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Top 100 Architecture Thesis Topics

Jan 14, 2022

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Jan 14, 2022 | Topics

1. Buildings for universities/campus and schools
2. The building design for libraries.
3. Humanity architecture
4. Parks in urban
5. Public squares for urban
6. Buildings for religious purposes
7. Architecture plan for streets and promenades
8. Designs for peripheral parks
9. Stations for trains
10. Airport plan
11. Centers for international invention.
12. Facilities for cultural practices
13. Financial institutions
14. Research center for Bio
15. Plan for factories
16. Buildings for corporate purposes
17. Display for cricket stadiums
18. Park for fashion technology
19. Centers for research purpose.
20. Minimum housing costs
21. Homes for single families by the sea
22. Country homes for a single-family
23. Suburban homes for a single-family
24. Centers for exhibition and convention
25. Planning for urban transport
26. MRTS corridor and metro redevelopment
27. Terminal for buses
28. Women education and self-employment centers
29. Designs for museums
30. Terminal for international cruise
31. Study and station for mass rapid transit system (MTRS)
32. Centers for art galleries
33. Complex urban offices
34. Learning and fish farming centers
35. Museum for tribal heritage
36. Interconnected transportation node
37. Motion architecture
38. Art of digital morphogenesis
39. Form of organic building architecture

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