Summary of the situation that needed diplomatic efforts of U.S during the time of the president in office
According to Graebner (2002), the First World War had bled the British army. The Fight of Britain, and the large huge casualties suffered in the continent and in African had made it complicated for them to precede the stage of support for affairs in the Middle East and Balkans. It was with this understanding of this scenario that President Truman of USA and his experts identified that the US had to become engaged. And it was from this understanding that the Truman Doctrine was made. So, in 1947 President Truman released a Presidential pronouncement presenting immediate cost-effective and army aid to Greece, experienced by Communist insurrection, and to Turkey, under stress from Communist development in the Mediterranean Sea and beyond and beyond position. Britain declared that it could no longer manage aid to those key nations. Both Turkey and Greece were potential targets for the Soviets to carry them in as Communistic satellites. The legislature appropriated $400 thousand to support the doctrine implementation. This was moreover to the $3 billion cash dollars financial loan which the US had made to Britain in 1946 (Gurman, 2012).
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The diplomatic doctrine followed by the president
According to Roskin et al (2010), In April 1945Truman, the Vice President of USA was elevated after the fatalities of Franklin D. Roosevelt to the United States presidency. During Truman’s time frame as president he faced many problems, yet identified many doctrines as alternatives to these problems. His most essential contribution up to now is the Truman Doctrine, which targeted on containing the development of communism everywhere. It was targeted straight at the Soviets, led by Stalin who had been an ally of the USA during World War II. However, the USA and the USSR were divided by a large ideological beach. So the only factor that organized the associates together was the need to eliminate Adolf Hitler and the Nazis (Kuniholm, 1980). Given their actual variations, when Adolf Hitler was eventually eliminated in 1945, a Cold War was perhaps inevitable. Truman certainly hated communism and faced that it was the responsibility of United States to prevent the development of those ideas. During the Cold War, Truman identified convenience and organized peace which held back Communist development and made cost-effective and government balance through the Truman Doctrine, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Marshall Plan (Graebner, 2002).
Effects of the diplomatic efforts of United States and other countries
Gurman (2012) pointed out that in 1946, an American diplomat known as George Kennan sent to his superiors in California a long memorandum that was later known as “The Long Telegram.” Developing his research upon his own outcomes of Communist problems, made from his publish in the US Embassy in Moscow, Kennan analyzed that the Communist Cooperation was normally curved on improving its position of impact all over the whole world. In considering how the Individuals should react, Kennan had written, “It is obvious that the main factor of any United States strategy towards the Communist Cooperation must be that of a long-term, firm and cautious containment of Russian extensive propensities” (Roskin et al, 2010). Kennan’s concept of containment became the platform for the foreign policy of United States during the Cold War.
Though the Truman Doctrine, considered in the narrowest feeling, only used to the economic downturn then unfolding in Turkey and Greece, in practice it dedicated the United States to a foreign method of containment by attractive resources of United States towards preventing the spread of Communism anywhere on the whole world (Kuniholm, 1980).
In support of Truman’s method of containment, George C. Marshall the Secretary of State put the Marshall Plan forth. Marshall fearful of Europe, which had faced so much devastation in World War II, might drop into economical problems and thus become vulnerable to Communism. He therefore suggested a large system of cost-effective aid for Europe having problems to restore from the war. Marshall defined that the support was available to all nations, but organized the system so that the Communist nations of Southeast Europe would have no genuine probability of taking part (Graebner, 2002).
Gurman (2012) observed that the Marshall Plan needed any interested country to begin its economic system up to foreign capitalist investment, and the Soviets and their associates could not allow that without undermining Communism itself. Asking for that the aid system would breach nationwide sovereignty. However, 16 European Western nations approved the aid. As leaders of USA had expected, most of that aid cash ended up coming back to the US as the European people used it to buy items provided in United States. Therefore, the Marshall Plan was both an excellent diplomacy and perfect business; it assisted Europe restore from World War II and helped in cementing alliances with the United States while also helping the economic system of United States (Roskin et al, 2012).
The advantages and disadvantages of Truman doctrine
According to Kuniholm (1980), one of the problems that came about to Truman was that most of Europe was having problems financially and now they were in somewhat of a risk from communist. This led to bringing of the previously described Marshall Plan. Another essential incapability of the Truman Doctrine was the contribution America had in the Vietnam War. Graebner (2002) observed that even though the Truman Doctrine had many problems it had a share of achievements too. With regards to the Truman Doctrine was to eliminate communism. Truman Doctrine made the USA played somewhat of an element as peace maker to the whole world. A number of individuals consider this bad but someone has to do it or little nations would be taken benefits of all a lot of your power and attempt. The very best element was the human casualties were thin to none. The Truman Doctrine has assisted the US obtain nationwide beauty and superiority and still sustain a continuous connection with most all over the whole world (Gurman, 2012).
Graebner, N. A. (2002). Cold war diplomacy: American foreign policy, 1945-1960. Princeton, N.J: Van Nostrand.
Gurman, H. (2012). The dissent papers: The voices of diplomats in the Cold War and beyond. New York: Columbia University Press.
Roskin, M. G., & Berry, N. O. (2010). IR: The new world of international relations. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.
Kuniholm, B. R. (1980). The origins of the cold war in the Near East: Great power conflict and diplomacy in Iran, Turkey, and Greece. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.

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