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Enhancing Employee Performance through Managerial Encouragement

May 20, 2023 | 0 comments

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May 20, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments


Managers Encouraging Employees are increasingly becoming an important part of organizational assets. They are considered a source of competitive advantage to their organizations. Human resources are very important for an organization that intends to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the managers encouraging employees make them perform better than they make the employees who are not encouraged. In order to encourage employees, an organization has to put in place some measures that help the companies to attain high levels of success. This makes the employee encouragement to translate the employee’s potential into employee’s performance and business success (Kular et al, 2008). It is also helpful in changing the way employees perform by improving the communication that takes place in the organization. This argumentative essay will discuss and support that Managers’ encouragement of employee voice can lift well-being and productivity.


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Managers Encouraging Employees

Employees tend to be different and varied in attitudes, behavior and the outcomes. Therefore, an organization needs to put measures in place that will ensure that these factors work for the benefit of the organization. Organizations, which encourage their employees, have strong values, trust and fairness based on the mutual respect between the managers and the employees. The voice of Managers Encouraging Employees has been viewed as a way of improving the productivity and performance of the employees. However, it cannot be achieved through manipulation of the employees’ commitments and emotions. It should be conducted in a proper manner so that employees can be freely engaged and willing to give discretionary efforts as part of their daily activities at the workplace. The manager has to ensure that the voice it uses in encouraging his or her employees can achieve high levels of performance.

The voice of the Managers Encouraging Employees has been associated with satisfaction in job, commitment to organization, involvement in job and empowerment feelings among others (Gilbert, 1991). The attitudes and actions of the immediate supervisors help in enhancing the employee engagement if they create an atmosphere, which allows employees to freely and willingly participate in the organizational activities and tasks.  The employees should also be able to trust their senior leadership and the leaders have to encourage open communication within the organization. Encouragement of employees can also be achieved through treating employees with respect and ensuring their personal values are taken care of at all levels of the organization (Deegan, 1967).

Research has consistently linked the Managers Encouraging Employees to the business success in different ways such as, employee performance or efficiency, productivity, safety, attendance and retention, customer service and satisfaction and profitability among others (Sekiguchi, 2013). Environment has been volatile and the organizational leaders have to identify talent management strategies that enable their organizations to remain viable for the dynamic business environment. They have to ensure that employees are able to thrive in helping the organization to achieve its goals and objectives.

Organizations are usually faced with the challenge to create an environment where the employees are understanding and are committed to the company’s direction, strategy and goals. Therefore, when managers have to take a holistic and coordinated approach in order to ensure that all the elements of employee encouragement promote the alignment between the employees and the organization. Alignment implies that there should be a fit so that employees are able to understand what is expected of them and become more accountable (Hart & Schlesinger, 1991). It also requires systems and processes that drive the right behaviors. Alignment will also be achieved through capable leadership and creation of a positive work environment. This will enable the organization to produce good results, as the encouraged employees will be able show excellence, which is required for the competitive strength.

Encouragement of the employees has been considered one of the most critical factors that drive the success of the organization. It helps in driving performance in different areas such as customer satisfaction, innovation, profitability, productivity, loyalty and quality. Organization has to work in order to understand the dynamics of employee motivation and determine how they can improve the encouragement. The leaders of the organization have to continuously work on the ways in which encouragement levels can be improved within the organization. Even though encouragement is a complex matter to be measured, it can easily be determined through the levels of employee satisfaction. Highly satisfied employees show high levels of performance and are able to work to achieve great results for the company.

Aguinis & Lengnick-Hall (2012) indicated that Managers Encouraging Employees leads to higher satisfaction of customers, financial performance and higher retention of the talented employees within the organization. There exists a strong linkage between the level at which the organization encourages its employees and the level of its performance. Organizations, which have been the best performers, encourage their employees in the day today running of the business. It is critical that the Managers Encouraging Employees through constant communication. This helps the employees not to only connect to the organization, but also to support its performance. Encouraged employees are able to understand the benefits of good customer experience and satisfaction. This makes them to remain committed to the delivery of products and services of high quality to the customers (Hoch & Dulebohn, 2013). Therefore, leaders within an organization have to ensure that customer satisfaction mechanism are communicated and shared throughout the organization. This will ensure that there is connection between employee encouragement and positive customer experience.

Employee encouragement and loyalty has become a very critical factor for the success and competitiveness of the organization. There are no guarantees of retaining employees until their retirement age. The rate of employee turnover has gone up and this has increased the recruitment costs that an organization has to incur in order to replace the employees who are leaving the company. In order to avoid such costs, it is important that the leaders of the organization devise ways increase the organization’s ability to encourage and retain valuable employees. This will help in improving the company’s bottom line. The managers have to ensure that organizational structure which has been established within the organization able to facilitate interaction and communication between the supervisors and the employees (Hoch & Dulebohn, 2013).

Organizations have an obligation to protect the investment that they have made in the human resources. This can be done by making sure that there is low employee turnover and most of the talent employees are retained by the organization. By Managers Encouraging Employees, the company is able to ensure business continuity and ability to meet its goals and objectives in the future. The organization has to ensure that its employees are properly encouraged and are satisfied when working at the company. Encouraged employees are also able to become more productive and deliver high levels of performance due to high levels of expertise and experience with the organizational processes (Mawoli & Babandako, 2011).

Despite the fact that Managers Encouraging Employees has numerous benefits to both the company and the employee, it also has its limitations. Encouraged workers are usually attuned to the aspects of their work environment. This may either facilitate or affect their job performance. In cases where they are encouraged and without sufficient resources to deliver their best at work, their encouragement may not be beneficial to both the organization and the employees themselves. There are some barriers to encouraged workers’ performance such as lack of budget and equipment support, access to important information and work overload.  Some strategic issues such as the goals and objectives of the organization may also affect the performance in cases where the goals and objectives are not clear (Aguinis & Lengnick-Hall, 2012). Employees will only be more encouraged in situations where the leaders are able to provide guidelines for job performance and able to provide sense of clarity.

The benefits of the Managers Encouraging Employees may not be realized in cases where the leaders are not able to appropriately match the employees’ roles with their skills. It is also not easy to reap the benefits of employee encouragement when there is no workplace support that employees need to effectively execute their duties and responsibilities (Lee, 2012). Sometimes it becomes difficult for the leaders of the organization to balance between issues that need to be dealt with urgently and motivation and keeping the employees engaged in their work. Some of the changes that are made at the organization may also not go well with the employees.


Managers Encouraging Employees is a very important aspect of the managing the employees. It is significant since it contributes to the improved performance of both the employees and the organization. Encouraged employees are likely to be more productive and contribute to the satisfaction of the customers. Encouraging employees enables the organization to be in a position to retain its employees. It will be able to retain talented employees. Employee encouragement also has some limitations that organizational leaders have to look into.


Aguinis, H., & Lengnick-Hall, M. L. (2012). Assessing the value of human resource certification: A call for evidence-based human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 22(4), 281-284.
Deegan, A. X. (1967). Management by management. Human Resource Management, 6(1), 16-20.
Gilbert, G. R. (1991). Human resource management practices to improve quality: A case example of human resource management intervention in government. Human Resource Management, 30(2), 183-198.
Hart, C., & Schlesinger, L. (1991). Total quality management and the human resource professional: Applying the baldrige framework to human resources. Human Resource Management, 30(4), 433-454.
Hoch, J. E., & Dulebohn, J. H. (2013). Shared leadership in enterprise resource planning and human resource management system implementation. Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 114-125.
Kular, S. (2008 Oct). “Employee Engagement: A Literature Review.” Working Paper Series No.19. Retrieved on September 24, 2014 from: http://eprints.kingston.ac.uk/4192/1/19wempen.pdf

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