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Understanding the RMO CSMS Marketing Subsystem Diagram

Mar 12, 2023 | 0 comments

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Mar 12, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

An overview of the diagram

The diagram above shows an RMO CSMS Marketing Subsystem that is a class diagram from the RMO CSMS. The diagram shows the use cases and the actors or the users. The actor or the user is the person that uses the system. The actors in the diagram presented are outside the automation boundary of the system. Ostle & Arnold (1985) pointed put that the user of a use case sometimes is not a human being but also be another device or system receiving services from the system. Simple stick figures have been used in representing the actors. The stick figures in the graphic were given names that characterize the role the actor is playing, which are marketing and merchandising.

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The automaton boundary in the diagram is represented by a rectangle. According to Kiyoki (2006), automation boundary defines the border between the applications computerized portion and the individuals who operates the application. The communication of the actors with the use cases passes through the automation boundary.

The use case in the diagram above have been represented by an oval which written use case inside. Moreover, the connecting line linking the use case in the ovals and the actors indicates the involvement of the actor with the use case. In the diagram presented above, the use case includes add/update product information, add/update promotion, add/update accessory package, add/update business partner link.

The presented diagram of RMO CSMS Marketing Subsystem can be understood easily by any person because it has been designed and structured using association and specialization relationships (Fowler & Scott, 1997). The analysis of the diagram, therefore, will try to understand the user’s knowledge on his or her system by asking them about their existing relationship in different entities.

An analysis of the actors

The information and the graphic presentation above is a recast diagram that visually highlight the actors and the use cases for a single subsystem that is the RMO CSMS Marketing Subsystem. From the graphic presentation, the merchant and the marketer are all permitted to directly access the system.

As shown by the relationship lines, each of the actors can use the case of “Add/update product information.” The merchant might do this when repackaging or sorting the products. On the other hand, the marketer might do this when promoting, branding or advertising the products to different market segments. However, only the merchant can add/ Update accessory package. Similarly, only marketer can Add/ update promotion, and Add/ update business partner link.

According to Fowler & Scott (1997), there are three derived classes and six major different classes in RMO CSMS Marketing Subsystem. The major classes includes Marketer, merchant, product comment, accessory package, product item and promotion. On the other hand, the derived classes are categorized into two. Partner link that is derived from the marketer class, and another Partner link and promotion offering classes derived from the merchant class.

Promotion class– it has end date, start date, description, year and season attributes

Product item class– it has picture, manufacturer, supplier, description, and name attributes

Accessory package class– it has description and category attributes

Product comment class– it has comment, rating, and data attributes

Merchant class– it has status, email address, mobile phone, address, and name attributes

Marketer class– it has telephone, status, email address, mobile phone, address and name attributes

Partner Link Class– this class derived from the merchant class has date linked up, status, merchant 1 and merchant 2 attributes.

Partner link class– this class derived from the marketer class has date linked up, status, marketer 1 and marketer 2 attributes.


Fowler, M., & Scott, K. (1997). UML distilled: Applying the standard object modeling language. Reading, Mass: Addison Wesley Longman.

Kiyoki, Y. (2006). Information modelling and knowledge bases XVII. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Ostle, J. R., & Arnold, D. O. (1985). Information systems analysis and design. Santa Rosa, Calif: Burgess Communications.

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