UNSW APA referencing is essential to academic writing, particularly in science and social science. The University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia uses a specific version of the widely used American Psychological Association (APA) referencing guide to provide students and academics with rules and guidelines for citing sources in academic writing. Proper use of UNSW APA referencing is crucial in academic writing as it helps to avoid plagiarism, ensures the accuracy and credibility of information presented, and allows readers to locate cited information easily. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to UNSW APA referencing, including its key components, importance, and resources available to help with its proper use. Additionally, we will include a FAQ section to address common questions related to UNSW APA referencing.
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Popular UNSW APA referencing Style Citation Examples
How to cite a Book in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing a book in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of book: Subtitle of the book (Edition if not the first). Publisher.
Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The Story of Success. Little, Brown and Company.
In-text citation:
(Author, Year of publication, page number/s)
(Gladwell, 2008, p. 35)
NOTE: The citation would include all author names if multiple authors exist. If there is no edition listed, this can be omitted from the reference list citation.
How to cite a Journal in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing a journal article in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page range. Doi or URL (if applicable)
Sampson, J. P., Jr. (1988). Achieving a criterion of school success: Affective and social correlates. Psychology in the Schools, 25(3), 209-218.
In-text citation:
(Author, Year of publication)
(Sampson, 1988)
NOTE: The citation would include all author names if multiple authors exist.
How to cite a Film or Movie in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing a film or movie in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Producer, A. A. (Producer), & Director, B. B. (Director). (Year of release). Title of the movie [Motion picture]. Studio or distributor.
Spielberg, S. (Producer), & Spielberg, S. (Director). (1982). E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial [Motion picture]. Universal Pictures.
In-text citation:
(Title of movie, Year of release)
(E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 1982)
NOTE: if there are multiple producers or directors, the citation would include all names
How to cite an Online image or video in the UNSW APA referencing style
There are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation when citing an online image or video in the UNSW APA referencing style. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of image or video [Format]. Publisher or website. Doi or URL (if applicable)
Smith, J. (2018). A stunning sunset [Photograph]. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/abcd1234
In-text citation:
(Author, Year of publication)
(Smith, 2018)
NOTE: if the image or video has no author, the citation will start with the Title
How to cite a Website in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing a website in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of webpage. Publisher or website. Doi or URL (if applicable)
UNSW Sydney. (2022). About UNSW. https://www.unsw.edu.au/about-us
In-text citation:
(Author, Year of publication)
(UNSW Sydney, 2022)
NOTE: The citation will start with the web page’s title with no author.
How to cite a Blog in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing a blog in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Author, A. A. (Year, Month, Day of publication). Title of post [Blog post]. Website Name. URL
Smith, J. (2022, February 18). The benefits of meditation [Blog post]. The Mindful Blog. https://www.themindfulblog.com/benefits-of-meditation/
In-text citation:
(Author, Year of publication)
(Smith, 2022)
How to cite a Court case in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing a court case in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Case name, Volume Source Page (Court, Year).
Donoghue v Stevenson, [1932] AC 562 (HL).
In-text citation:
(Case name, Year of decision)
(Donoghue v Stevenson, 1932)
How to cite a Dictionary entry in the UNSW APA referencing style
When quotingquoting a dictionary entry in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Entry name. (Year of publication). In Dictionary name. Publisher.
Exegesis. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
In-text citation:
(Entry name, Year of publication)
(Exegesis, n.d.)
NOTE: “Exegesis” is the entry name, “n.d.” means no date of publication is available
How to cite an E-book or PDF in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing an E-book or PDF in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of book: Subtitle if given (Edition if given). Publisher. DOI or URL
Smith, J. (2018). How to cite in APA style (5th ed.). UNSW Press. https://www.unswpress.com.au/isbn/9781742234231
In-text citation:
(Author, Year of publication, p. x)
(Smith, 2018, p. 25)
How to cite an Edited book in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing an edited book in the UNSW APA referencing style, there are specific rules for the reference list and in-text citation. Here is a template and an example for each:
Reference List:
Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title of book. Publisher.
Jones, S. M. (Ed.). (2021). Writing and Researching in the Social Sciences. UNSW Press.
In-text citation:
(Author of chapter, Year of publication, p. x)
(Miller, 2019, p. 48)
How to cite an Email in the UNSW APA referencing style
Citing an email in the UNSW APA referencing style can be tricky, as there is no specific template for this source type. However, general guidelines for the reference list and in-text citations can be followed.
Reference List:
As there is no specific template for citing an email in the reference list, it is important to include as much information as possible to help readers identify the email. This may include the name of the sender, the subject line, the date the email was sent, and a brief description of the email’s content. Here is an Example:
Sender, A. (Year, Month Day). The subject line of email [Description of email]. Email sent to Receiver.
Smith, J. (2022, January 15). Re: Meeting next week [Email message]. Email sent to Johnson.
In-text citation:
As with the reference list, there is no specific template for citing an email in the in-text citation. However, the sender’s name and the email’s date should be included. Here is an Example:
(Sender’s Last Name, Year)
(Smith, 2022)
It is important to note that email communications are generally not considered reliable sources of information and should be used sparingly in academic work. If possible, seeking more reliable sources of information is recommended. However, if an email must be cited, following the above guidelines can help to ensure proper citation in the UNSW APA referencing style.
How to cite an Encyclopedia article in the UNSW APA referencing style
Citing an encyclopedia article in the UNSW APA referencing style involves the following elements: author or editor, Year of publication, the Title of the article, the Title of the encyclopedia, volume number, and page range. The reference list entry and in-text citation format are as follows:
Reference List: Author or editor. (Year of publication). Title of article. In Title of encyclopedia (Volume number, page range). Publisher.
Example: McMahon, R. (2010). Holocaust. In The Oxford companion to Australian history (pp. 282-283). Oxford University Press.
In-text citation: (Author or editor, Year, p. xx)
Example: (McMahon, 2010, p. 282)
NOTE: If the article has no author, begin the citation with the Title. If the encyclopedia does not have a volume number, omit that part of the reference.
How to cite an Interview in the UNSW APA referencing style
Citing an interview in the UNSW APA referencing style requires the following details: interviewee name, interview date, type of interview (personal, telephone, or email), and any other relevant details such as the location or reason for the interview. The Format for the reference list and in-text citation are as follows:
Reference List: Interviewee, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of the interview [Interview type]. Interviewed by B. Lastname. Location (if not personal communication).
Example: Smith, J. (2022, February 15). Expert opinion on climate change [Personal interview]. Interviewed by K. Thompson. Sydney, Australia.
In-text citation: (A. Interviewee, personal communication, Year)
Example: (J. Smith, personal communication, 2022)
NOTE: If the interview is not personal communication, replace “personal communication” with the type of interview (e.g., “telephone interview” or “email interview”) in the reference list entry. If the interview has been published in a print or online source, follow the guidelines for citing a published interview.
How to cite a Magazine in the UNSW APA referencing style
To cite a magazine article using the UNSW APA referencing style, follow the guidelines below:
Reference List: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Magazine, volume number(issue number), page range. DOI or URL (if applicable)
Example: Smith, J. (2022, January 10). The rise of eco-friendly fashion. Vogue, 225(1), 68-71.
In-text citation: (Author, Year)
Example: (Smith, 2022)
NOTE: If the magazine article has no volume or issue number, use the publication date instead. If the article is accessed online, include the DOI or URL at the end of the reference.
How to cite a Newspaper in the UNSW APA referencing style
When quoting a newspquotingaper article in the UNSW APA referencing style, the following elements should be included: author’s last name and initials, date of publication in parentheses, the Title of the article (in sentence case), name of the newspaper (in italics), and page number(s) if applicable.
Here is an example for the Reference List:
Author’s Last name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Name of Newspaper, page number(s) if applicable.
Example: Doe, J. (2022, February 20). New research reveals a link between sleep and productivity. The Sydney Morning Herald, p. 3.
For in-text citations, the author’s last name and the Year of publication should be included in parentheses after the information being cited. If the author’s name is mentioned in the sentence, only the Year of publication needs to be included in parentheses.
Example: According to a recent study, sleep directly impacts productivity (Doe, 2022).
Or: Doe (2022) discovered a correlation between sleep and productivity.
How to cite a Podcast in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing a podcast using the UNSW APA referencing style, the citation format will depend on whether you accessed the podcast online or from a physical source such as a CD or cassette. Here are the templates and examples for both scenarios:
Reference List: Online podcast: Author, A. A. (Year, Month, Day of publication). Title of podcast episode [Audio podcast]. Podcast name. URL
Example: Wheeler, M. (2022, February 1). How to make the most of your podcast interviews [Audio podcast]. The Content Strategy Podcast. https://thecontentstrategy.com/how-to-make-the-most-of-your-podcast-interviews/
Podcast from physical source: Author, A. A. (Year, Month, Day of publication). Title of podcast episode [Audio podcast]. In B. B. Editor (Ed.), Title of publication (Volume number, Issue number, page numbers). Publisher.
Example: Rogers, J. (2018, May 3). The revolution of robots [Audio podcast]. In G. Smith (Ed.), The World in 2018 (pp. 32-34). The Economist.
In-text citation: Online podcast: (Author, Year)
Example: (Wheeler, 2022)
Podcast from physical source: (Author, Year)
Example: (Rogers, 2018)
How to cite a Song in the UNSW APA referencing style
When quoting a song in the UNSW APA referencing style, the Format and details included in the citation will depend on the form format in which the song was accessed or heard. Here is a template and example for citing a song:
Reference List:
Songwriter, A. A. (Year of release). Title of song [Recorded by artist if different from songwriter]. On Title of album [Medium of recording]. Record label. (if applicable)
Lennon, J., & McCartney, P. (1965). Help! [Recorded by The Beatles]. On Help! [Vinyl record]. Parlophone Records.
In-text citation:
In the text, the citation should include the songwriter’s last name and the Year of release in parentheses.
For Example: (Lennon & McCartney, 1965).
If the songwriter’s name is used in the sentence, only the Year must be included in parentheses.
For Example: Lennon and McCartney (1965) wrote “Help!”.
NOTE: Note that if the song was accessed online or through a streaming service, additional information may be required in the citation, such as the URL or the name of the service.
How to cite The Bible in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing The Bible in the UNSW APA referencing style, the Format will vary depending on the version of the Bible used. The in-text citation should include the referenced book, chapter, and verse(s). In contrast, the reference list citation should include the version of the Bible, publisher, and Year of publication.
Reference List: Template: Last name of the translator, First initial. (Trans.). (Year). Title of book [Version]. Publisher.
Example: New International Version. (2011). The Holy Bible. Zondervan.
In-text citation: Template: (Book chapter: verse(s))
Example: (Genesis 1:1)
NOTE: Use the abbreviation of the name of the book of the Bible (e.g., Gen, Exod, Lev, etc.) in the in-text citation.
How to cite a TV Show in the UNSW APA referencing style
When citing a T.V. show in the UNSW APA referencing style, the Format will depend on whether you cite a single episode or the entire series.
For a single episode, the reference list entry would follow this Template:
Title of Episode. (Year of Release). In Executive Producer(s), Series title. Production Company.
For Example:
“The One with the Embryos.” (1998). In K. Crane & M. Kauffman, Friends. Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions.
In-text citation for a single episode would be (Director’s last name, Year):
(Robbins, 1998)
For citing an entire T.V. series in the reference list, use this Format:
Executive Producer(s). (Year of the first release – Year of the last release). Title of series [T.V. series]. Production Company.
For Example:
Crane, K., & Kauffman, M. (1994-2004). Friends [T.V. series]. Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions.
In-text citation for an entire T.V. series would be (Executive Producer’s last name, Year-Year):
(Crane & Kauffman, 1994-2004)
Q: Do I need to include page numbers in my citation?
A: You must include page numbers in your citation if quoting directly from a source. If you paraphrase or summarize, page numbers are not necessary but are encouraged.
Q: What is the difference between in-text citations and reference lists?
A: In-text citation is used within the document’s text to refer to the source of information. The reference list is a complete list of all sources cited in the document, arranged alphabetically.
Q: Can I use Harvard referencing instead of APA?
A: It depends on the specific requirements of your assignment or publication. Some universities and journals may prefer Harvard referencing over APA referencing. Always check with your teacher or editor for specific guidelines.
Q: What is the latest edition of the APA Publications Manual?
A: The latest edition of the APA Publications Manual is the 7th edition, last updated in 2020.
Q: Can you provide an example of UNSW APA referencing?
A: Yes, an example of UNSW APA referencing for a book would be as follows:
Broudy, H. S. (1998). The role of education in a democratic society. Harvard University Press.
In the text: (Broudy, 1998)
Q: What resources are available to help with UNSW APA referencing?
A: UNSW provides various resources to help students and academics with APA referencing, including a comprehensive referencing guide, online tutorials, and workshops. The APA Publications Manual is also useful for learning about APA referencing.
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