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A Detailed Analysis of Proper Oils Company: Products, Reviews, and More

Apr 6, 2023 | 0 comments

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Apr 6, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments


After signing a contract with proper oils company, we researched with the main objective of improve their customer base and also increasing customer loyalty to their products. The report am compiling is the results of our consultancy project.

The team of consultants in this project assessed the swot analysis of proper oils company and found their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, the opportunities of the company and their threats we found can be converted to strengths to achieve their objectives. The report further discusses the proposed integrated solution from the team of consultants include possible outcomes and their projected problems. These include Creative marketing the project (Eco) school, loyalty schemes, door to door marketing, social marketing, and eco-hotels.

Also, the report gives a detailed and analyzed reflective report of the whole project. These comprise of the Teamwork, Project management, Analytical and creative problem solving, Consulting Modes, Confrontation, and conflicts, Ethical Issues. Finally, the conclusion of the report draws my overall reflection of the success of the report

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The consultancy project was contracted to try and find a solution for the Proper Oils Company to increase their number of customers for the company in addition to improving the image of the company and maintaining loyalty to the company’s products. The consultancy project comprised of a team of members who were dedicated to the task ahead. We first set the aim of the team which was to find potential solutions for Proper Oils in keeping current customers as well as gaining new customers’ second was to lay down our objectives and lastly do our analysis. The objectives of our team were:

  • To help Proper Oils maintain their clientele through marketing tactics
  • To find various effective marketing solutions that attract new and keep existing customers
  • To find cost-efficient solutions
  • To find ways to overcome the disadvantages that these solutions may have
  • To select the most effective and suitable discarded solution from the other options



Professional Consultancy‘s Integrated Solution for Proper Oils:

Increasing customers while maintaining loyalty

The analyzed and commented breakdown of the project is detailed below.

                        Swot analysis of the Proper Oils

From our analysis of Proper Oils Company, the strengths included their strong brand, well set of objectives, 50% growth they have achieved. This is because Proper Oils are well estranged in biofuels which give it an upper hand in the market. This has seen it record a fifty percent growth and a takeover to their companies in the last five years. Moreover, other strengths are a good relationship with the local authority, free access to the accounts of the company at any time, good Heathrow airport deal, and finally, the company was in the process of acquiring other companies. These were powerful strengths of the company because their trend was pleasing and they had an upper hand in the market.

Moreover, after critically analyzing the company, we found the company had some weakness but which could be changed to strengths. The weaknesses we identified is that the company does their promotions through the internet, their website is not updated, they use costly methods of advertising, the global rise in fuel price can affect Proper Oils, losing of customers to competitors, their newsletters have never been successful and the manpower is inadequate.

On the other hand, the opportunities of the Proper Oils which can be changed to strengths include the rise in fuel prices globally, promotion through internet These factors in which proper fuels is performing well should be advertised on the internet to create more good opportunities such as promotions which a great opportunity. Similarly, other opportunities are more staff workers when they take over other organizations and lastly the possibility of expansion through differentiation.

Lastly, the team analyzed the company and identified the following threats. These included the competitors, tough market, the global recession, and the loosing of customers to competitors. The report gives a detailed analysis of how Proper Oils can convert its weaknesses and the threats to her strengths sing a cost-effective mechanism and gain more customers.

Proposed integrated solutions to Proper Oils, projected outcomes, and potential problems

The team on the project discussed at length many possible solutions but finally settled on the best five integrated solutions which we were doubtless will add some value to the company to achieve the objectives. The report also discusses the projected outcomes and the potential problems of the proposed solutions.

Creative marketing the project (Eco) school

Our team proposed a low priced and creative form of marketing through Corporate Social Responsibility. This method was to be executed through schools in three ways. Proper Oils can organize a competition in a school on how to process oils and give prices, another way is by setting up a stall during Earth’s Day in schools and educates people on how to process oils and consequently give out their leaflets (Erick, 2012). Thirdly is a combination of the two, Proper Oils to advertise a competition earlier and give presents during Earth Day (BBC, 2013)

The projected outcome of the creative project on Corporate Social Responsibility will be wonderful. Therefore, Proper Oils should engage more in environmental projects at schools. This will promote the image of the company because the children will tell their parents about Proper Oils recycling of the oil hence gaining more customers (Butcher, 2002).

The potential problem is that the method will be time-consuming and the reward may be none or small. Moreover, our potential clients, the children, are vulnerable and it is unethical to advertise on children (Crane et al, 2004). However, the concept of Proper Oils should be to build sustainability for future generations.

Loyalty schemes

We proposed this method because it is suitable for retaining current clients and that is our main objective. Furthermore, during execution, Proper Oils can reward the customers but it should set the best criteria for rewarding. This could be either to reward long time customers or any other customers (Butcher, 2002).

The outcome of the loyalty schemes is that Proper Oils were able to maintain and gain more customers. However, it may take longer. The projected problem is complexity and confusion, especially when giving out different prices. Moreover, it is a time-consuming process to see the results (Erick, 2012).

Door to door marketing

This marketing method was also proposed to Proper Oils to build solid affairs with their clients. Our proposal entailed choosing some employees who know the mission, vision, activities, and objectives of the company to advertise the company. Furthermore, they must have good communication and interpersonal skills to negotiate a deal with hotels and restaurants (The Marketing Donut, 2009).

The outcomes are that it can attract and gain clients to Proper Oils through negotiation by skilled salespersons of the company. On the other hand, failure is common and it needs a lot of motivation for the salesperson (Tudor, 2001).

Social Marketing

Proper Oils should build a good image socially and increase support to potential clients. This is by responding rapidly and in an effective way to the requirements of people. Furthermore, they can contribute to other company’s websites by using terms such as “complementary goods”. This will draw traffic to their website and goods (Kong, 2005). Similarly, Proper Oils should support other green companies but not those they are in the same category. This is done by marketing them and creating links to the Proper Oils products (Zarella, 2011).

During the advertisements, Proper Oils should also learn to use specialized language and show their successes by their awards during advertisements. Similarly, Proper Oils can capitalize on a free advertising site called Freeads (Freead, 2013).

The outcome is that Proper Oils Company will build a wide range of customers and many people will know about their products. These will come from the clients attracted by internet links, free social sites advertisement, and from other company’s sites (Osenton, 2012).

The projected problem is maintaining a professional outlook on social media, especially on the rapid responses. Moreover, giving complementary goods by a small company such as Proper Oils lowers the profit margin (Singh, 2012).

Eco- hotels

Eco hotel is an accommodation that has made some environmental improvements to its structure to minimize its impact on the natural environment. They mostly use green energy (Convert 2 Green, 2012). The outcome is that the green hotels which use environmentally friendly fuels but do not recycle were the potential clients and were to be targeted. Furthermore, According to Waste Management World (2011), the projected problem is that eco-hotels might be already recycling oil with the competitors.



I this section I would like to reflect on my participation in the team during our consultancy project for a proper oil company. Generally, every group member participated and most of the time we had fruitful discussions. Furthermore, every team member was given a chance to air his or her opinions. The kind of communication during our meetings or brainstorming sessions was kind of interactive.

Furthermore, in our team, every member was very supportive and friendly and stayed on the course of the daily tasks and the over the main project which we were determined to accomplish professionally.

During our discussion sessions and our meetings, each member was free to ask a question on any clarification or if the member wanted an elaboration, the team manager always grants the concerned member the opportunity to seek clarification. I also noted that most of our team meetings and our work was mainly focused on the relevant topic with the main aim of finding the best solutions for the proper oils company. The team was very energetic and full of enthusiasm.

I also noted that the best thing that happened that may be led to the success of our teamwork was the cooperation of the members. Every member was also responsible and we all fell at approximately the same age bracket. We were also highly organized with the team’s chairman leading the other members.

Despite the success of the group, we also faced some challenges but we were able to solve them amicably. For example, it differing on opinions, the complexity of the task, and the minor interruption when a new idea comes up on the previously concluded topic.

Project management

During our project management, I personally saw success in our work. This came out of collaboration and cooperation among the team members. The work was finished within the time frame and the results are also pleasing.

Furthermore, during our sessions, we brainstormed on many issues. All members were motivated and stayed on the main course and the task ahead. Everyone was determined to accomplish the task which we entrusted by the proper oil company. Moreover, the team manager constantly reminded us to stay on the main objective of our team, and therefore we employed different tactics and strategies to maneuver the problems we encountered.

Moreover, during our project management, we worked under the hierarchy of authority. The management of the proper oil company was very cooperative during the whole operation as they provided all the required information and data needed by our team. Similarly, we consulted many professionals in the field of marketing and also studied the market trends before making our decisions.

Analytical and creative problem solving

In any team or a group of people with a great task ahead and originates from different backgrounds, conflicts, differences and problems are unavoidable. However, in our team, we had a well-elaborated, proven, and efficient mechanism of solving our problems.

At the beginning of each phase as a team, we discussed and decided on the roles of each member of the team and what he/she was going to do. In this case, we consulted in our meetings, observed our objectives, and finally defined the roles.

For instance, I remember a situation one day in our meeting were two members who wanted to do the same task of finding out the suitability of social marketing. It was obvious all were determined to be given the task. However, we decided to give the task to member 1 and member 2 was asked to analyze social marketing. Although it was clear member 2 wanted to search social marketing, he accepted the new role and he moved on supporting the move that at least he was involved in the part of social marketing. As a team, we agreed with the decision made because it was based on looking at the bad and the good aspects of the matter. In this scenario, the problem handling consisted of compromise and accommodation.

The manner problems are handled depends on great length on the individual skills of the team members and the personalities of the involved parties. In our daily operations, we were encountered with different problems but our perception and understanding of the problem hopefully always guided us to positive results.

Mode of consultation

During our task evaluation and brainstorming, we had many different modes of consultation. Mostly we met three times a week, assigned ourselves roles, and then did fieldwork. Furthermore, we had our mobile phones for easy communication whenever we found something interesting and we need to share.

Lastly, on the consultation modes, collaboration was a key instrument as we were compatible throughout the mission. We consulted various professionals and also the management of proper oils for clarification where needed.

Conflict and Confrontation

During our storming phases and some of our team sessions, the meetings were sometimes characterized by conflicts and confrontations that could arise. Mostly there were three types of conflicts which in most cases used to come up. However, the personal conflicts were minimal in the group as we avoided it all cost. Personal conflicts in most cases are always detrimental to a team or a group discussion.

The three types of conflicts which we noticed were the:

  • Substantive conflict or the task conflict that relates the achievement of projects to goals
  • Emotional r relationship conflicts are linked to our relationship as members
  • The process conflict relates to how the task ahead of us was going to be accomplished.

However, through the able leadership of the team chairperson, we were able to solve our team differences and conflicts through collaboration, compromising, avoiding, accommodating, and assertiveness

It is very important to note that any time conflict was perceived; we discussed the issues before it blew out of hand.Moreover, it is important to be curious about the perception of the other party, listen, and paraphrase what you heard, and percept the cause of the conflict. Also, every member of a team must contribute to the solution-finding.

Ethical issues

All members of our team maintained high moral values and carried themselves professionally. The moral standards were superb among the team members. Moreover, all members were responsible and reasonable and did their tasks diligently. They consulted and acted as responsible professionals.

Respect, trust, honesty, and justice were common atmosphere in the sessions. From our results, it can portray the true honesty among my team as we went to the ground and did the research and not cooked data from the boardroom meetings. Respect is also portrayed as every member was able to accommodate and tolerate each other.


In conclusion, the project was generally a success. The solutions proposed to the proper oils are well thought of and has been tested in other companies. The task of the proper oil company is to find the best ways of employing the propositions from our consulting team. On the general performance of our team as a consulting team, we were able to collaborate and work efficiently, and within the time frame. Although every member of the team had his/her own professional opinion, we were able to compromise and reach a common ground. Similarly, we hope that what we learned would help us in our future professional career and with the proper oil company success in their new strategies proposed by our consulting team.


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