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Scrupulosity and its Impact on Mental Health and Religious Beliefs

Jun 15, 2023 | 0 comments

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Jun 15, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

Ferguson, Thomas A. Rowatt, Wade C. (April 14, 2014). God and scrupulosity.. God comes in the end.. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Vol (1 (1).

Scrupulosity is an ethical and religious theory on the obsessive-compulsive disorder that is not fully studied that states that God functions psychologically just like other characters. According to the author, the relationship to God is correlated with scrupulosity, for example, using a significant sample of people to measure and assess for their scrupulosity compulsive symptoms, connection to God, and related variables. Moreover, connection to God proofs incremental, precise and agreeing to prediction of scrupulosity away from variation shared with religious side effects such as obsessive dysfunctional ideas and associated uncertainties in close personal relationships.

Relationship with God has no evidence through forecasting on obsessive-compulsive characteristics. Although in some relationship, fear proofs to have a strong association with scrupulosity.


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