People were preserving food since ancient times based on traditional approaches since there was no technology to preserve food. Particularly, processes, such as smoking, drying, salting, pickling, and canning were used to preserve foods. However, the invention of artificial preservatives promoted the development of food additives with various health complications. Food additives refer to chemicals added to food in the process of manufacturing and general preparation to obtain a particular effect. The effects of food additives range from the addition of flavor, color, and other substances that make the food last for a longer time, as in the case of preservatives. spread of foodborne disease. Part 9. Washing and drying of hands to reduce microbial contamination. Journal of Food additives are getting more integrated into our lives yet the consumers know little about the consequences. Particularly, meeting the consumer needs. In the case of the café, the consumers often need to eat, fresh and tastefully prepared food additives act as stabilizing against, antioxidants flavoring agents, anti? microbial agents, preservatives bleaching agents, fortifying against. Through their robust availability within the European Union countries and beyond, with immense opportunities, the EU formulated procedures based on scientific reports and made a list of legal capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives for use by the companies. The regulatory intervention resulted from increased consumer complaints about the health consequences of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives. Food additives have been found to promote various health complications, including paranoia, hyperactivity, especially in children, and cancer among other diseases. Therefore, the regulation harmonizes capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives uses in the EU community.
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Historically, food additives formed a significant component in food production because of its particular functions in food. capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy Food additives refer to chemicals added to food to their preparations to obtain an effect. The intended effect of flavor to the capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food, addition of coloration, or enable food has a sustained as in the case of preservatives. In most cases, capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives added are categorized into two types, indirect or direct food additives. Accordingly, direct capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives refer to those added to food intentionally such as artificial colors and flavoring agents. In such a case, a proximate quantity of the additive measured and added to the capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food product and provides public information about measuring the additive. However, indirect capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives often unintentionally added to food, yet become components of the final food product as could be found with the case of laminators, packaging materials, and plastic wraps paper packs. The application of food additives provides multiple technical functions in foods, including safety, quality, appeal, nutritive value, convenience, and economy foods. Therefore, a comprehensive legislative framework is in place within the European nations to regulate the practice of additives in the supply of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food and ensure they pose no risk to human health.
Food Additives Issues
The current trends in the nutrition and microbiology field raise multiple concerns brought about by chemicals added to food as additives. Indeed, the public is currently concerned about the safety issues resulting from chemicals in capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives. They could cause chronic conditions such as asthma, obesity, bloating, bad skin, unmanageable hair, purple rushes, and hyperactivity among other diseases. However, Heinonen (2007, p. 18) writes that additives put in around the world have been rising because of several reasons. This indicates that many children are consuming high fat and sugar content foods have multiple advantages based on research. Firstly, additives maintain or improve the safety of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food for preservatives potentially slow the spoilage resulting from bacteria, air, yeast, or fungi. Besides, they avert cut fruits, including apple from changing color when open to the external environment. Secondly, food additives improve or maintain the nutrient value of Increased blood sugar levels are other causes of taking numerous junk food. Consumption of junk or processed foods. Certainly, vitamins, fiber, and minerals supplemented most capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy foods to help provide those deficient in the diet of an individual and boost the nutritional quality of food. As capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy Food, England (2013, p. 3) explains, such fortification has promoted the fight against malnutrition globally. Finally, capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives are added to improve the texture, taste, and appearance of food. Natural, spice, and artificial flavors and sweeteners supplemented in capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food enrich taste and food colors improve appearance. Similarly, emulsifiers, thickeners, and stabilizers offer texture and uniformity of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food.….. Globally, natural disasters strike at any given time, and it may be difficult to obtain food following such occurrences. Natural calamities destroy sources of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food, such as crops animals, and other food supply lines disrupted. Therefore, the safety of any capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food is important in preserving food in such scenarios.… Food safety challenges, according to Saltmarsh (2013, p. 4-7), vary in nature, extent, and severity and depend on the circumstance during an emergency. For instance, during hurricanes and floods, contamination of food by surface water flowing from sewerage and wastewaters. Accordingly, flood picks contaminated wastes in large numbers alongside pathogenic bacteria from farms, latrines, sewer systems, and septic tanks. Meanwhile, a crowding of disaster survivors aggravates the situation, particularly in the area of sanitation. In recognition of this, there is a need to break down essential services such as capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food safety. Such happenings raised central concerns for ensuring capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food safety. However, providing safe capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food for any population requires effective regulatory control measures. In the wake of this, scientists established preservative measures to ensure capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food safety using food additives.
The use of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives, such as chemicals intentionally added to food is a historical practice when substances such as salt and baking powder used in the previous centuries (Reference!). However, the use of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives, despite its historical underpins and role in preserving food, various health concerns continue to arise in the nutritional and healthcare field because of food preservation using additives. In the European nations, capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives are under a strict law that governs the use of additives owing to the rising health concerns. According to Herschroerfer (1987, p. 291), the UK initially had a prohibited list of particular capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives, which proved unsatisfactory hence allowing the use of many additives without proper testing and inspection. As established, the banned list of additives followed the recommendations of the UK. A more satisfactory approach changed the regulation from a prohibited list to a permitted list implemented by the capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy Food Additives and Contaminants Committee (FACC). The committee used two basic requirements, that is, need and safety. The criteria used to summarize the safety issues followed various concepts. Firstly, the toxicological use and additives could not be used in case of reliable taxonomical evidence rendering the food unsafe. Subsequently, the additives must meet a significant need for use, founded on economic, social, or technical purposes. Likewise, the additives must not be used to disguise poor capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food standards or cover up the quality of production. According to Saltmarsh (2013, p. 10), the safety of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives, whether artificial or natural, requires rigorous testing and periodic reassessment. In the European Union (EU), the process of ensuring capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food safety was conducted by the committee of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources Added to Food (ANS Panel). The regulations required that only additives that have undergone evaluation and approval indicated EU approval. There are specific issues with capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food that led to the prohibition of particular food additives in the EU. Firstly, reports indicate that additives cause allergic or intolerance reactions, especially hyperactivity in children (Saltmarsh 2013, p. 11). capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy Food additives and some food ingredients cause intolerance reactions in some people, a factor that promoted wild exaggeration. Despite most people declaring themselves allergic to certain foods, research shows that approximately 2% and 20% of adults and children respectively suffer from capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food intolerance. Today, capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food intolerance is in the spotlight following successful research on additives and allergic reactions.
According to Martyn, McNulty, and Nugent, P. (2013, p. 8), the emerging pathogens implication is one of the contemporary capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food safety issues with the microbial origin. World Health Organization (2014, p. 9) reports that 79% of conditions or disease outbreaks from 1987-1992 resulted from microbial contamination. Scientists and regulatory officials noted that the food industry and the medical community are increasingly anxious because of the microbes that have demonstrated resistance to preservation methods for storage and antibiotics. Today, most people view capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives as a major threat to food. The items of health risks associated with capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives. Studies suggest that exposing children to certain capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives leading to multiple health complications. Essentially, children in preschool are at the age of rapid development and growth. During this time, key body organs and tissues systems grow and mature. Therefore, there is an increased risk of exposing the growing body organs and tissues to chemicals contained in capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives (Clarke, & Eck 2005, p. 3). Exposing children to chemicals promotes the potential development of premature organ systems, higher metabolic rates, and rapid physical developments.
Furthermore, a survey conducted by Herschroerfer (1987, p. 293) reveals that 26% of the participants had concerns about capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives, especially in food poisoning. The poll that qualified the term food additives with an expression of preservatives and coloring indicated that women and consumers aged 50-60 worried about the additives. In the meantime, 13% of the young consumers aged 16-25 found worried about capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives. The biggest concerns that elicited spontaneous responses expressed their worries about fat, sugar, and salt contents. Food additives remain controversial issues due to its effects on children. For example, the dye Yellow No. 5, report shows that it worsens asthma symptoms. The wide literature of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives presents the common issue: the presence of chemicals that manufacturers add to foods for multiple reasons. Reports indicate that there is a strong link between paranoid personality disorder and the use of capital for individuals to venture into the grocery vending business using carts as advised by Michimi & Wimberl (2010). They would aid bring healthy food additives. Individuals suffering from paranoid personality disorder show characteristics of lasting pervasive distrust and suspiciousness patterns. Individuals with a paranoid personality disorder would nearly always trust that the opponent’s purposes are malicious. While the exact cause of the condition is yet to be established, researchers believe that it is likely due to genetic and biological factors relating to early interaction with the environment.
The Science
Scientific investigations establish that for some years multiple allergic reactions may cause individuals sensitivity following consumption of addictive foods. The commencement of observation of these effects has promoted some scientific publications on the matter. Most scientific investigations have provided lists of either toxic or nontoxic additives. According to Saltmarsh (2013, p. 9) acesulfame potassium that is an artificial sweetener used in making chewing gum, diet soda, table sweetener, and added backed goods should be avoided by everybody. The investigation in 1970 concluded that the chemical may cause cancer (reference). However, research on Alginate, Propylene Glycol Alginat,e and Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) represents stabilizers and antioxidants used in beer, candy, cheese, and oils. These chemicals when used in small amounts keep food safe and increase other nutrients such as Vitamin E. Meanwhile, a synthetic and accepted additive used in candy, breakfast cereals, and other foods is not fully safe as it causes allergic reactions to some people. As indicated, a larger percentage of the chemicals used in copycat normal flavors present in the environment and maybe harmless (Savedge 2015, p. 2).
Ascorbic acid and Erythorbic acid represent antioxidants, color stabilizers used in cured meat, cereal, and fruit drinks. These chemicals help in maintaining the red dye of bacon, ham, and further preserved foods and inhibit cancer-promoting nitrosamines formation. Likewise, vitamin C is important in booting food containing vitamins, such as fruit drinks. However, Sodium ascorbate, which is a form of Erythorbic acid, is chemically similar to ascorbic acid. The worst of all is Aspartame (NutraSweet) which is an artificial sweetener used in frozen desserts, tabletop sweetener, and diet soda. Research conducted using animals in Italy evidence that long-term consumption increases risks of leukemia, breast cancer, and lymphoma (Mercola 2015, p.10). Some consumers report hallucinations, headaches, and dizziness following diet soda ingestion, only single controlled studies supported this symptom. Similarly, Butylated HydroxyAnisole (BHA), which is an antioxidant used in chewing gum, potato chips, and cereal packages should be avoided by everyone. Research shows that it retards the rancidity in oils, fats, and oil-containing foods. According to EU reports, understandably expected as a human carcinogen, as described in studies on animals. Some other common additives include caffeine, a favoring, and stimulant supplemented in activities that result in physical healthiness. For example, proper diet, ensuring that all meals are balanced, and taking a lot of water and drinks. While it occurs naturally in tea, coffee, chocolate, and cocoa, specific individuals should only use it. Research indicates that it progresses attentiveness and endurance, mostly for sleeping depressed, it interferes with sleep sound and makes on jittery.
Moreover, chemical and technical toxicological research considerations indicate that additives have acute oral toxicity. Toxicological studies performed with magnesium dihydrogen diphosphate (purity 97.5%) shown that the chemical results in skin irritation. Similarly, studies conducted in the eyes shown irritation of eyes. The results indicated that the use of this chemical leads to hyperaemic blood vessel lesions. A study in Southampton based on a mixture of six artificial food colors to identify if artificial food colors increase hyperactivity in children produced positive results (Mercola 2015, p. 13). The study panel experts reviewed the study and concluded that the increase in children’s hyperactivity represented similar normal variations one would expect to find in children. Therefore, EFSA found the study reliable regarding its hyperactivity claims.
Scientists have categorized food additives into various classes depending on the components and nature. Firstly, preservatives used today are additives that are central in the Food Industry of the UK. The use of preservatives allows for transporting of perishable foods, including foods with bacteria, yeast, and molds that would otherwise grow leading to food poisoning or spoilage, the most common preservatives in the UK are divided into salt, sulfate, benzoic acid, acetic, nitrates, and nitrites among others. Moreover, antioxidants are considered essential when presenting either natural or artificially, in fat-rich or oil-rich foods. Moreover, the developmental studies using methylparaben in rats, rabbits, mice, and hamsters examined for abnormalities in both skeletal and soft tissues. The results produced no significant treatment effects in the studies on the maternal body, pregnancy rate, live litter size, and the number of implications. Scientific comments to food additives and food components require restriction because of the total exposure to pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics possess a potential health crisis.
Statutory and Non-Statutory Control of Food Additives
Industries practicing food businesses have the primary responsibility for ensuring safety standards in their products. Therefore, the industry must comply with established legislation concerning food additives coupled with rules on reducing or eradicating health risks for humans resulting from chemical contaminants. According to Food Standards Agency UK (2014, p. 12), chemical contaminants found in food additives come from farming, such as the use of pesticides and veterinary medicines, packaging, processing, storage, and the pollutants in the environment. Therefore, food additives must show complete compliance with a specified legislative component that aims to ensure that they are applied after recommendations from scientific and technological validation and should not mislead consumers or have adverse health effects. Natural components in plants, such as glycoalkaloids in potatoes, may be toxic, and some like lectins in pulses may be harmful when not cooked properly causing allergies to people. Therefore, the legislative guidance provides the companies using food additives, high-temperature cooking, pesticides, and contact materials with information on safety rules and procedures.
The European Union regulation procedures of improving on food agents issued in the event of 2008 replaced the EU regulation, thereby incorporating flavorings, food additives, and enzyme regulations offering a mutual procedure of authorizing all the three. The basis of principles and provisions of legislation package on food additives documented in the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 1333/2008 (Food Standards Agency 2013, p. 6).
Legislative Package General Requirements
The legislation provides for:
• A civic list containing recommended or approved food additives
• Circumstances for use of the food additives, including enzymes
• Regulations for labeling on food additives
• Transportation or carry over principles
• Rules for labeling the Southampton colors
• Specifications established for non-prohibited food additives
Substances Excluded from Food Additive Legislation
The legislation defines food additive in Article 3.2 (a) as:
“Any substance not normally consumed as food and not normally used as a characteristic ingredient of food, whether or not it has a nutritive value, the intentional addition of which to food for a technological purpose in the manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packaging, transport or storage of such food results, or maybe reasonably expected to result, in it or its by-products becoming directly or indirectly a component of such foods” (Article 3.2 a.)
The phrase “any substance, whatever its function, which does not comply with the above definition is not under the control of the Regulation 1333/2008. In detail, the directive is not applied to usual elements and foods and if included, they for purposes of measured function (Regulation (EC) no 1333/2008 p. 21). The definition includes details of elements that for the regulation reasons, not deliberate food additives. Substances, including calcium carbonate or sodium ascorbate, both applied, as supplements are not under the regulation. However, the main purposes for which such substances are used determine the legislation that applies. Under Article 3.2 (b), processing aids, including release agents and filtration aids excepted from the Commission Regulation 1333/2008 scope. There national regulation in the UK guiding processing or presence of legal substances approved list of processing aids even within the EU. Meanwhile, processes such as extraction of solvents fall outside the regulation scope of EC Directive 2009/EC, flavorings found inside the EC Regulation No. 1334/2008. Besides, enzymes of foods described within the scope of Regulation 1333/2008 fall outside the regulation scope. However, food additives continually control food enzymes’ use, such as lysozyme and invertase, until a positive list of enzymes will be ready. Additionally, substances including minerals, vitamins, and substances used in plant and animal protection not included.
List of Food Additives (Article 4, 7, and 8)
The list containing allowed food additives, including sweeteners, colors, and miscellaneous additives (antioxidants and preservatives) included in the Annexes II and III of Regulation 1333/2008. According to the EU procedures, the inclusion of a list of approved additives requires compliance with the conditions established in Regulation 1333/2008. The regulation requires that such industries document safety procedures, justify their technology, and avoid confusing consumers. The additional circumstances particular to the rule are also prescribed for sweeteners and colors. Food additives have functional classes described in Annex I and some additives provide various functions in terms of the development of technology functions. For instance, Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (Bicarbonate of Soda or E 500) used as a hovering element, however, may as well purposefully work as an acidity regulator.
The conditions for which additives are used in foods provided by the law offer maximum limits, additives prohibition, and unprocessed foods. Regulation 1333/2008 prohibits the marketing of food additives or any product comprising food additives provided usage of additives does to observe directives. The list comprises additives for technological reasons not mentioned in Annex I. Therefore; the situation offers a suitable new role for the additive and supplemented to the Annex I list during the authorization processing of the additive. The situations for additives utilizations, counting controlled applications in particular foods, and supreme restrictions listed in Annex II. The foundation of the maximum limitation of annexes of marketed food unless otherwise stated. However, for concentrated or dried foods, such as drinks, the principle of maximum limits apply to the food based on the instructions from the manufacturer while considering the minimum dilution factor. In the EU, certain substances, such as glutamates, exist in nature and found specific diets. Therefore, the measurable restrictions apply to the level of added additive. Nonetheless, there is an exclusion in sulfites case because the regulation necessitates that the detailed quantifiable restrictions integrate sulfites obtainable from sources, recognize any natural substance occurrence.
Case Studies
Case Study 1: Food Additives and Hyperactive
Artificial colors and other food additives (AFCA) considered promoting affect behavior n children, according to a case study of a community using benzoate and AFC mixes. According to McCann, Barrett, and Cooper, et al. (2007, p. 34), food additives have detrimental effects on children by producing impulsive, overactive, and inattentive behavior. Hyperactivity is characterized by the substantial pattern in behavior individual differences in the overall population. Accordingly, the children showing this behavior pattern to a greater extent get diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The emerging fear is the failure of early studies to establish the range of perceived severe effects. However, a meta-analysis of placebo-controlled double-blinded trials indicates a significant effect of additive foods on children’s behavior in ADHD. In the meantime, the possible benefit in limiting the level of the condition of the population by the removal of food additives from the diet is established in the regulatory concepts. Accordingly, research validations from previous studies using the Isle of Write suggest that there are adverse effects on hyperactivity in children.
The clear link between food additives and hyperactivity is evident because many parents report artificial colors and preservatives to trigger the condition. A case study conducted by Southampton University explained that some artificial food colors alongside the preservatives of sodium benzoate have potentially negative effects on the behavior of children. While the investigation of identifying individual colors is in progress, the EU food regulatory safety standards suggested that parents and children experiencing signs of hyperactivity should try to eliminate the cocktail of colors used. Investigations indicate that the Sunset yellow (E110), Carmoisine (E122), Tartrazine (E102), Quinoline yellow (E104), Allura red (E129), and Ponceau 4R (E124) all involve significant risks (McCann, Barrett, and Cooper, et al. 2007, p. 34). The children in the society were found susceptible to multiple additives while others to different additives. However, it is difficult to evaluate whether food additives affect children’s behavior or other confounding factors that require attention.
Case study 2: Food additives on the rise
The explosion of modern food additives, according to Kindy (2014, p. 1-2), coupled with an easing of oversight requirements that would allow the manufacturers to avoid scrutiny of EU regulatory agencies. Most of the consumers lack awareness of the existence of new additives and their consequences. The EU regulatory authorities received consumer complaints concerning food additives, indicating that particular substance seems to trigger asthma attacks, intestinal-track disorders, and vomiting among other health concerns (Martyn, McNulty and Nugent 2013, p. 19). Furthermore, the rapid pace at which companies add secret ingredients to all products from granola bars and energy drinks, there is a widespread health concern among the advocates of food additives, and some EU regulators quicken the trend of companies. Today, a voluntary system of certification in the EU replaced the more reliable formal and timely review where authorities, rather than manufacturers make the final determination on the safety of foods, Kindy reports. This has created a public crisis leading to severe health consequences.
In the US, for instance, five decades since the Congress provided the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) the legal powers for ensuring safety standards of additives in foods, the number has risen from 8,000 to 9,000 common substances ranging from tea extracts and common salts. The increase shows a response to increased demand from busy Americans, who depend more on processed foods. Meanwhile, in the previous six months, FDA management, and the food industry recognizes that new tricks have consumed a better account for the additives proliferating in the food industry. The FDA officials and the advocacy groups recognize that there are problems because the number of cases reported skyrocketed over the previous years.
Case Study 3: Melamine as a Counterfeit Food Product Additive
The proliferation of agricultural and food product business is increasingly competitive for producers to make efforts to meet the demands of customers. Various products, including fresh fruits, animal products, processed foods, spices, and flavorings form the robust food supply chain. Meanwhile, the increasing demand for GM foods and specialty certified products, as such allergenic are generating opportunities? marketers and producers previously, China has become the largest exporter of food additives, food, and food products with a market valuation of $53 billion(reference). The Canadian Menu Foods, in 2007, issued the historic recall to pet foods in the US and confirmed the presence of melamine in the pet food products through internal testing after consumer complaints. The contamination led to significant economic losses, recalled name brand products, and deaths of domestic thousand pets (Mace 2009, p. 23). The follow-up testing and assessment by the US, China, and Canada showed the deliberate introduction by Chinese sourced manufacturer, the prohibited melamine into wheat gluten to offer artificial levels of proteins to improve the rating of a substandard product.
The deliberate contamination of foods using melamine presents substantial different challenges than individual adulteration instances in the process of selling or producing the product. The investigations revealed significant food-borne diseases, including adulteration, and contamination into the sources that threaten the food market for a general commodity. The recalls and suspicion about food product classes may also depress or sales for all food products for an unknown time. Therefore, the scenario is threatening, particularly, for small, and price-sensitive producers that may incur business failure.
Case study 4: Cholesterol and Heart Diseases
Food additives have large amounts of isoflavones that lower the low-density lipoprotein (LD) receptor expression. In a study done in the community in Ireland, it was found that isoflavones increase LDL receptor write an essay that explores this topic of Buddhist thought. This can be any form of expression that helps in absorbing the lipoproteins from blood and convert into bile acids for excretion. The mechanism shows that food additives (World Health Organization, 2014, p. 11) may reduce the risk of coronary health disease. Meanwhile, the study established that antioxidants could also lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The endothelial cells found in the vascular system produce nitric oxides (NO) that protect the body against proliferation, thrombosis, and inflammation of vascular smooth muscle cells within the vascular system. In the end, blood pressures collapse since the arteries are blocked. Therefore, the antioxidants help protect the nitric oxide pathway by interacting with the ROS that promotes a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, owing to the that none of the perceived health claims have been approved by clinical studies, chances are very high that food additives containing ?? could have a positive influence on the mental and physical status of humans, however, and there could be a negative effect, essentially in case significant amounts of food additives are consumed (Reference).
Food additives have produced important effects in the development of the food industry and have promoted significant challenges in equal measures. The current issues regarding food additives are unpleasing because of the increasing cases of complaints about food additives. While research in the field is ongoing, available scientific affected by mental or physical health disability. However, research evidence shows that multiple food additives are harmful for human consumption. Additives are used in food for reasons including maintaining product consistency, maintaining nutritional levels, wholesomeness maintenance, enhance flavor, and provide leavening and color. Most food additives increase the safety concerns after research evidence coincides with the consumer reports in most cases, such as hypersensitivity. Overall, food additives should be regulated through law enforcement to enable the manufacturers to adhere to the level of standards of food production and selling.
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