Twisted Rope/ laid rope
Twisted rope has a spiral look due to the (typically) three strands that are twisted together. It has a tendency to kink up, and it is not the strongest rope design out there. Their features of being impervious to water make it valuable in some rescue situations. And in its yellow form, it’s very visible.
Braided Ropes
Braided ropes are made by weaving fiber strands. Hollow braided ropes consist only of a woven core. Double braided ropes are made of one braided rope inside the other. While twisted ropes are commonly used for anchor lines. The double-braided nylon lines have plenty of strength and abrasion resistance.
Climbing Ropes
Modern climbing ropes have a kernmantle design. Its jacket design lends resistance to abrasion, while the inner core of separate strands provides strength. Dynamic climbing ropes are designed to stretch slightly when under heavy loads. This comes in handy when falling climbers are halted abruptly; a wee bit of stretch helps keep your spine intact. But that stretch makes them ideal for jobs that involve lashing things tightly to other things.
Parachute Cord
Real parachute cord has a military specification that requires a braided nylon sheath inside of which resides seven to nine interwoven strands of separate cord. Together, it has a minimum breaking strength of 550 pounds, and at least 10 times that number of uses.
Guyline Cord
They are used to tie the tents on the ground firmly. Some of the manufacturers make the cord with reflective materials that light up in a headlight beam. That is great to keep a person from tripping over a tent guyline.
Bungee Cord
The bungee cord most often are the stretchy line that holds tent poles together, A short length is perfect for bundling up stuff that needs to rolled, such as sleeping pads, or tubular stuff that needs to be bundled, such as rod tubes and canoe paddles.
Sisal is more a material than a rope, and it is made of fibers from the leaves of a kind of acacia plant. Sisal is strong, durable, easily dyed, and resists deterioration in saltwater. On the down side, sisal is very bristly and will take the hide of your hands if you’re not careful.
Baling Twine
Baling twine is small-diameter sisal—about 350-pounds of breaking strength—used to tie up hay bales
Tow Strap
Not really a rope, but a tow strap is absolutely required. These flat webbings come with sewn loops on each end to make it easy to attach to tow bumpers, tow hooks, and wrap around trees.
Different types of knots
A knot is a tight interlacing of two ropes. There are different types of knots and they include
- Halyard knot: interlacing of ropes used to attach the halyard to a sail.
- Reef knot: interlacing of ropes made of two half-knot inverse to each other.
- Bowline: interlacing of ropes with a loop that can be used as support.
- Two round turns and a half-hitch: interlacing of ropes around an object by making two turns, then a hal-knot.
- Two half-hitches: interlacing of ropes around an object by making two half-knots, one after the other.
- Double shell bend: double interlacing of ropes, used to attach two ropes together.
- Sheet knot: interlacing of ropes used to attach two ropes together.
- Figure of eight knot: interlacing of ropes used to finish the end of a rope.
- Overhand knot: simple interlacing of a rope.
Care and Cleaning of Rope
Rope is often left in a tangle on the ground which is far from the safest way to store it and usually makes it hard to use. Rope should be kept neatly coiled, off the ground, and stored appropriately so that it can be used free of tangles without delay.
Climbing ropes should be washed occasionally by hand in cold water with a mild soap, rinsed free of the soap, and then spread out or hung up to dry in the air. Direct sunlight should be avoided, do not use a dryer, and do not place the rope above a heat source.
Rope should be kept off the ground to protect it from dirt that contains sharp small chips and crystals.
Avoid contact with chemicals, acids, alkalis, bleach, oxidizing agents (present in concrete), and embers, sparks or other sources of ignition, e.g., smokers.
Avoid treading on your rope as this may work sharp particles into the core.
Use climbing rope only for climbing – not for towing a vehicle.
Climbing rope should be stored, preferably after drying, at room temperature, ideally in a storage bag.
Hannah, S., & Hegley, J. (2008). The ropes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Diamond Twig.
Jacobson, C. (1990). The basic essentials of knots for the outdoors. Merrillville, Ind: ICS Books.

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