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Leadership and Management Principles for Outcomes-Oriented Organizations in Healthcare

Feb 24, 2023 | 0 comments

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Feb 24, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

Finding authentic academic resources online in the health field is often challenging. However, searching highly reputable online academic databases like JSTOR makes it easier to find peer-reviewed/ scholarly articles that are believed to contain valid information. Peer reviewed articles are articles that have been scrutinized before publication by several experts from the same field to ensure the quality of the information provided as stated by Miller (2006). Therefore, I found the article, Leadership and Management Principles for Outcomes-Oriented Organizations by Goonan & Stoltz, in the JOSTOR database. The journal is peer reviewed since it is indicated in the article’s description.

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Goonan & Stoltz (2004) looks into essentials of health care delivery and management that contributes to its success. The article focuses on the application of highly effective organizations’ traits such as appropriate managerial strategies, reasonable acknowledged organizational policies, adoption of opportunities and changes, and appropriate risk management to the healthcare sector. It further touches on elements that contribute to the success of healthcare organizations such as appropriate planning, budgeting and health care service evaluation. The article echoes Coben, Steiner, Barrett, Merrill & Adamson (2006) who attribute enhancement of efficiency, improved service quality, financial outcomes, employees and customer satisfaction as well as capacity to execute and respond to varying circumstances in the healthcare sector to excellent managerial strategies. Besides, the article stresses the need for transparency in decision-making, proper financial management and observation of health laws and ethics regarding employee behavior and patient treatment. It further points out the significance of establishing a proper flexible mechanism in response to healthcare challenges.

Goonan & Stoltz (2004) advances my knowledge about the establishment of proper managerial skills that ensures the success of health organizations. The key to good leadership is being open- minded and receptive to new ideas together with abilities to understand and compromise where necessary as implied by Denning (2011). Hence, it is significant to take into account patients’ feedback concerning their experiences as well as expectations and making an adjustment where possible. Considering employees’ views and suggestions regarding management strategies and key organization’s decisions are vital as well. Prioritizing motivation of the health care workforce by offering them reasonable wages and workload hence a workable timetable is also critical. Giving employees in a company the opportunity to advance their skills and acknowledging individual career achievements aid in enhancing quality care. It is also crucial to encourage a culture of teamwork and view the hospital fraternity as a family dedicated to the provision of proper care as reaffirmed by McMillan & Becker (2006).
Health care administration has not been exploited much in the past and is a bit challenging as stated by Coben et al. (2006). Poor leadership is believed to be the major cause of underperformance in the healthcare sector that has crippled most hospitals in the past. Therefore, proper information like the ones provided in the article and experience in healthcare administration is essential in the transition to the sector from the conventional error reigned by mishaps attributed to mismanagement as advised by Eiriz & Figueiredo (2005).


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