Is Google stupid?
In the recent years of internet use, Google has become part and parcel of every internet user. From students, teachers, researchers and even politicians we all resort to Google for some users. Some of the answers got are practical while others raise more questions than answers. Several writers have come up with different explanations on the topic is Google Stupid. Nickolas Carry, for instance in his article, Is Google Making us Stupid discusses the effects of Google on the attention span of students and the young because of frequent use of the internet. In his case study, Carry provides evidence to suggest that Google has affected writing and reading skills of most internet users. He suggests since the internet and Google, in particular, are the sources of information, it makes us stupid and makes Google stupid in return. This is a critical analysis of the article, Is Google making us Stupid by Nickolas Carry.
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Reading Carry’s article one notices all the information he uses is from case studies. In addition, he shares his experience using Google. He uses the case study of Bruce Friedman, who acknowledges that he has lost the ability to read and understood any papers. He blames technology for his lack of concentration. I find this argument to be compelling since in my generation we are accustomed to getting all the information from the internet. We are no longer red, books, use our experiences to make decisions. Reading is a skill that is developed over time. Generations that came before the advent of technology are better readers and writers because they did most of their reading and developed this skill. The current generation is used to instantaneous answers; this mentality is what leads to the stupidity associated with Google. Despite the fact that Google is giving us the information we can relate to we need to learn and develop both reading and writing skills and depend less on technology (Carry 3).
Google creates shortcuts for its users. It is this shortcut that results to stupidity among the same users. For example, Carry recognizes that most books, articles, and even magazines are creating shortcuts for their readers. The New York, times well-known magazine has created the last three pages of its editions to provide summaries for their readers. Carry is of the opinion that this has increased laziness. Like Carry, I believe that Google and other search engines are degrading the human brain. This is very harmful especially to the young generations. Soon the world will be full of people who do not know how to read and write; we shall have no writers shortly (Carry 4).
The internet changes the way we think. In his article Carry says he does not think as he used to since the advent of technology and internet use. He says he used to read books and lengthy articles, and he no longer does that. The internet and Google have changed his concentration span; he starts to wonder on the second and third page of any reading. He begins to look for other things to do. He is struggling to read. He admits that this might have resulted to him spending much time online. As a writer, he recognizes that the internet is Godsend to him, he no longer needs to spend much time in the library sweeping through books for his research work. He only needs to make quick Google searches. The internet is quickly becoming a universal medium. The internet has shaped the process of thoughts. At the same time taking way the ability to concentrate. Our minds are quickly expecting to take information the way the internet supplies it. A deep research nd thought is reducing every day. He says that his friend, Scott Karp confessed that he stopped reading books, and this has affected the way he thinks (Carry 5).
From the research conducted by University scholars, it is evident that the intent has changed our reading habits. In the research, it is indicated that we are reading a lot more than we did when the only technology means was the Television. He quickly adds that it is, however, a different kind of reading that comes with a different kind of thinking. Since humans are what they read the internet reading has changed us. The internet promotes a style of reading that puts efficiency and immediacy first. The kind of reading we do online makes us decoders of information; this is because, it disengages our ability to transform and understand the information without distractions. Since reading is not biological skills, we have to train our minds to read and translate the symbolism in readings. The internet affects the neural circuits in our brains. This means that the circuit developed through the reading on the internet is different from that developed by the traditional means of reading books and printed works. Carry gives the example of Nietzsche, who bought typewriter and mastered its use. This, however, affected his style of writing, he wrote in short forms. The internet has done everything for us, for example when typing few paragraphs on the computer we realize that the keyboard already makes predictions of the next word. Writing is n equipment to our thoughts, for instance, in the case of Nietzsche, his thoughts changed from arguments to puns and telegram style.
Technology use has affected in the way we express ourselves. The use of Google and other search engines effects do not end t the close of the computer screen. It changes our attitudes; the internet plays a major role in our lives than the human brain. Acknowledged by the Google Chief Executive, Eric Schmidt, the role of Google is to systematize everything. From the information searched in the Engine, the company carries out series of experiments. The experiment results then refine the algorithm that increases control on how people find information and extract the meaning from it. This means that Google is trying to control the human mind, especially through the decision-making process. The Google search engine is constantly being developed to ensure that the results obtained are exactly what the user wants.
The working of the internet suggests that our minds should operate at the same speeds the search engines. The faster we browse through the internet pages the more results and links we access. In return Google and other search engines collect this information giving us quick outputs. The companies do not want to encourage slow, leisure and thoughtful reading because his will be bad for their business. For example, when the first Gutenberg Printing Press arrived, there was worry that the easy availability of books will result in intellectual laziness would weaken our minds. Another argument was that that availability of cheaply printed books would undermine religious authority demeaning the work of scholars. The internet is replacing the printing press and introducing something new altogether. Deep reading is distinguished from deep thinking(Carry 4).
Although Carry’s article makes lots of sense, there are some benefits associated with Google. For example, Google has resulted in the equality of education all over the world. As long as one has Smartphone and a computer, they can access and use the internet improving their education skills in return. The different cultural experiences are part of learning. People have the ability to read and discuss topics. Google also offers education regarding pictures; pictures tell stories more than words. More and more people are sharing their pictures together with their experiences in different aspects of life. This education aspect is something that Carry feels to mention in his article. Sharing experiences with each other does not make us stupid, and neither does it make Google stupid.
In his article, Carry recognizes the development of writing by the Socrates and admits that writing was developed to prevent people forgetting important facts of life. Carry laments that technology tinkers his brain. I feel that the older generation like Carry’s is finding the internet difficult to use and that they find it hard to deal with the vast amount of information available on Google. The human brain does not need to change due to technology use since it is the same brain that developed the internet. He also argues that the internet will not allow intellectual vibrations; intellect development is a choice and focus. The internet users need to be responsible (Carry 6).
Is Google making us stupid makes valid arguments but also ignores certain benefits associated with Google use. The internet is everywhere, and much more advances are being made to increase its efficiency. Google use has affected and changed our reading skills and has affected with our train of thoughts. It is less possible to concentrate on an internet article than printed book. The increased easy access to summaries has also increased laziness especially among students and writers. Internet reading has introduced a new kind of reading that is slowly affecting the way we think. Carry uses evidence from reach conducted to explain the fact that Google is making us more stupid.
However, Carry forgets that there are good things associated with Google use. The main purpose of technology is to make easy life n efficient. Carry explains that he is not the only one being affected by technology use. He uses studies on the internet behavior suggesting that internet use contributes to the way we think. His arguments re even more credible because he uses the sources to explains his arguments. Further, he suggests that Google, for instance, use the search results to create more results that would appeal to the human mind. In this regard he says humans are going to be like machines posing the question to the reader about the future of the human mind and knowledge. It is possible to read and lose our concentration on printed text, instead of wasting so much time, why not search for a summary of the reading this is where Google steps in, it provides us with such summaries. Google use has also increased our education and increased easy access to education. People from all walks of life have the ability to discuss different topics online. At the same time the ability to share pictures sharing their life experiences.
Works Cited
Carr, Nicholas. “Is Google Making Us Stupid? (Cover Story).” Atlantic 302.1 (2008): 56-63. Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2015
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