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Hospitality Management: Building Human Capital for Tourism Success

May 28, 2023 | 0 comments

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May 28, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

Hospitality management is a concept that builds human capital and invests heavily in the right ‘human capital’ for its development. The persons bestowed the mandate to undertake these functions must possess the skills and competence necessary to thrive in the tourism industry. The industry, depending on the economic and business perspectives, is considered substantial due to the market it controls and the number of labour opportunities it offers to the people. Notwithstanding, every component revolves around hotel management. Baum, T. (2011) stated that competition within and without the industry allows for its growth and one becomes successful in the management depending on how vital the critical human capital will be handled to one competitive advantage.


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Tourism globally is one of the greatest economic pillars of any country and hence the need to add value to its activities that resonate well with those within the industry. More so the hotel industry plays the central role in terms of the physical infrastructure and the construction advancement that appeals to targeted clientele (Davis, R. A 2010). Hotels invest majorly in the buildings, decorations both interior and exterior as well as state of art designs that catch an eye to the clients. Various concepts are considered within the industry in order to remain afloat in providing hotel services. These concepts include the infrastructure, technology, marketing, and customer relations which are the main aspects of the hotel management.

Infrastructure within the hotel industry encompasses different dimensions, and such aspects include building designs, geographical locations that best suits operations. Indeed, certain sites are favoured by the hotels due to demand by the clients especially in a serene environment that enables one to relax off. Marketing is another aspect of the hotel industry that promotes its growth. Hotels expenditure on marketing is enormous, and most the times take the lion’s share in terms of the costs. Every team have various strategies to package a product that attracts more clients than fellow competing hotels. Most hotels rely so much on this team to penetrate the market that has stiff competition (Baum, 2011).

Technology is one factor that hotel management must play much cognisant to since most clients prefer efficient and convenient process that is less tiresome to book in for leisure. Online products is a boost to any hotel management since most items are provided to the client hence and helps make decisions fast. Some have gone to the extreme extent of booking clients online from global markets, and all payments done online through many means. It has enabled travel easier since most procedures are catered.
Hotels, according to Davis, R. A. (2010) have adopted a strategy to ensure all these concepts are considered in every decision-making process. It is done indifferently within departments. Every unit has been assigned duties and responsibility to ensure the targets are met, and more clients are captured to increase profitability. This eventually adds more services to the already existing and diversify to various cultures and environment that bests suits clientele needs and satisfactions.

Such departments found within the structure of a hotel management are: customer relations, marketing, security, food and beverages department, human resource department, travel and accommodation department. Some units depend on how large the hotel is and how much clientele that get the services at the hotel. The department are tailored to serve the needs of the entire management headed by the general manager executive team. Certain positions after that emerge to head these departments. For instance, customer relations is led by sales manager whose department does all promotions to market the hotel globally. Then food and beverages department is headed by the chief chef who works with an able team of chefs to ensure what visitors of these hotels are getting in terms of food is satisfactory and meet the international standards. Human department is led by the human resource manager deals with all aspects of human welfare and ensuring the right staff drives the agenda of the hotel to greater heights. Accommodation manager ensures that every client gets what they booked and are properly advised on what best suits couples, single and even families. Travel and a tour department deal with locomotion of customers from one point to another especially outdoor services. For instance, camping and visiting animal’s park both as a package from the hotel to attract more bookings (Davis, R. A.2010).

The general manager executive team has its roles outlined and depends on many factors especially size of the hotel. Some large entities have more departments, therefore, the general manager has the supervision duties of these departments’ activities. Moreover, this enables him, or her ensure they fall within the policies of the hotel outlined from the beginning. Additionally, Baum, T. (2011) observes that general manager has the duty to make decisions on behalf of the entire management which is very vital to operations of the hotel. And in order for the general manager to perform these duties individual departments are created to offer advice so that decisions made are informed. Such include economic department, financial department, policy analyst department and market analysts. Each provides an empirical study on each analysis then provide the information to the general manager who now makes proper information based on scientific research market trends.

In an hotel I would seek to be a resort manager. Competence and skills are necessary in order give professional views on regular operations. Education background must borrow more on the management and hotel operations so as the policies implemented are in-line with hotel services. Accounts, human relations training, management and systems analysis are needed to perform functions of resort manager roles.

Therefore, hospitality management encompasses more aspects that needs a management team that is sensitive and more emphasis on market trends globally. To prosper in this industry, every aspect of the industry should be considered especially modern trends and clientele satisfaction (Hengartner, L. 2006).


Baum, T. (2011). Hospitality management. Los Angeles: Sage.

Davis, R. A. (2010). The intangibles of leadership: The 10 qualities of superior executive performance. Toronto: J. Wiley & Sons Canada.

Hengartner, L. (2006). Explaining executive pay: The roles of managerial power and complexity. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universit̃ts-Verlag.

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