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The History and Heritage of Navy SEALs

Mar 11, 2023 | 0 comments

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Mar 11, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

Navy SEALs are superior operations command force selected from the army, navy, and air forces. The SEAL started in the United States in 1962 under the Presidency of John F. Kennedy. It began as a minimal and top maritime military power to eccentric demeanor competition, and currently is the largest and supreme authoritative navy in the entire world. The U.S. Navy originated during the Revolutionary conflict in America from the Continental Navy (Blewett, 2009). The Navy SEALs undergo training, which make them suitable to work in any environments including air, water, and land. The training prepares them to operate in extreme climates such as freezing arctic, deserts, and humid jungles. This paper explores the history and heritage of the Navy SEALs by discussing the evolutionary development and impact of the force on military operations.

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The Navy embedded in the American maritime custom, which shaped a great community of captains, sailors, and shipbuilders in the expatriate period. In the beginning, Massachusetts owned its Navy before the American Revolutionary War (Hawkins, 2014). The formation of a national navy became a disturbing subject of discussion among the Second Continental Congress committee. However, the proposers debated the role of the navy in curbing security matters. They argued that a navy would defend the coast and provide protection from enemies, hence paving ways for supports from neighboring countries (Marquis, 2007). The proposal of national navy foundation diminished proceeding the loss incurred by the Continental Navy that dispersed them at the end of Revolutionary War.

The United States quitted the Navy for approximately a decade until the launch of the first Navy warship in 1797 (Blewett, 2009). Their major role was to protect small units and fight in missions with high-impact, such as platforms with huge profile: tanks, ships, and jets. The power of Navy played a very crucial role in the American Civil War. They blocked all main ports, which stopped coastal trade and exportation to foreign countries (Crawford & Brentwood, 2004). The internal transportation for the Confederates become tiresome as the Navy took control over the rivers systems. By the 20th century, the U.S. began to expand its navy making it most powerful navy battleship compared to Britain and Germany (Hawkins, 2014). The Navy contributed to several important fights such as Solomon Islands and Battle of Midway and Coral Sea. The growth of the navy continued enormously since the U.S. became strong and frequent.

The management of Navy is under Navy Department controlled by the civilian Secretary of the Navy. This department has two division with the other one being defense force department headed by Defense Secretary. According to Marquis (2007), the senator officer of the naval of the Navy departments is Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). However, the highest rank in the management is the chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Navy offices. The national security of the U.S. plays a significant role of the president. The naval operations and Navy secretary are responsible for the training, recruiting, organizing, and proving adequate equipment for the navy to enhance its operations.

The Navy has approximately 500,000 personnel, which the commissioned officers, sailors, and midshipmen from the Naval Academy and Reserve Officer Training Corps (Hawkins, 2014). The sailors under several training processes to gain the qualifications required. These include; mastering skills from Personnel Qualification Standard and examination pass. Warfare education and experiences comprise aviation, surface, submarine, naval aircrew, information dominance, and special warfare. The navy uniforms are navy blue and white in color, which followed the templates of the royal navy from maritime in the entire world. The ranks of the commissioned officers in the U.S. has three divisions namely: senior, junior, and flag officers (Marquis, 2007). On the other hand, the sailors have five groups: Fireman, Seaman, Airman, Hospital man, and Construction man.

SEALs maintained its survival from the original days because of the trademark in their success and functioning doctrines they implemented through the movements and events of their bequest comrades in Scouts, Maritime, Underwater Demolition teams, and Raiders (Hawkins, 2014). They are always unique since no any other group can replace their actions. They operate in situations of high risk of security, often-isolated places, and hostile conditions, but still manage to achieve the set missions. The principle of survival and teamwork still operate in the teams of special operations, combat divers, and special warfare today.

The evolution of the Navy SEAL brings several unique elements: both surface and subsurface super-high-tech seaborne and well-trained special operations forces. The military synchronizes efforts and works together to achieve their objectives. Today, the Navy get proper training qualifications to be able to transit into and out of harbors underwater without any detections. The fact that the U.S. Navy SEALs can work under very hostile and strict condition with no supervision makes them a special team (Blewett, 2009). Organization leaders should adopt a similar notion of improving their productivity and reducing work-related pressure. Properly trained and experienced workforce assist in stimulating principles at work: such as time management, coordination, teamwork, and ethics at work.


Blewett, D. K. (2009). American military history: A guide to reference and information sources. Westport, Conn: Libraries Unlimited.

Crawford, S. L., L.O.T.I. Group., & Brentwood Home Video (Firm). (2004). U.S. Navy SEALs: Evolution of the teams. Westlake village, CA: Brentwood Home Video.

Hawkins, T. (2014). The history and heritage of the U.S. Navy SEALs. Chicago: Pritzker Military Museum & Library.

Marquis, S. L. (2007). Unconventional warfare: Rebuilding US special operations forces. Washington, DC: Brookings Inst. Press.

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