I decided to take my poll at the star buck’s cafeteria. The respondents in my approval poll were twenty; eight out of the twenty were black students, four male and four female. The other twelve were Whites six ml end six females. The sample of twenty is for College students, this means that they are below the age of 21. In my poll I relied that it was easy and accurate to get information from the students who sat lone that those who were sitting as a group of friends. Friends tend to influence our decision making process. Out of the twenty, one student said that she did not wish to participate in the poll since she did not care about politics. One male student however was not sure whether he wanted to approve or disapprove since he had to make choice he chose to approve.
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The results of the poll were as follows, eleven students approved Obama’s leadership, and nine students disproved of his leadership. Although the female student did not care about politics she chose to approve of the Obama’s leadership. Out of the eleven who approved, six were black and the other five were Whites. Out of the nine that disapproved, six were whites and three were blacks.
When asked about their reason for disproval or approval, the reasons were quite similar. I found out that the students who sat alone in the Cafeteria gave very few reasons than those who were with friends, because they kept on repeating what the others had mentioned earlier. The reason for approval were that Obama made better policies for studies especially for the international students another reason is that better pay for casual jobs, since they are students they needed to sustain themselves. For those who disproved, their reasons included, immigration laws although most could not explain what they did not like bout the current immigration laws. Other reasons related to the price of essential commodities such s food and housing, they said they spent larger portion of their money on rent and buying food. The males who approved of Obama’s leadership all but one mentioned better education policies. The female on the other hand mentioned immigration matters. The female who did not approve mentioned food and rent issues while the male cited general economic issues.
The Poll results
Respondents [Students] | |
Approve | 55%(11) |
Disapprove | 45%(9) |
Gender Results
Male(10) | Female(10) | |
Approve | 40%(4) | 70%(7) |
Disapprove | 60%(6) | 30%(3) |
Students Results
White(12) | Black(8) | |
Approve | 50%(6) | 75%(6) |
Disapprove | 50%(6) | 25%(2) |
Historical Trend
In the Gallup Poll Obama has an approval rating of 67 percent at the beginning of 2009. As time passed by the approval rating stagnated between 63.4 percent and 60.9 percent in the fourth quarter, early 2010. In June 2010 the approval rating decreased to 54.8 percent. In March, 2013 the approval rating went to 55.5 percent. As at 2009, 88 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of independent and 4 percent of Republicans approved of Obama leadership. In 2015, the approval rating of Obama dropped to 48 percent in September with only, 49 percent disproval, 83 percent Democrats approval, 10 percent Republicans and 47 percent Independents. The average approval rating of Obama is t 48 percent.
Compared with Presidents before him, Obama’s approval rating is quite low. When leaving office George W. Bush approval rating was even lower than Obama, he had rating of 32 percent. Clinton on the other hand, had higher approval rating of 60 percent when he left office in 2000. George H.W. Bush had an approval rating of 43 percent when he left office. Ronald Regan registerd higher approval rating t the end of his first term in office, the rte however reduced to the end of his second term in office. Looking t the disproval rating, the disproval rating of Obama has increased from the fourth quarter of his term in office. He registered the lowest disproval rating of 3 percent in 2009. In July 20, his disproval rating was 48 percent higher than the approval rating of 44 percent at the time. I have realized that 2011 was not good year for Obama since he registered the higher disproval rating than his approval rating. The last quarter of 2013 was also not good year for Obama. As recent as October, 2014 Obama registered higher disapproval rating of 55 percent higher than his approval rating. In September 2014, Obama disproval rating was one percent higher than his approval rating. I would attribute this high disproval rating to unsatisfactory result by Obama.
The high approval ratings of Obama are from his party. The approval ratings are high in the early years of his term in office fluctuating between 77 percent and 90 percent. The Republicans do not seem o like Obama’s leadership style, since they give him an approval rating of 41 percent and the rte keeps dropping, in my 2010 for example the approval rating drops to 4 percent and in October, 2010 the rating is 7 percent. Another lower approval rating is registered in 2010 at 6 percent. The Republican’s approval rating in September 2015 stands at 10 percent. The approval rating for George Bush from the Republicans is higher and that from the Democrats is lower, I would say it is the opposite of Obama approval ratings.
The independent on the other hand, give Obama an approval rating of 62 percent t the beginning of his presidential term. The rating starts to drop in 2010 where they give him an approval rating of 45 percent. In 2011, the rating drops to 35 percent, in 2012 it starts to rise again and hits 51 percent in December. The approval rating of independents does not seem to vary much when compared to the previous presidents. For instance, George W. Bush has an approval rating of 53 percent at the beginning of his term, in 200 he registers the highest approval rating of 83 percent higher and at the end of his term he registers an independent approval rating of 22 percent. Eisenhower is the only President who registered higher Independents approval rating of 6 percent at the end of his term. Clinton’s approval comes close to Eisenhower’s t 59 percent independents approval rating at the end of his term. Like George W. Bush, Truman has a lower independents approval rating the end of his second term in office. It is clear that the high approval rating for Obama are from the Democrats while the high disapproval rating re largely from the Republicans.

With a student-centered approach, I create engaging and informative blog posts that tackle relevant topics for students. My content aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed academically and beyond.