Child sexual abuse and mental problems are social problem that affect our society. The paper began by discussing the conceptualization of childhood sexual abuse and mental health in psychological and sociological perspective. Furthermore, it discusses the treatment models and intervention strategies currently used to address children sexual abuse and mental health. Under these current treatment and intervention programs, the article explained the following approaches: Group therapy where it is applied in many people, Individual treatment designed for the offended victim, Dyadic treatment to enhance mother daughter relationship or daughter father relationship. Family therapy is administered to the whole family members and multiple therapists involve deployment of many clinicians.
The article included two empirical studies that were conducted to support the current treatment and intervention programs.
On the second part of the article, it discusses the proposed comprehensive School based support intervention service program. It outlines the objective of the program, geographical focus of the program and services that will achieve the programs objectives with their theoretical rational. Moreover, how the program will be implement is discussed in detail. This includes the team’s blueprint, partnerships, role and boundaries, and confidentiality. The proposed implementation cost and the source of funding is also included in the paper. Lastly, it describes the evaluation plan.
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School based support intervention service program
The comprehensive school based program will incorporate an outside school team of behavioral health professionals, such as the community provider of mental health, that partner with the staff of the school. This program will be effective because it will enable specialists to identify quickly issues of students and triage care immediately based on the circumstances severity.
Whether it is a small emotional disturbance that needs basic support or a very complicated mental health issue requiring intensive intervention, the school based intervention program will enable full range of options to a school that adopts it. Furthermore, appropriate care levels can then be formed based on mental/emotional health issue severity. Brown-Chidsey (2005) suggested that community mental health team members can be activated when more intensive and complex services are needed. Moreover, the school social workers or psychologists can provide education, wellness and prevention programs.
The program is designed for the youth and the children under 18 years who are under group homes or foster care or at a high risk of placement due to sexual abuse or mental health problems. The main objective of the program is for family re-unification and maintaining the stability of the home placement.
Geographical focus
The program will be based within a school setting
Services that will achieve the programs objectives
To achieve the objectives of the program, the following services will be offered:
- Behavioral management
- Anger management
- case management
- Assistance in budgeting and financial planning
- Building communication skills
- Community resource linkage
- Conflict resolution
Similarly, the program can offer the following additional services:
- Crisis intervention services
- Building coping skills
- Effective discipline training
- Parenting education skills
- Medication management skills
- Building social skills
- Stress management
The theoretical rationale for the services
The services chosen will be provided to teach the children and extol values that ensure maximum success. The services have been chosen under realizable rationale. For instance, in anger management and conflict resolution, the services are important because it will work on issues that will show how to express and manage conflict and anger effectively. The children will be provided with assistance by identifying anger reactions causes and methods of treating it.
Similarly, the services have been chosen to empower self identity and enhance self esteem to become strong, healthy and independent. Moreover, social skills services will be adopted because it will augment positive behavior and social skill and decrease negative .This will ensure that the objective of the program of transiting the sexually abused and mentally children into self sufficient, confident successfully living in the community.
How the program will be implemented
The support intervention service program will incorporate a supplementary community team of mental health professionals incorporated into the school services. Children sexually abused and the presence of mental illness among school children, if not diagnosed and treated properly, increases the probability of other health issues, and this limits their ability to be productive as societal members.
For the adolescents, the initial signs of emotional distress or mental illness can be noticed in the school environment. According to Brown-Chidsey (2005), it is known that issues of mental health such as family problems, depression and anxiety often are the main causes of poor performance in academics, truancy and disciplinary issues.
As observed by Brown-Chidsey (2005), many schools has social workers, psychologists and counselors, many progressive schools recognize the importance of a more comprehensive approach whereby supplementary community mental health professional team is integrated into the service array of the school. To implement this comprehensive school based program effectively, the following guidelines are important.
Team blueprint
Because of the wide range of issues that can come up in a school setting, the team of the program will be structured in a manner that practice or expertise area can be invoked quickly when needed. While the staffs contracted are not always around the school, the advantage of engaging the community providers of mental health professionals is that they can assemble quickly in the event they are urgently needed.
The point person of the team will serve as an intermediary between the community organization of the mental health and the school. The individual holding the position should be dedicated, be on site to quickly identify the need, triage and assess that connect the children to families with the appropriate service providers.
Brown-Chidsey (2005) pointed out that the point mans duty is to ensure quick mobilization and optimal marketing as selling and advertising, however marketing consists of different activities. Kotler and Make define marketing as the set of activities, and communication. Furthermore, he or she will collaborate with the administrators, nursing staff and deploy the community provider of mental health services when needed. The individual has all access to all services provided such as group or individual therapists, chemical dependent advisors , crisis management experts , poverty on America’s families:Assessing our research knowledge”. Journal of family counselors and psychiatrists.
They are key to school based program success. It will include the school district security division and safety since care plans, confidentiality issues and communications must comply with the policies and protocols established. Moreover, family members play an important role in the program, by providing ongoing guidance; maintain an understanding and a nurturing environment where adolescents can recover and being a participant in the family therapy.
According to Brown-Chidsey (2005), mental health organizations for the community are indispensable through established relationships with agencies of the state and serves the children. These may include children and family services departments and juvenile rehabilitation administration. Partnership with these organizations will maintain care continuity, provide exposition, cut through the bureaucratic red tape and provide tailoring context for care plans.
Finally, another significant partnership is of the school itself. Teachers, school administrators, medical staff will be the foot soldiers of the purposed program. They will act as the ears and the eyes to provide early detection. By collaborating and interacting frequently with the community mental health organizations, the staff members of the school will become more adept in detecting early warning sign and being able to distinguish nuanced behaviors.
Roles and boundaries
According to Brown-Chidsey (2005), clarifying the programs roles and setting boundaries that are clear is important to prevent unreasonable expectations and confusion. Defining of roles and setting of the boundaries for the program will be done at the initial stages of planning with agency leadership and school administrators. Upon establishing down the framework of these roles, it will be much easier to clarify roles among the service providers such as the counselor, school social worker, family support worker and nurse.
Furthermore, the school staff will know their contribution and roles early to ease tension and not feel threatened. The mental health professionals on the other hand, understand where they fit in the program.
According to Brown-Chidsey (2005), the members of the school staff takes seriously their students welfare. However, the mental staff contracted must be conscious about the confidentiality. They should adhere to the confidentiality regulations and the code of ethics of the social workers to protect the privacy of the clients.
Therefore, the professional contracted to the program must toe the line while promoting collaboration, building trust and investing in the necessary team work to support the students. Thus, for this reason, the staff will have proper release forms and direct consent, when applicable of any student before starting a case discussion. Moreover; the mental health staff will release only relevant information to school life issues of a student.
Implementation cost
PERSONNEL SALARIES | Annual salary | % of time
Number of months | Total budget |
Names/position titles | ||||
Patrick john |
$50,000 | 50% | 12 | $20,000 |
1 Counselor
To be hired |
$35,000 | 100% | 12 | $35,000 |
Community Educator
To be hired |
$25,000 | 100% | 12 | $25,000 |
Community Educator
To be hired |
$25,000 | 100% | 12 | $25,000 |
Total Salaries | $105,000 | |||
Benefits of Employees
(22% of total salaries) |
$23,100 | |||
TRAVEL | ||||
Staff travel for training on the programs perquisites:
3 trainings x 3 training days x 3 staff=36 days |
$10,395 | |||
3 computers x 3 FTE staff= $4,500
2 printers x $400= $800 |
$5,300 | |||
Non- monetary incentives to support MIP program delivery (outreach materials, sacks, sex kits/safer injection, hygiene kits, educational materials, transportation voucher) | $5,000 | |||
Auditor (estimated at 1% of program budget) | $ 2,300 | |||
printing | $ 1,500 | |||
Office supplies | $ 1,500 | |||
Non- monetary participants incentives
(assuming 150 clients/year x $10 retention vouchers/certificates per session x 7sessions) |
$105,000 | |||
Staff registration fee for conference
3 staff members x $500 |
$1,500 | |||
Facility use allowance | $7000 | |||
TOTAL DIRECT COST | $267,595 | |||
Less equipment | $5,500 | |||
Indirect cost base | $262,095 | |||
Indirect cost (18%) | $47,177 | |||
GRAND TOTAL | $309,272 | |||
The program will be funded by the school budget, the parents sponsors, well wishers and the local government.
Evaluation plan for the program
The evaluation framework for the school based program will offer way to understand and improve the program using useful, proper, feasible and accurate methods. The evaluation framework that will be adopted is a practical tool that summarizes the programs elements. The evaluation framework has two related dimensions, that is, evaluation practice steps and good evaluation standards .the evaluation practice plan consists of six flexible connected steps. The steps include
- Stakeholder’s engagement
- Description o f the program
The description of the program is the intervention summary being evaluated. It will explain what the program will accomplish and how it will bring the changes. It will be an illustration of the core components of g the program, and its ability to bring changes.
- Focusing of the evaluation design
Focusing of the design means doing some advance Samsung’s Diversification Strategy: The Case of Samsung Motors Inc. Long Range planning on the direction of the evaluation, and the necessary steps the program will need to realize the dream. A well focused plan safeguards a program from using resources and time ineffectively.
- Gathering of the credible evidence
Credible research should address pediatric infections and resistant organisms in Aseptic Technique for peripheral IV insertion. There are much evidence will be the raw material for evaluation. The learned information should be recognized by the stakeholders as trustworthy, believable and relevant in answering their questions
- Justification of the conclusion
The justification of solution process recognizes that evaluation evidence does not speak for itself necessarily. Careful consideration should be given to the evidence from the stakeholder’s perspectives for conclusion to be derived, justified and substantiated
- Ensuring use and sharing of the learned lessons
Deliberate efforts on the evaluators part is needed in ensuring that findings in the evaluation will be appropriately used. Preparations for their use include continued vigilance and strategic thinking. To be sure that the evaluation recommendations, five elements are important. They include design, preparation, feedback, follow-up and dissemination.
The second plan framework is a set of standards for assessing the activities of evaluation quality. These are organized into four groups; feasibility, utility, accuracy and propriety.
Brown-Chidsey, R. (2005). Assessment for intervention: A problem-solving approach. New York: Guilford Press.

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