Politics is the activity of governing society, area, or country.
It involves power relations among people who aim to partake in processes of governance.
The saddest part is that often students struggle with political essay topics because a student’s knowledge of politics is not much. The good news is that if one chooses their political essay topic carefully, they can draft an essay that earns him/her a good grade.
There is a whole world of interesting essay topics out there.
Sometimes students have no idea where to start and end up second-guessing themselves while writing political science research papers they probably won’t enjoy in the first place.
This article will provide you with helpful tips on how to find a good essay topic, a list of unique political topics, and popular political sample papers that are easy for any student who’s new at this.
Top political essay topics
- Why politics should be everywhere
- Why political organizations should not be on campuses
- Should the voting age be reduced to 16?
- Is the American election really fair to everyone?
- Ways the events of 9/11 impacted present politics.
- Politicians who say bad things about other politicians don’t deserve to contest elections.
- What the US citizens think of the American politicians
- Should the U.S. government increase restrictions on gun control?
- How can terrorism be a tool for politics?
- Is terrorism a political instrument?
- What are the things that can increase the voter turnout at elections?
- Problems with American politicians
- Can we justify torture as part of the War on Terror?
- The link between politics and religion
- Politicians deserve to have immunity while in offices
- How Politics Is Affecting Daily Life of Americans
- Types Of Political Systems
- What is considered to be a political crime?
- Is the effort of the government enough to prevent health problems caused by obesity?
- How media impact political life
- What are the top priorities of politicians?
- Who should take part in politics?
- Politics in the United States
- The philosophy of politics
- Discuss the differences between the major two political parties
- Should Trump apologize for calling African countries shithole countries?
- Should the US Use the Electoral College in Presidential Elections?
- The pros and cons of social media in promoting politics
- How 24-hour news changed election campaigns
- Should the political funding committee be independent?
- When is it proper for the government to censor the internet?
- The Various Forms Of Voting Systems
- Roles that political activists play in society
- Political Regimes That Witnessed The Weirdest Events
- Is politics meant for everyone?
- Common beliefs among the American politicians
- What’s the essence of politics?
- Strategies Used In Political Debate
- Problems with the electoral college
- Why do some people hate politics?
- American politicians: do they love only themselves, or do they love the citizens also?
- How politics originated in America
- Everyone should have a say in politics
- Communist Ideas among American politicians
- Female politicians should enjoy political privileges better than male politicians.
- Privacy and the American politician
- The pros and cons of politics
- Only the people who have degrees in the field of political science should work in electoral offices.
- Hate politicians don’t deserve any political office
- Are governments around the world combating the risks of global warming enough?
- Qualities of a good politician
- Motives Behind Political Careers
- Are Political Activists Doing Any Good?
- To what extent should celebrities get involved in politics?
- Why haven’t we had a female president in the US?
- What political decision has changed America the most
- If you have the power to change one aspect of the US Constitution, what aspect will you change, and why?
- How to reduce corruption among politicians
- International Organizations That Various Countries Participate In
- Public Speakers That Motivated the World
- The true meaning of politics
- Private campaign contributions should be banned
- Should there be limits on political cartoons?
- Is politics meant to be a dirty game?
- Is the US better than Canada in terms of politics?
- Has American politics gotten better or worse?
- Should the government do more or less to control immigration?
Political socialization essay
- Do people in your country have enough civil rights?
- What makes lots of people around the whole world think politics is immoral?
- How should government regulate privacy and internet safety?
- Should social movements have an impact on politics?
- Your position towards the death penalty.
- Are civil wars a failure of national politicians?
- Political scandals: pros and cons.
- How do cultural norms influence politics in different countries?
- How do you see the ideal political system?
- Connections between politics and the media.
- Which ways of reducing corruption in your country do you know?
- Does gender discrimination affect politics in your country?
- Psychology of politics.
- Are strikes and protests an efficient method of influencing the work of government?
- Advantages and disadvantages of legalizing drugs.
Political science essay papers topics
- The concept of power balance.
- Collisions in international law.
- Development of politics in your country.
- Nature of political diverse conflicts.
- The system of political parties in your country.
- Influence of non-state actors on the international arena.
- Analysis of modern international relations.
- Modern conflict science.
- Description of democratization processes.
- Analysis of civil wars phenomenon.
- The foreign policy of your country.
- Ancient / Asian / Islamic / Christian political thought.
- State and local government in your country.
- The founding of the political system in your country.
- History of international relations.
Suitable Political Science Research Topics
- Discuss the concept of nationhood, its benefits, and pitfalls.
- The impact of celebrities on political campaigning.
- The rise of Austria’s Freedom Party in 2000.
- Describe how the media affects cultural globalization.
- Compare right and left-wing terrorist groups.
- What current events affect voting behavior the most?
- What constitutes tyranny?
- What are the advantages of polling?
- Describe the goals of the anti-globalization movement.
- Does a president need to represent all of their country’s citizens?
- Examine historical examples of anarchist societies.
- The effects of poverty on Australian indigenous peoples.
- The regulation of water supply in Latin American countries.
- How does the Saudi Arabian government work?
- Why did all Germany’s attempts to form a republic fail until after World War II?
- Can monarchies be democratic?
- What influences people’s political beliefs?
- What can game theory tell us about society?
- Trace the development of the Nigerian government from the ’60s up to now.
- How do state policies create wealth gaps?
Interesting Political Science Research Topics on Comparative Politics
- Chinese Communist Party Hierarchy
- The United States vs the United Kingdom Foreign Policies
- Vietnam War Interests Aggregation
- Soviet Union Ideology
- Presidential versus Parliamentary Democracy
- Behavioural Approach to Parties Comparison
- Apartheid Phenomenon
- Anglo-Saxon Traits in American Government
- Cultural Pressure Between the United States & Japan
- Recruitment in Developing Countries
American Politics Essay Topics
- Analyze Kanye West’s presidential campaign.
- The American government has extensive plans concerning the closure of Purdue Pharma. But are they acting in the public’s best interest?
- What are the crucial current political issues to voters in America?
- Does the two-party system do more harm than good?
- Write about American neutrality and contribution in the Great War.
- Do national politics in the USA neglect older adults?
- Pros and cons of raising the number of justices at the Supreme Court.
- Why isn’t the right to privacy listed in the US constitution?
- What would happen to California if it became an independent country?
- Discuss gun control measures and crime rates reduction in the US.
- Discuss the pros and cons of building a fortified border wall between the USA and Mexico.
- Who should pay for essential healthcare services in America?
Global Political Topics to Talk About
- What are the main functions of the UN?
- Why was Germany hesitant to participate in colonization? What led to the change of heart?
- Has the US become estranged from its European allies?
- The development of Latin American cities in the past 30 years.
- Israeli-Palestine conflict and the global community.
- Trace similar events of the 2020 election in Belarus.
- What are the drawbacks of being stateless?
- Discuss the role of gender in modern Africa.
- What is the Human Development Index?
- Why did Reporters without Borders build a library in Minecraft?
- How influential are NGOs?
- What caused the Eastern Mediterranean to be war-torn?
- Discuss how the 2015 migrant crisis affected European politics.
- Discuss methods of conflict resolution used by the African Union.
- How do countries reconcile after being at war with each other?
- Explain the three waves of democratization.
- How did the California Gold Rush in 1848 impact global politics?
- African socialism in the 1950s and 1960s.
- Why do some countries suffer from terrorism more than others?
- At what point does a crisis justify international intervention?
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