the entire piece.

Finally, make sure the flow is comfortable between each point in your speech—if there are awkward transitions between one point to another or if it seems like a sudden change in topic, add transitions or adjust the wording to fix this problem.

Have someone else read through it once before you present it—they might catch problems you didn’t notice because of familiarity with the content!

Extra Tips on How to Write a speech Perfectly

As you start to write down your speech, here are a few extra tips to keep in mind:

1. Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself. 

When writing your speech, try to incorporate repetition. People remember ideas better when they hear them multiple times, and repeating yourself allows you to open up more time for discussion. One way to repeat yourself is by saying things like, “What I’m trying to say here is that the impact of nuclear power can be positive or negative depending on who we ask.” The repetition in this sentence will help audiences remember that the impact of nuclear power can be positive or negative depending on who we ask. You should also write down key moments in your speech to revisit them later.

2. Add your flare

It’s time now to make your speech your own. You’re going to have a lot of fun with this step!

Let’s start with the first one or two sentences of your speech. These are often referred to as the “hook.” Think about how you can get the audience on board from the beginning and keep them hooked until the end. Ask yourself: What impact do I want my speech to have? How will my audience remember me after I’ve given my speech?

  • Use stories or anecdotes that resonate with your audience if you can (think about what is appropriate for your audience, though). This will help make your speech memorable, especially if you put it within a story framework that is easy for people to digest (i.e., someone overcoming an obstacle or achieving something great—like in every fairy tale ever).
  • Don’t be afraid to use humor if it fits your topic and theme well, but stay away from telling jokes; they usually don’t translate well in speeches.
  • Make sure all of these elements are personalized and tie back into who you are as a person and what you have accomplished, a topic we touched on earlier during research but which bears repeating here.
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3. Use a creative hook to begin your speech.

  • Start with a story that relates to your topic. The story can be your own or someone else’s, but it should grab the audience’s attention and make them want to learn more.
  • Use a quote that relates to your speech topic. A good quote will help set the tone for your speech and provide a focal point for you and your audience.
  • Ask a question that relates to your speech topic. This is similar to using a quote, but in addition to grabbing attention, this technique allows you to pose something for the audience to ponder before continuing with the rest of the speech.
  • Use statistics or fact that pertains to your subject matter. This is another way of grabbing the reader’s attention by providing information that might shock or surprise them about what you’re going to discuss in depth during your presentation.
  • Make a bold statement about something related to your subject matter that most people would probably disagree with or find shocking (but is true). That will get their attention since most people hate being wrong and not knowing things they think they should know!

4. Make it personal and relevant.

You don’t need to tell a joke or a story to make your speech interesting, but it does help. If you can add a personal story that relates to the topic, your audience will be more interested.

Including a personal anecdote is especially helpful when presenting statistics and information otherwise boring on its own. For example, if you’re talking about water conservation, discuss your family’s showering habits: how long they take and whether they turn off the water while brushing their teeth or washing their face. Doing so instantly humanizes the material in question and helps people understand how it affects them on an individual level.

As with any other aspect of public speaking, keep your anecdotes brief (1-3 minutes). Use stories that are relevant but simple enough so that everyone can grasp them; don’t spring sophisticated references on anyone if you’re unsure of the makeup of your audience.

Remember: As long as it’s appropriate for the occasion and proves enlightening or entertaining for those listening to you speak, any personal anecdote is fair game!

5. Get the tone right.

Does your speech have a theme? Is it serious? Humorous? Do you want to be highly respectful or more casual and familiar with your audience? Think about whether your speech will make people laugh, cry, or take action. You’ll want to choose the tone that matches the type of reaction you hope for from your audience.

Here are some examples of tones you might employ:

  • Joking
  • Serious
  • Informative
  • Persuasive
  • Motivational

6. Don’t focus on perfection.

When speaking to an audience, don’t focus on being perfect. Just get your message across—it makes for a much more authentic experience and a more engaged audience. If you’re trying to be perfect, chances are you’ll sound rehearsed or too polished, which can be off-putting for some audiences.

It’s ok to make mistakes, and it’s ok not to know the right words! But remember that it’s not about what you say or how you say it; it’s really about your message and whether or not people can understand what you’re saying.

7. Include stories or anecdotes if you can

Stories are a great way to make your speech more interesting. They’re also the best way to engage listeners—after all, who doesn’t like a story?

Make sure your story is short and relevant. Don’t spend more than 60 seconds telling a story. And don’t tell stories that are irrelevant to your audience. Tell stories that resonate with them so that they can connect with you and your message.

Use the anecdote as an illustration of one of your points. It should support the point you want to make, not be funny (although if it can do both, then brilliant!).

Get Help from our Experts with your Speech Writing Paper

We’ve got some good news for you if you need help with your speech writing. We can provide a speechwriter to write a perfectly tailored speech for you. We need the length of your speech and the deadline, and our experts will do the rest. They’ll craft a unique speech that encapsulates everything you want to say in the perfect tone for your audience.

Speech writing isn’t an easy task because it takes so much more than just being able to write well! The best speeches aren’t just well written; they also have heart and soul put into them by their writers. Our experts are ready to write an engaging and heartfelt speech that will be remembered by all those who hear it.

If you want some help but don’t know where to start, contact us today! Our team of experts is standing by and ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have about getting started

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