Hotel operations management covers the day to day running of the hotel. In essence hotel operations management is the backbone upon which the hotel is based. It covers a vast area of responsibility, covering various departments from lodging all the way to entertainment. There are two main categories of hotel operations management and these are:
- Interaction with the employees; in this case, hotel operations covers the duties of supervisors and human resource management. It defines the duties of various employees, in food production, housekeeping and front office.
- Interaction with customers: the main focus of hotel operations management is the satisfaction of customers. This involves customer relations and ensuring proper quality service to the clientele. Quality assurance is vital in ensuring reliable and consistent service to the customers, (Rutherford 2002).
A common concept of hotel operations that is often forgotten is the financial concept. Hotel operations management coordinates the vital requisition of funds and ensures operations are carried out within the budget. With hotel activities, it is possible to forget and indeed work beyond the budget, a fact that could easily lead to the downfall of the hotel in terms of managing losses. Coupled with ensuring an increase in revenue therefore, hotel operations also maintain the budget set forth for the hotel.
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The executive team
In a hotel the general manger is the individual in charge of all aspects of the hotel, ensuring that it is not only running properly but also profitably. The general manager oversees a team of executives to whom he delegates duties in the hotel. These are:
Sales and marketing manager: this executive is basically in charge of increasing revenue to the hotel. In many cases, this manager is often the public relations manager as well. They ensure that clients are aware of the existence and availability of the hotel
Accounts manager: in some cases this executive is also known as the fund’s manager or finance manager. They have a responsibility of managing the incoming and outgoing funds ensuring that all funds are used for purposes beneficial to the hotel.
Human resource manager: basically remains in charge if all employees. He handles hiring and firing of employees, training and development and generation of remuneration packages. In addition, the manager defines the duties and responsibilities of each employee.
Purchases and supply manager: this manager ensures that the hotel’s need for special goods and services is met by sourcing the best suppliers with friendly prices. Further, Vallen and Vallen (2005) state that, if the hotel is involved in supplying or tendering any particular service they are required to ensure that customer needs are met.
Hotel general manager
This post is one of the most competitive and highly recognized posts in any resort and/or hotel. The post requires excellent education which will provide both practical and theoretical knowledge in computer and financial management. Through proper education, I am also able to understand the running of the hotel
An important skill for the general manager that is often overlooked is communication. Communication skills cover not just speaking to people, but also reading and writing. As a general manager, I will often find myself as a bridge between the hotel and its customers as well as employees, (Sudan 2002).
I expect that as a hotel manager, I will often be called upon to troubleshot situations that could become detrimental to the success of the hotel. In this case, I am expected to possess creative and analytical skills to manage challenges quickly as well as effectively.
As a hotel manager, I will be overseeing many departments and will therefore be required to be highly organized in decision making as well as implementation of plans. This will ensure that all activities are coordinated and less confusion is experienced.
Rutherford, D. G. (2002). Hotel management and operations. New York: Wiley.
Sudan, A. S. (2002). Hotel management. New Delhi, India: Anmol Publications.
Vallen, G. K., & Vallen, J. J. (2005). Check-in, check-out: Managing hotel operations. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.

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