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191+ Call To Action Persuasive Speech Topics | Ignite Your Audience

Nov 6, 2023 | 0 comments

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Nov 6, 2023 | Topics | 0 comments

Looking to ignite a spark with your next speech? Today, we’re diving into the world of ‘call to action persuasive speech topics.’ Typically, when crafting a persuasive speech, the goal is to inspire action or change in your audience’s perspective. The right topic can make all the difference in capturing your listeners’ attention and motivating them to act. I’ve observed firsthand situations where a well-crafted speech has influenced a community or sparked a movement. Picking the right topic is key to delivering an amazing speech that resonates with your audience. How do I get started with writing a persuasive speech or seeking some inspiring speech ideas?

Let’s delve into the art of crafting a compelling call-to-action speech that will leave a lasting impact on your audience.

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3 Types of Persuasive Speech Topics

When it comes to persuasive speech topics, there are generally three main types that can help you craft a compelling and impactful speech. Let’s break them down for you:

  1. Topics that Appeal to Emotions (Pathos): These are the ones that tug at your heartstrings and make you feel deeply. Consider issues that stir strong emotions like compassion, empathy, or righteous anger. For example, topics like animal rights, bullying in schools, or supporting the elderly could elicit strong emotional responses. How do you pick a topic that will resonate with your audience’s emotions? Please take a look at what matters to you and your peers. What makes you feel passionate or moved to make a change?
  2. Topics that Rely on Credibility and Trust (Ethos): These topics require establishing yourself as a trustworthy and knowledgeable speaker. Consider discussing issues related to your community, school, or personal experiences that have shaped your perspective. By sharing your own experiences and knowledge, you can build a strong connection with your audience. Have you been involved in any activities or events that have influenced your views on a particular subject? I’d like you to reflect on these experiences to develop a good topic, which would be great for your credibility.
  3. Topics that Focus on Logic and Reasoning (Logos): These topics appeal to the rational side of your audience. They use facts, data, and logical arguments to make a case. Discussing subjects related to science, technology, or even current events can be an effective way to appeal to your audience’s sense of logic. Are you interested in a topic that involves presenting strong evidence and logical reasoning? Please be sure to look for issues that have ample research and data to support your argument. Making your speech informative and backed by credible sources can help you make a compelling case.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic?

So, what exactly makes a good persuasive speech topic? Let’s break it down in a way that makes sense. A good topic is one that truly resonates with you and your audience. It’s all about choosing a subject that you’re passionate about, and that holds significance in the world around you. When you care about the topic, your enthusiasm shines through in your speech, making it more impactful. A good persuasive speech topic has value, meaning, and relevance to your audience’s lives. As far as I can tell, here are some key factors to consider when selecting a topic for your next persuasive speech:

  • Relevance: Does the topic matter to your audience? Is it something that they can relate to or something that affects their lives directly? Think about issues that are currently making waves in your community or the world at large. What are people talking about, and what issues do they care about the most?
  • Controversy: Is the topic you’re considering controversial? Controversial topics often spark lively discussions and can encourage critical thinking. However, it’s crucial to handle controversial topics with sensitivity and respect for differing viewpoints. How can you present a controversial topic that encourages open-mindedness and constructive dialogue?
  • Actionability: Can your speech inspire action or change? A good persuasive speech topic should motivate your audience to do something, whether to raise awareness, support a cause, or change their behavior. How can you encourage your audience to take action based on the ideas you present in your speech?
  • Researchability: Is there enough information available to support your arguments? Please do thorough research to ensure your points are well-informed and backed by credible sources. This will not only strengthen your argument but also make your speech more persuasive. How can you gather reliable information and data to support your claims and make your speech more persuasive?

How to create and deliver a compelling, persuasive speech

Ready to create and deliver a speech that will captivate your audience? Let’s dive into the process of crafting a compelling and persuasive speech. With the right approach, you can leave a lasting impression on your listeners. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose the Right Topic: To the best of my knowledge, selecting a topic you’re passionate about is key. Consider what issues matter to you and your audience the most. What do you want to change, highlight, or bring attention to? How can you make your speech meaningful and relevant to your listeners?
  2. Research Thoroughly: thorough research is crucial for creating a strong and persuasive argument. Gather credible sources and data to support your points. What reliable information can you find to back up your claims? How can you use statistics, examples, and anecdotes to make your speech more compelling and persuasive?
  3. Structure Your Speech: As I see it, a well-structured speech is essential for keeping your audience engaged. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction that hooks your listeners. Then, organize your main points logically, supporting each with evidence and examples. Finally, conclude with a powerful call to action that motivates your audience to act or think differently. How can you arrange your speech in a way that flows smoothly and keeps your audience interested throughout?
  4. Use Persuasive Language: In my honest assessment, your chosen words can greatly impact how your message is received. Use strong and clear language to convey your ideas effectively. Employ rhetorical devices such as metaphors, analogies, and powerful imagery to make your speech more memorable. How can you use language to evoke emotions and persuade your audience to see things from your perspective?
  5. Practice and Delivery: Practice, practice, practice! Rehearse your speech multiple times to become familiar with the content and improve your delivery. Pay attention to your tone, body language, and eye contact to establish a connection with your audience. How can you deliver your speech confidently and persuasively while maintaining a genuine connection with your listeners?

Great Persuasive Speech. Topics for Teens

  1. Benefits of volunteering in the community
  2. Importance of mental health awareness in schools
  3. Ways to reduce plastic use in daily life
  4. Promoting diversity and inclusion in education
  5. Encouraging healthy eating habits among teenagers
  6. The impact of social media on mental well-being
  7. Advantages of learning a second language in school
  8. Addressing the issue of cyberbullying and its consequences
  9. Importance of physical exercise for overall well-being
  10. Promoting gender equality in sports and education
  11. The significance of environmental conservation efforts
  12. The importance of financial literacy for young adults
  13. Encouraging responsible use of technology among teens
  14. Addressing the challenges of peer pressure in schools
  15. Promoting empathy and kindness in school communities

Call to Action Speech Topic Examples

  1. Promote renewable energy in your community
  2. Support local businesses and entrepreneurship
  3. Take a stand against racial discrimination
  4. Advocate for accessible education for all
  5. Raise awareness about mental health support services
  6. Combat food waste and promote sustainable eating habits
  7. Encourage responsible use of social media platforms
  8. Take action to protect endangered species
  9. Support initiatives for cleaner air and water
  10. Stand up against gender-based violence and harassment
  11. Advocate for affordable healthcare for everyone
  12. Promote inclusive and diverse workplaces
  13. Support initiatives for homelessness prevention
  14. Take steps to reduce your carbon footprint and promote sustainability
  15. Advocate for equal rights and opportunities for all individuals

Public Speaking Persuasive Speech Topics

  1. Overcoming the fear of public speaking
  2. The power of effective storytelling in speeches
  3. Developing strong communication skills in everyday life
  4. The importance of body language in public speaking
  5. Using humor to engage and connect with your audience
  6. Building confidence through public speaking
  7. The art of persuasive language and rhetoric
  8. Strategies for delivering an impactful and memorable speech
  9. Understanding and connecting with your audience’s needs
  10. The role of authenticity and vulnerability in public speaking
  11. Using visual aids effectively to enhance your message
  12. Mastering the art of impromptu speaking
  13. The influence of public speaking on career advancement
  14. Effective ways to handle stage fright and nervousness
  15. The impact of public speaking in advocating for change

Persuasive Essay Topics About Animals

  1. The importance of animal welfare in farming practices
  2. Exploring the ethics of animal testing in scientific research
  3. Addressing the issue of endangered species and wildlife conservation
  4. The impact of climate change on animal habitats and ecosystems
  5. Promoting responsible pet ownership and adoption
  6. Advocating for the protection of marine life and ocean ecosystems
  7. The role of animal-assisted therapy in improving human well-being
  8. Discussing the ethical considerations of keeping animals in captivity
  9. The significance of biodiversity in maintaining ecological balance
  10. The ethical implications of hunting and trophy hunting
  11. Exploring the role of animals in sustainable agriculture and food production
  12. The impact of deforestation on animal populations and habitats
  13. Addressing the issue of animal cruelty and abuse in various industries
  14. Promoting the conservation of endangered species through breeding programs
  15. Exploring the benefits and controversies of using animals for entertainment purposes

Top Good Persuasive Speech Topics for 2023

  1. The importance of promoting mental health awareness in schools
  2. Implementing sustainable practices to combat climate change
  3. Addressing the challenges of online privacy and data security
  4. Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  5. The impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work
  6. Encouraging responsible social media usage among teenagers
  7. The significance of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions
  8. Addressing the issue of income inequality and economic disparity
  9. Promoting the importance of civic engagement and community involvement
  10. Exploring the benefits and challenges of remote learning in education
  11. The impact of social media on mental health and well-being
  12. Advocating for accessible healthcare for all individuals
  13. Addressing the issue of gender equality in various industries
  14. The importance of fostering a culture of sustainability in businesses
  15. Promoting the significance of ethical consumerism and responsible purchasing habits.

List of Persuasive Speech Topics About Animals

  1. Endangered species and the importance of conservation efforts
  2. Ethical considerations of animal testing in scientific research
  3. The impact of climate change on wildlife habitats and ecosystems
  4. The role of pets in promoting mental and emotional well-being
  5. Animal welfare in the context of factory farming and industrial agriculture
  6. Ethical implications of using animals in entertainment and sports
  7. The importance of adopting pets from animal shelters and rescue organizations
  8. Wildlife protection and the preservation of natural habitats
  9. Animal rights and the ethical treatment of animals in various industries
  10. The role of zoos and aquariums in conservation and education
  11. Promoting responsible ownership and care of exotic pets
  12. The impact of human activities on marine life and ocean ecosystems
  13. Animal cruelty laws and the importance of enforcing animal welfare regulations
  14. The significance of biodiversity and its impact on the environment
  15. The role of animal-assisted therapy in promoting physical and emotional healing.

Good Persuasive Speech Topics for 2023 on Academics

  1. The importance of integrating technology into classroom learning
  2. Addressing the challenges of mental health support for students
  3. Promoting diversity and inclusivity in educational curricula
  4. The impact of standardized testing on student learning
  5. Exploring the benefits of project-based learning in schools
  6. The significance of financial literacy education for students
  7. Promoting the importance of arts and humanities in academic programs
  8. The role of extracurricular activities in holistic student development
  9. Addressing the issue of bullying and harassment in educational institutions
  10. The impact of social media on student well-being and academic performance
  11. Encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills in education
  12. The importance of fostering a culture of creativity and innovation in schools
  13. Promoting the value of vocational and technical education in the workforce
  14. Addressing the challenges of digital literacy and online research skills for students
  15. The significance of promoting lifelong learning and continuous education.

Good Persuasive Speech Topics on Politics and Government

  1. The importance of voter education and participation in democratic processes
  2. Promoting transparency and accountability in government institutions
  3. Addressing the challenges of political polarization and fostering bipartisan cooperation
  4. The impact of social media on political discourse and public opinion
  5. The role of government in addressing income inequality and economic disparity
  6. Exploring the benefits and challenges of immigration policies in the modern world
  7. Addressing the issue of human rights and advocating for global justice
  8. Promoting the significance of ethical leadership and good governance
  9. The impact of foreign policy on global peace and security
  10. Addressing the challenges of environmental policies and sustainable development
  11. The significance of promoting diversity and inclusion in political representation
  12. Exploring the role of political activism in advocating for social change
  13. The importance of promoting civil liberties and upholding the rule of law
  14. The impact of government policies on public health and social welfare.

Best Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students

  1. The importance of mental health awareness on college campuses
  2. Promoting diversity and inclusion in academic environments
  3. Addressing the challenges of student debt and financial aid
  4. Exploring the benefits of internships and practical work experience for students
  5. The significance of promoting sustainable practices and environmental awareness
  6. Addressing the issue of campus safety and sexual assault prevention
  7. Promoting the importance of civic engagement and community service
  8. The role of technology in enhancing educational experiences for students
  9. Addressing the challenges of balancing academics and extracurricular activities
  10. The importance of promoting healthy lifestyle choices and wellness programs
  11. Exploring the benefits of studying abroad and multicultural experiences
  12. Promoting the value of critical thinking and interdisciplinary learning in college
  13. The impact of peer pressure and mental well-being among college students
  14. The significance of promoting career readiness and professional development skills.

Best Persuasive Speech Topics for High School Students 

  1. Promoting the importance of mental health awareness among teenagers
  2. Addressing the challenges of bullying and promoting a culture of kindness
  3. The impact of social media on teenage well-being and self-esteem
  4. Exploring the benefits of extracurricular activities and student involvement
  5. The significance of promoting healthy eating habits and physical fitness
  6. Addressing the issue of peer pressure and its effects on decision-making
  7. Promoting the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability
  8. Addressing the challenges of time management and academic stress
  9. The importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in school communities
  10. Exploring the benefits of community service and volunteerism for teenagers
  11. Promoting the value of critical thinking and problem-solving skills for students
  12. The impact of music and arts education on student creativity and well-being
  13. Addressing the issue of substance abuse and promoting healthy choices
  14. The significance of fostering strong communication and interpersonal skills among students.

Interesting Persuasive Speech Topics

  1. The influence of technology on human relationships
  2. The importance of promoting mental health awareness
  3. Exploring the benefits of practicing mindfulness and meditation
  4. Addressing the challenges of climate change and global warming
  5. The impact of social media on modern society
  6. Promoting the significance of cultural diversity and inclusivity
  7. The role of education in fostering global citizenship
  8. Addressing the issue of food insecurity and hunger
  9. The significance of promoting ethical consumerism and sustainable living
  10. Exploring the benefits of outdoor activities and nature exploration
  11. Promoting the importance of empathy and kindness in daily interactions
  12. Addressing the challenges of work-life balance in the modern world
  13. The importance of promoting gender equality and women’s rights
  14. Exploring the benefits of practicing gratitude and positive thinking in life.

Unique Persuasive Speech Topics for University Students 

  1. Exploring the ethical implications of gene editing and genetic engineering
  2. The impact of social media activism on promoting social change
  3. Addressing the challenges of mental health support services on campus
  4. Promoting the importance of sustainable living and eco-friendly practices
  5. The significance of promoting diversity and inclusivity in higher education
  6. Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary research and collaboration
  7. Addressing the issue of student loan debt and financial literacy
  8. The role of technology in reshaping the future of education
  9. Promoting the importance of cultural exchange and international understanding
  10. Exploring the benefits of community engagement and service-learning programs
  11. Addressing the challenges of urbanization and sustainable city planning
  12. The impact of globalization on international politics and economics
  13. Promoting the significance of mental well-being and holistic self-care
  14. Exploring the benefits of promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in academia
  15. The importance of fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills in university education.

Unique Persuasive Topics

  1. The future of space exploration and interplanetary colonization
  2. The impact of artificial intelligence on human creativity and innovation
  3. Addressing the challenges of mental health stigma in society
  4. Promoting the importance of arts education in fostering creativity
  5. The significance of promoting sustainable fashion and ethical consumerism
  6. Exploring the benefits of community gardening and urban farming
  7. Addressing the issue of digital privacy and data security in the digital age
  8. The role of renewable energy in combating climate change and pollution
  9. Promoting the importance of intercultural communication and understanding
  10. Exploring the benefits of wilderness therapy and nature-based healing
  11. Addressing the challenges of food justice and equitable access to nutrition
  12. The impact of virtual reality technology on education and training
  13. Promoting the significance of storytelling in preserving cultural heritage
  14. Exploring the benefits of laughter therapy and humor in promoting well-being
  15. The importance of promoting emotional intelligence and empathy in society.

Get Help With Your Call To Action Persuasive Speech Paper

Need help with your call-to-action persuasive speech paper? Essay Freelance Writers is the best in the industry for expert writing help. Whether you need assistance with topic selection, crafting a compelling argument, or polishing your speech for maximum impact, our team of experienced writers is here to support you every step. Place your order today by clicking the ORDER NOW button above, and let us help you create a persuasive speech that will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Let us know how we can make your speech-writing process a breeze.


What is a good call to action in a persuasive speech?

A good call to action in a persuasive speech encourages the audience to take specific steps or change their behavior, beliefs, or actions in line with the speaker’s argument or proposal.

What is an example of a call to action in a speech?

An example of a call to action in a speech could be urging the audience to sign a petition, participate in a community clean-up event, or contact their local representatives to support a particular cause or issue.

What is a good persuasive topic to talk about?

A persuasive topic is relevant, meaningful, and connected to the audience’s interests, values, and experiences.

How do you find a good persuasive speech topic?

To find a good persuasive speech topic, consider your connected interests, experiences, and values, as well as current events, societal issues, and topics that spark meaningful discussions or debates in your community or the world.

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