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Achieving Excellence in Cardiac Unit through Human Resource Management

Jul 13, 2023 | 0 comments

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Jul 13, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

Cardiac unit human resource assessment

For Washington Hospital, the introduction of a new cardiac department featuring experts in cardiac issues is a step in the right direction. Support however s required not just in the business itself but also from the human resource. According to Dessler (2000), the right human resource is the foundation upon which the success of the unit shall be built upon. The human resource department is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the unit receives the right clinical and non-clinical staff.

While introduction of a cardiac unit in itself offers an excellent opportunity for growth, it is important to note that sustainability of such program can only be achieved through quality service provision. This means hiring the best talent to ensure that the unit runs properly. For many individuals, a cardiac unit is not measured simply by the tools and equipment for diagnosis and treatment, the service provided in the center has also got to be of high quality to guarantee a return client and also sufficient word of mouth marketing. To be productive, the cardiac unit needs to be focused on reworking the entire system to ensure high quality service at lower costs thereby ensuring competitive advantage.


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Human resource strategy

Through human resource strategy, the hospital will be able to link the human resource directly to the cardiac program strategic plan. Whereas, the program is set up on a strong plan, with idealistic goals designed to bring extra income and success to Washington hospital, without the right human resource, it is likely that the program sues will not be realized. Human resource strategy will assist in achieving competitive advantage for the cardiac unit through the following ways:

Decision making: human resource strategy is the foundation upon which decisions of the hospital will be based on. All aspects of human resource such as compensation, recruitment and even selection will be based on the strategy that is set forth. There are less chances of failure when the chances of failure (Grieves 2003). Human resource strategy provides a guideline through which managers can look into the future and build success for the hospital not only in the present but also in the future. It is important to note that strategic human resource is all about harnessing and bringing the best out of human resource. With a unit such as the cardiac unit, it has been noted that highly qualified specialists for diagnosis and treatment. In addition, the right investments have already been made into high quality equipment and resources. Human resource strategy however, allows the hospital to take advantage of the excellent skills and experience of the workers in order to channel the new cardiac unit in the right direction.

High performance: a specialized unit such as the new cardiac wing requires to be of a high performance rating. Many specialized units tend to fail because performance is not given a priority. There are less chances of failure when strategies have been put in place to ensure high performance. Workers have the right skills, and experience and inclusive of the right knowledge, however strategy plays the role of empowering the workers so that they can channel these skills and experience to ensure high performance.

Through high performance, human resource will be able to address the strategic goals of the new unit. It is through this strategy that Washington hospital will be able to transform human resource from just a group of employees into the most valuable asset in the hospital. improve its customer service to its clients. The associates or the Employees are often the richest source of information in the hospital. Through their suggestions, the hospital has been able to differentiate its products gaining competitive advantage. The cardiac unit being set up in the hospital is not the first in the Washington state, by employing strategy, the ideas and suggestions of the employees can be employed to distinguish the unit thereby making it one of a kind.

Importance of recruitment

Perhaps the most important venture for the human resource department of Washington hospital is finding the right people for the new cardiac unit. In the past, the hospital has exclusively relied on talent that is already within the hospital. These strategy has offered two distinct advantages for the hospital: the first is that the recruitment process is much faster and cost such lower than selecting of few effecting the rate of premiums. For instance, an insurance firm that operates with many employees. Setting up new unit has therefore been much simpler in terms of resources and time. Secondly, this strategy has also allowed the hospital to take advantage of the experience of current workers. However, it has also been noted that is strategy offers a distinct advantage, in that the culture of the organization remains the same, little if any changes are made in the way the hospital works and therefore competitive advantage is lost without new talent. Based on this, the human resource department will seek to introduce a new face of talent, combining the experiences of the current hospital workers with that of the new workers. The recruitment process will therefore offer the following advantages:

Reduction of costs: in the past poor recruitment strategies have been unite costly to the hospital. What has been imagined to be excellent talent as well as unique skills have become quite expensive and very difficult to maintain with the hospital budget.

Retention: with a specialized unit such as the cardiac unit in Washington hospital, it is vital to maintain a high retention rate. Loss of on specialist can indeed cripple the hospital itself making it impossible to deliver what has been promised to the customer.

It is important to note that as competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees continue working and seeing the growth of the unit, they develop loyalty which is directly linked to performance of the unit.

Compensation and benefits

Washington hospital already faces a tough task in the attempt to transform the cardiac unit into the best in the region. Unfortunately today, many hospitals have the advantage of acquiring resources as well as equipment that is vital for the setting up of cardiac units. Patients are often faced with more in the choice in selecting a place of treatment. In the same way, competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees are faced with several choices within which they can work. It is therefore completely possible for the hospital to miss out on excellent talent simple because of the compensation package. Whereas, the compensation policy is not the only single factor that competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees take into account when choosing a place of employment, it plays a major role in determining the first choice for employees. The right compensation strategy is the first step in ensuring interest of potential competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees. However, this does not mean that the hospital will agree to all demands of the specialists and highly skilled potential competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees. However, the hospital will in itself create a strategy that allows the compensation package to reflect the market demands and therefore remain attractive to employees. In ensuring and building a competitive compensation budget, it is important o leave space for flexible changes while still considering the budget. A compensation policy will allow the hospital to remain profitable and sustain costs of the new unit far into the future.

Salaries and bonuses have become a vital component of ensuring motivation in workers. The cardiac unit will require highly skilled individuals who will spend much of their time building up the reputation of the unit. Performance therefore needs to be acknowledged. Monetary compensation is likely to be a first step in ensuring that the workers remain motivated over time. Teams that have the best leaders, even when offered challenging opportunities and excitable tasks cannot remain motivated is the compensation package is poor (Mello 2002). Lack of motivation will in turn translate to low productivity and misuse of resources. When patients do not get the best service from the hospital, they are more likely to seek out better alternatives. In this way, the compensation policy of the hospital will bring a competitive advantage; attracting the right and best skilled workers and motivating the same workforce to channel their skills towards positive growth of the organization. The right mix of career opportunities for development and growth coupled with compensation will offer the best advantage for the new cardiac unit.

Training and development

Washington hospital like many other traditional organizations has been reluctant to invest in training and development of the competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees. Such investment is only seen to benefit the employee and not the hospital. However, as the human resource department has pointed out, investment in the right training and development only ensures that the hospital not only has low turnover but that corers continue to remain competent for the tasks that are expected from them.

New skills for the unit: with specialized are such as is required in the cardiac unit are often changing and progressing and transforming. This means that the staff must continuously learn new skills and knowledge in order to remain relevant in a competitive world. Without continues training, new and most modern ways of treatment and more effective ways of addressing patient needs will pass the unit. The result is that patients will seek other alternatives where they can find faster and more effective treatment.

Addresses weaknesses: even with the most skilled employees and the best talents, there is most likely to be areas of weakness in the individuals themselves and the entire unit as it is. According to Armstrong (2000), Training allows the employees and the hospital to address areas of weaknesses and ensure higher chances of success. When competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees gain relevant skills with which they can work with, skills and knowledge hitch can be employed and which are structured to benefit the unit, business organization goals are easier to achieve. Earning of an individual worker often reflects on the entire workplace. The new skills and knowledge are often used to bring higher performance of the competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees, to simplify tasks, to make the work environment more effective. Learning reflects on the performance not just of the singular employee but indeed on that of the entire team, in term of effective customer service and increased income per employee.

Confidence and motivation: even though employees are skilled to deal with majority of the challenges that they will encounter in the work place. There are some chances that they lack the necessary confidence to address complex questions such as those that will come up in the cardiac unit. With patients requiring assurance and seeking it from the competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees, it is therefore completely necessary for the employees to undergo training. Training shows competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees how to apply the skills that they possess thereby giving them confidence and ultimately improving the performance of the workers in the unit. With training, companies and businesses operate with certain expectations and values. employees are able to feel more competent and therefore more capable of competing the tasks ahead of them. They therefore also become more motivated to improve their own performance and that of the unit. Training therefore will reflect directly on the productivity of the unit.

When competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees go into training, they are exposed to new information, ideas and knowledge. When such knowledge s applied through tasks assigned to them, the hospital will be able to come up with creative ways of improving performance and addressing the customer needs. Such information will benefit not just the unit but the entire hospital as well.

Employee relations

Washington hospital has been at the forefront, focused and determined to maintain strong employer- employee relations. Policies have been made, managers have been given exclusive freedom to define ways in which these relationship can not only be maintained but can also remain stronger over time. Strong relationships have shown that the hospital enjoys productivity, efficiency as well as a decrease in conflict. Conflict often distracts focus from the business objectives. The managers become focused on ensuring that conflicts are resolved, thereby drawing focus and resources away from the productivity. The three most likely befits of ensuring strong employee and employer relationships at the cardiac unit are:

Productivity: strong employee relations have the most distinct advantage of ensuring that the wok environment remains positively charges. When the work environment is healthy, less and less conflict exists providing two advantages for the cardiac unit. In the first place, the competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees are less likely to level the cardiac unit or seek alternative employment. This is important because finding specialized who are skilled and experienced in the area of cardiac treatment is quite difficult. Secondly, there is less conflict in the work environment and therefore increased productivity. When employees are happy with their work environment, they become highly motivated thereby ensuring an increase in productivity. Patients will be treated as required, with greater speed and efficiency, ensuring that the unit reaches profitability within the shortest time possible.

Loyalty and commitment: with anything new such as the now established cardiac unit, challenges are many and employees are often encountering difficulties in completing their own tasks. Strong employee relations means that they have access to resources which are necessary to resolve changes and therefore remain relevant and productive. The work environment in itself embraces the support of the employee ensuring that they face the challenges with more confidence. competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging Employees are less likely to want to leave, instead they become more committed and loyal to the path which guarantees success of the cardiac unit. Despite several other offers, such competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees are more focused on remaining part of the supportive environment (Analoui 2007). The cardiac unit cannot afford the costs of employing new talent, selecting and building a compensation strategy for the new competitive advantage. It revolves around being hardworking and putting the customer first. employees. Loyalty and commitment is completely important t ensure that the unit becomes profitable.

With employee relations providing increased motivation and commitment from workers, it far outweighs the cost of investment that will be required. Good employee relations give an atmosphere where success is guaranteed and profitability is easily achieved.

Importance of safety

Safety in a hospital especially is virtually important, not just for the patient but competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees as well. In fact there are serious legal implication where the safety of the competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees is not granted. The cardiac unit is set to become a brand name and especially a first class unit in cardiac treatment. However, cardiac treatment is often quite delicate and several concerns are likely to arise in matters of safety for the competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees including injuries and likely infections. The hospital has invested in quality safety measures for the employees. There is less chance of injury and infection, and in the few cases where such may happen, the hospital has set up a strategy for addressing the same. The following benefits are expected to accrue from the safety measures at the cardiac unit:

Improve morale: the staff are more likely to actively participate in treating patients when they are assured that their safety is guaranteed. With increased staff morale, productivity becomes higher. Patients are able to get the best experience, therefore becoming returning and loyal clients of the cardiac unit. In this way, growth becomes assess and profitable. When competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees have high morale it is also most likely that there will be less abseentism. It is important to note that with a specialized unit such as the cardiac unit, absenteeism will cost the hospital highly in terms of service delivery. Reduction of absenteeism is in fact a goal of the human resource in the new cardiac unit.

Save money: Schuler and Jackson (1999) cite that when employees are exposed to unsafe working conditions, the hospital will be charged with liability which will in fact cost the hospital a lot. Dealing with unsafe conditions is much more costly than creating a safe environment. The cardiac unit safety is structured in decisive safety statement. It is also important to note that for the safety statement is two way: the hospital has set up ideal conditions within which the competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees are to work. On the other hand, there are conditions that the competitive advantage. Gilbert (1991) indicated that the manager’s voice in encouraging employees must meet in order to remain safe. Whiteout meeting these conditions, safety is not guaranteed. Periodically, employees will be taken for training to equip them in modern safety techniques for them as well as their patients. This will ensure that there are minimal chances of accidents, injuries and infections within the cardiac unit. The cardiac unit in fact aims to be a zero tolerant accident area and hundred percent safety areas for workers and patients.


The human resource department of Washington hospital is set to give direction and establish a foundation upon which the Cardiac unit business goals can be achieved. Through human resource management, the structure, design and culture planning for the right resources is vital in order to create a winning mix that will give advantage to the new cardiac unit. Human resource policies at the unit are set to be comprehensive and ongoing feature not just for the implementation of the unit but also continued success.


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Armstrong, M., & Armstrong, M. (2000). Strategic human resource management: A guide to action. London: Kogan Page.

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Analoui, F. (2007). Strategic Human resource management. London: Thomson.Bottom of Form

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Dessler, G. (2000). Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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Grieves, J. (2003). Strategic human resource development. London: Sage Publications.

Mello, J. A. (2002). Strategic human resource management. Australia: South-Western College Pub.

Schuler, R. S., & Jackson, S. E. (1999). Strategic human resource management. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.

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