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Challenges and Solutions for Children with Disabilities in the Education System

May 28, 2023 | 0 comments

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May 28, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

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It is difficult to overstate the significance of nation’s education system for children with disability. Of course education is important for all children and mostly children with disabilities. Indeed, special needs provides the difference between intellectually stimulation, socially fulfilling, and economically productive life and future. Also, education has the potential of affecting the life of a child health wise by influencing their ability to manage their conditions, advocate for themselves, and navigate complex insurance, medical, and social service systems throughout their life.

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Recent studies have supported that inclusion is the most effective approach in the education system than either mainstreaming of integration. Ferguson’s project to attain social learning outcomes in classrooms established that integration is less effective.  Likewise, an investigation on children with disability that took seven months revealed that mainstreaming only on a part time students were considered outsiders by other students in class (Delia and Peggy (2009, p. 586).

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Existing data suggests that education disadvantage is prevalent among disabled students and this reduces their chances of advocating for themselves. While other argues that poorly managed schools bears the most responsibility for low educational achievement of children with disability, optimists indicate that lac for educational structures that supports special learning is the key challenge.

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The impediments of education arising from children with disabilities which prevents children from deriving appropriate benefit from educational institutions.  These students have special needs and have faced elevated discrimination and injustices in educational institutions resulting to educational disadvantage.  Children with disability have diminished life chances and often leave formal education without recognized qualifications.

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Education and the qualifications related to it in a broader view determines the life chances of children with disability.  Most children with disability leave the formal system of education with limited or no qualification increasing their disadvantages in the society. Given the related risk of educational underachievement and disability, educational disadvantage mentions one of the most principle themes of strategy to support children with disability that risk leaving .

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Children with disabilities are highly excluded from the education sector. While some parents are not aware of the educational rights of their children with special needs, others over protect their children. Also, come parents, especially from the socio-economically stable households face stigma and lock their children from education. As a result, children with disabilities are locked from education reduce their chances of getting involved in income-generating activities, injury, higher risk of illness and impairment.

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Literature in this topic indicates that children living with disability do not fully benefit from education. Clancy (2001) writes that there is under-representation of children with disability groups entering higher education. According to her, only 10.5 percent of all enrolling for full time higher education came from children with special needs. Besides, 71 percent of these children came from households where parents are of high socio-economic status or worked as a professional

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A failure by educational stakeholders to address inequalities, discrimination and stigmatization is linked with gender, wealth, location, language, ethnicity, and type of disability. Currently, Ireland, just like other countries are still far from the goal of ensuring educational inclusivity despite the robust measures in place. Ensuring that all citizens access equal chances of education regardless of their circumstances should be at the heart of educational stakeholders.

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The location of educational institutions plays a significant role in whether a child with disability will enroll in school or not. Indeed, most children with disability are concentrated in rural areas with limited educational exposure. The social unjust where these children families cannot afford urban life limits their chances of admissions in urban educational institutions. Likewise, only children from urban are favored for admission, as such, children from rural areas are less privileged in terms of better access to education.

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Most educationists have observed that good education has been virtually monopolized by urban society. These educational institutions are selective with respect to socio-economic background of the students with special needs. The students originating from higher educational, income and occupational backgrounds are given preference, thus locking out children with disabilities that most of them come from low socio-economic backgrounds.

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The embodied state of cultural capital denotes that cultural capital exists in form of long-lasting dispositions in form of body and mind. The institutionalized state is a form of objectification which must be set apart since it confers with original properties on the cultural capital presumed to guarantee. Lastly, objective state of cultural capital exists in form of cultural goods such as books and instruments. Achieving educational qualifications is related to capital and time investment. Theorists observes that the level of dedication to schooling differs across the social classes that leads to different levels of academic achievement and investment.

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The notion of cultural capital follows the theory of Bourdieu that has generated a great deal of literature. His works on cultural capital is seen in the context of class inequalities in educational attainment and class reproduction in advanced capitalist societies. According to him, education system of industrialized societies functions as a procedure to legitimate class inequalities. As such, success in the education system is facilitated by the possession of cultural capital and of higher class habitus.

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According to Bourdieu, the education system on favors the individuals in the higher social classes. The education system demands that everyone alike that they achieve what it does not provide. As such, there is dominance of cultural competence of familiarity relationship with culture produced by family up bridging when it transmits dominant culture (Bourdieu, 1977, p. 494). Education is the most effective means of perpetuating the existing social patterns as it justifies social inequalities and recognizes the cultural heritage. Children with disability that by virtue come from low social classes are, according to Bourdieu disadvantaged in terms of getting the benefits of unjust education system.

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In conclusion, children with special needs are discriminated in the educational system. While Bourdieu’s project explains that education system is made to favor the status quo, affirmative action is needed to ensure inclusivity in the education system. This will enable the children with disability access better education and improve their living standards and advocate for their rights.




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