High-class (adj.)
Semantic analysis forms the basis of providing a clear understanding of words often used in our routine conversations. Most of the words we use have a range of meanings depending on the speaker, context and environment. These words bring out a different meaning hence they are subject to compromises in one’s understanding of a particular context. More specifically, some words are often misused through the development of slang languages and they tend to inhibit the previous conceptualization of their intended meanings. The ability of a word to have a wide range of meaning creates a communication problem between individuals since everyone is vital to their original understanding. This paper seeks to expound on the term “high-class” in regard to its two definitions. It will also provide a deep analysis of the disparities between the definitions as well as insights on the implications of each definition, all in an exclusive manner.
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First definition: High social reputation
The term “High-class” has two definitions. First, it is often used to describe people with higher social statuses in the community. Identity, which impacts one’s reputation, is very important to individuals in any given society. The high-class identity is usuallystemmed froman individual’sbehaviours, moral standards, physical appearances, dignity and social reputation. A high-class person by nature commands respect and authority with barely any struggle. To qualify to be a high-class individual, one has to obtain the community’s social approval often demonstrated by exquisite respect. High-class people are selectively differentiated from the rest of the population and rendered less vulnerable to social conflicts because they see the world as fair (DeAngelis 62). With a high social status, a high-class individual has a higher potential for power and authority over other members of society. In this understanding, it is imperative that high-class people in the community play a major role in community development because their opinions on societal issues are often welcomed. To effect any form of social change, these individuals are crucial to the extent of change implementation. However, they too need the other classes to approve their social opinions otherwise they would lose their social reputations which nurture their high-class identity. Societies which experience multiple deviance cases are usually more likely to approve any individual who demonstrates good moral conduct, as a high-class person. Then again, societies which are more inclined to establishing socially sound members will tend to classify their members using this criterion.
Second definition: Economy-based
In the economic perspective, a high-class individual is one who generates more income and doesn’t necessarily have to work on a daily basis to earn a living. This represents a small portion of the global population. The high-class population often demonstrate their possession of wealth and luxuries desirable to every individual. Their livelihoods are usually admired by many in society. More importantly, they often demand respect through the ownership of wealth, contrary to the above definition who derive respect through their values, appearance and relationship with others. They are also known as the upper-class population. The high-class according to this understanding barely suffer financial constraints (Dittmann). Most of them are part of the sources of income of the middle and lower classes. According to Karl Marx, the economy is divided into two: the upper class, in this case, the high-class, and the lower class. The lower class relies on the upper class for survival in many societies because they own the means of production, crucial to the survival of all humanity (Karl 21-35). As seen, the second definition of “high-class” is more economical than sociological. Modern society is experiencing a revolution into an economy-based world. Individuals known to have high incomes and expenditures as well are identified as the high-class. This understanding is more globally accepted as compared to the first definition of the term.
The disparity between the meanings
The two meanings have a similarity in that, they both point to an elevated status. Nevertheless, they differ in terms of the implications and intentions of the speaker. In the first definition, there is an over-emphasis on the sociological reputation of the actor. It shows no regard for the actor’s economic life. Additionally, the first definition is more oriented towards the values demonstrated by the actor, contrary to the second definition. The second definition is keen on the economic achievements and financial status of the actor. There is a major variation in the two definitions. It is vital to understand the flexibility of the human mind in making sense of the world. While financial assets may be important to some people, others are more motivated to considering the humane qualities which nurture social interaction. The economic understanding of the term is driven by the over-emphasis of modern society on income generation. It is a criterion for awarding the industrious population who manage to achieve success in the obtaining of the monetary resources, which indeed determine one’s position in society today. Unlike the economy-based understanding, the first definition pays close attention to the ability of people to interact effectively and efficiently as well as providing the grounds for mitigating any social interaction barriers. According to the first definition, the high-class people possess qualities admirable to every member of any given society: the qualities that influence the sustenance of peace, collaboration and the good health of the entire community. They play a very important part in society by leading an example to other members of society. To reward them, societies find it worthy to brand them the title “High-class”. All the same, despite the linguistic competition between the two definitions, they can equally be viewed as a reward by the society to its members, depending on the implications by the situations they are confronted.
The implications of the two definitions
The two meanings illustrate the differences in the conceptualization of societal matters among the diverse human race. Having the freewill of understanding situations is critical to the definition of terms, with significant variations in relation to each other. The two definitions are socially accepted but do demonstrate diversity among individuals. Unless one can define the boundary between the two meanings, the word “high-class” is subject to misinterpretation and confusion. To understand the basis of social reputation, one has to fully understand the scopes of both definitions. Although the second definition has become more popular, it is vital to embrace the first definition. As the global economy rises, people are tending to ignore the intrinsic values that have governed humanity in history. The acceptance of the first definition in modern society exemplifies how people are still concerned over the principles of positive human relations, to combat the socio-economic and cultural issues that arise in all societies. On the flip side, the second definition is a key motivator to individuals in society to battle for high economic achievement, a crucial ingredient to the ultimate success in today’s society. This definition raises concerns for financial prosperity. It encourages people to work hard, to increase their chances of success though calculated investments and innovativeness. Technology is always advancing every day, meaning that people are struggling to meet their financial needs, perhaps to gain entry to the high-class positions or maintain their already achieved high-class statuses. More importantly, the second definition is the threshold for today’s motivation because a significant part of the global population strives to achieve the high-class status.
My perspective
Despite the fact that the first definition is losing meaning today, it stands to provide the best understanding of “high-class”. All economic and technological progress are rooted within the people’s ability to interact in the most positive and beneficial way possible. Carrying its potential influence on one’s behavioural and personality designation, the first definition is important to allow for the continuation of good moral conducts. Proper interpersonal presentations are embraced in the first definition. With effective interaction between people, the chances of success into the advancement to a better world are affirmative. Essentially, the first definition gives insights to solving interpersonal conflicts which deter development in all sectors established by man. Good moral conducts campaign for proper relations with each other, including problem-solving criteria.
Conclusively, the meaning of the term “high-class” points to a positive attribution by the societal members in any given geographical location. Depending on the conversational atmosphere, the word may lead to different meanings. A proper understanding of one’s audience is important in its usage. However, the usage of the word hardly nurtures any negative insights in any given conversation. As seen in this paper, the meaning of the word is bargained by its usage in its context.
Works cited
DeAngelis, Tori. “”Class differences.” Monitor on Psychology 46.2 (2015): 62.
Dittmann, Andrea. “”Understanding Social Class as Culture.” Image (2016).
Karl, Marx. “Classes in capitalism and pre-capitalism.” Inequality. Routledge, 2018. 21-35.
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