This report will identify, discuss, analyze social determinants of health and public health and its relationship to health inequality in Sutton.
Sutton is situated in south London with a population of 191,123 of whom 51% are female and 49% male. Under 5-year-old accounts for 6.7%, working-age 20–64 accounts for 60.8% compared to 64.4% in London. 13.4% of Sutton’s residents are 65 years and over, higher than the London average of 11.2%. Minority ethnic population accounts for 21%. The life expectancy for men is 79.4 years, and for women is 83, compared with the national average of 78.3 and 82.3 years respectively. The three main causes of death in Sutton are Heart disease, stroke, and cancer. 16.7% of children living in poverty compared to 28.0% in London. There are 318 16–18-year-olds who are not in employment, education, or training. Around 1,087 children in Sutton have special educational needs. The economic activity rate among working-age people in Sutton is 78.3%, higher than the London average of 75.1%. 70.6% of council housing met the Government’s housing standard. There are about 80,000 homes in the borough. The estimated 250 households in Sutton will be affected by the total welfare benefit cap in 2013.Over 5,000 households currently on the social housing waiting lists and 168 households statutorily homeless during 2011/12. Health is a necessity for all. It is the basic right for every human in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Many organizations related to health and social care policies have devoted their services for the benefit and well-being of people. They are directed towards identifying the social determinants of health and work for the betterment of people in society. The Services in Sutton have also adopted the policies to perform their duty in the field of health care and social policies. These are the factors examined by the organization? (which organization)and act accordingly for the collective as well as the personal establishment (?). These organizations strive to understand the consequences resulting from defying the importance of health care and its negligence which leads to severe problems in the environment.
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The Borough should build systems that allow a healthy standard of living for reducing the health gap in a generation. This will aid in the successful control over the health issues prevailing in the society currently. The health and social care policies prevent the misconduct of procedures and any deviation from the concerns related to health. However, the problem and challenge prevail in different settings. The recommendations include providing education and accommodation to the public for better outcomes by stress reduction endeavors and focus on preventative? (before raising the issues, you have referred to recommendation) services and early interventions. The Borough devoted the institution(?)to the social care and health of the adults. The needs of the adults are assessed and planned consequently by the implementation of strategies in favor of the people and the processes. (?)The community social work is maintained by the budgets in various settings (?). They have dedicated their services in a personalized manner to cater to the individuals relating to their needs and wants.
The increase in the awareness of people and support to help people make healthy lifestyle choices (LiveWell/Active Steps)due to advancements and accessibility to technology at personal levels has made them more conscious of the related issues of health? (sentence structure). Therefore, it is not only the organization’s responsibility to cope with health issues but has inclined towards a relatively personal level as well? (grammar). The researches? (which ones, name them) have pointed out several determinants of health in this case. The organizations and government strive for the successful provisions of health and social provisions to the public regarding safety and health concerns. This is essential for the public these days due to the increasing pollution in the fast-paced and dynamic environment. The problem prevails is the successful delivery of these rights to the public in different settings. Health includes mental and physical health.
Health is the main concern of the regulating bodies these days. The pollution caused by advancements has resulted in various health problems. Issues like overall mortality, avoidable mortality, child and infant mortality, low birth weight babies, and life expectancy (although health outcome of the borough is generally better when compared with England average) have been identified in the Borough thus, several organizations have devoted to the health issues resolution. Health and social care policies are developed and applied in many organizations for the set implementation of safety measures. The world is suffering from consequences due to advancements that lead to pollution in many areas. This pollution results in health issues suffered by every living being including humans and animals alike. The pollution also causes global warming pushing the world to a path of environmental destruction.
The organizations related to health and social care recommend and work toward the improvement of daily living conditions, measure and understands the problem and assess the impact of the action, and tackles the inequitable distribution of resources to result in a prosperous society. This is backed by the social determinants of health. This means that social networks such as relatives contribute to supporting the health status of the person. It is the combined influence of the determinants of health that determines health status and does not exist in isolation from each other. These determinants impact the collective and personal well-being of the people in society.
The various settings related to health and social care policies might include personal and organizational health. Personal health also depends partially on the social structure of a person’s life. Several other factors are known to influence the health status of individuals in addition to paper will examine the systems of heath care in United States and Canada and try to make comparisons. In United States, the health care interventions and a person’s surroundings. These factors include lifestyle, educational background, economic and social conditions. These are referred to as “determinants of health.”
Current Health and Social Care Policies and Application to Different Settings
The World Health Organization and human rights have developed certain policies for social and health concerns. It is the primary right of every person. Thus, there is a need for protection for these rights. Health is affected by many conditions such as poverty and provisions of relevant drugs in the area. This is followed by the appropriate usage of medicine prescribed by medical professionals. These health and social care policies prevent the misconduct of procedures and any deviation from the concerns related to health. However, the problem and challenge prevail in different settings.
The health and social care policies depend on certain factors linking to the conditions of health. Every person has an equal opportunity to make choices that lead to good health. Therefore, he must conform to these factors of social care and health policies. These opportunity to enjoy these rights requires advancements not only in the field of health care but also in other fields such as agriculture, business, childcare, community planning, education, housing, law, media, and transportation. These factors include:
- Social and Community Context
- Neighborhood and Built Environment
- Health and Health Care
- Education
- Economic Stability
The current health and social care policies of Adult Social Services can be applied to different settings. These settings include the improvement of the lives of people that need care and support, encouraging residents to live as independently as possible, ensuring people are happy with the support they receive, and protecting adults. Their policies are aligned with these points to serve the adult people and take care of them. These policies are maintained according to the dynamic environment and adjust flexibly. This is the point of focus in Sutton. They devoted the institution to the social care and health of the adults. The needs of the adults are assessed and planned consequently by the implementation of strategies in favor of the people and the processes. The community social work is maintained by the budgets in various settings. They have dedicated their services in a personalized manner to cater to the individuals relating to their needs and wants. This demands a keen insight into the environment and a balance between strategic implementation and budgets.
The policies are designed for different settings and cases. For example, there are measures developed for keeping people safe with the cooperation of police, emergencies, and transport facilities for emergencies, protecting adults and safeguarding initiatives, spreading health awareness, and alerts. They ensure adult safeguarding remains central to all aspects of service delivery and develop our strategy for improving health outcomes and addressing health inequalities. Humans tend to develop self-care strategies based on instincts. Thus, people avoid situations not parallel or opposing their health benefits. The organizations and working conditions should bear in mind these situations hazardous or posing a threat to the welfare of the people in Sutton. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the organization to keep track of its safety concerns and bend the standards according to the regulations of the safety measures.
The various settings related to health and social care policies might include personal and organizational health. Personal health also depends partially on the social structure of a person’s life. As far as organizational health is considered, governments have formed public organizations to ensure the health and safety of workers. They view organizational health as a social challenge. The intervention of various institutions in the struggle to health issues has promoted health awareness in many aspects of public relations. Systematic activities to have been conducted to prevent or cure health-related problems. They also contribute to the promotion of good health in humans.
The Contemporary Public Health Provision About The Organization Of Health And Social Care
The contemporary mental illness. Mental health issues can be expressed using art as a public health provisions are nowadays highly regarded by government agencies. The government is investing heavily in these issues but also realized that investing in them is only a part of the solution. The health research is done by the government on a broader scale for the welfare of people. In Sutton, there are approximately 2,500 adults who receive support from Adult Social Services. Also, nearly 1,000 people are supported through the many prevention services funded by Sutton which are provided by the voluntary sector. So in total, approximately 3,500 adults were provided with care and support funded by Sutton Council.
Adult Social Services consider social and community context including family structure, social cohesion, perceptions of equity and discrimination, civic participation, institutionalization. The breast cancer. Ann has been a staunch Christian since childhood just like the rest of her family structure of the person is highly noticed for health issues. Like any organization, this service is impacted by the economic conditions in carrying out its task. Thus it is bound to comply with such uncertain conditions. They have to examine the access to employment, employment status, poverty, and housing stability of the individuals to take proper actions. The educational background is also observed. This comprises enrolment in higher education, school policies that support health promotion, graduation rates, and school environments that are safe and conducive to learning.
The health provisions by services in Sutton consider the health care comprising of several components. These components include access to Health Services along with access to primary care with community-based health promotion and wellness programs, clinical and preventive care, and the technological establishments in health care programs. The neighborhood and environment of any area are judged by the access to healthy foods, environmental conditions, crime and violence, and quality of housing. This organizing framework has been used to develop the organization of health and social care. Adult Social Services in Sutton have also been utilizing the same framework of social determinants of health for better understanding and contribution of work in Sutton’s health care.
The organizations and government strive for the successful provisions of health and social provisions to the public regarding safety and health concerns. This is essential for the public these days due to the increasing pollution in the fast-paced and dynamic environment. Health considerations are the basic right of every person by the world health organization. The problem prevails is the successful delivery of these rights to the public in different settings. Health includes mental and physical health. The increase in the awareness of people due to advancements and accessibility to technology at personal levels has made them more conscious of the related issues of health. Therefore, it is not only the organization’s responsibility to cope with the health issues but has inclined towards a relatively personal level as well. The researchers have pointed out several determinants of health in this case.
The social determinants of health have indicated several factors impacting the health and social care aspects. The overall promotion and maintenance of health are achieved through different combinations of mental, physical, and social well-being, together. This means that health is not specifically and entirely related to the physical factors but also mental satisfaction is correlated. Thus, the environment can also be considered as an important factor contributing to the social health determinants This influence the health status of the individuals. This includes characteristics of the social environment, the built environment, and the natural environment. Resources such as adequate housing, clean water, and air and safe communities and roads all have been found to contribute to good health, especially to the health of infants and children.
The health and social care provisions are faced by many discriminations and health inequalities. Financially stable people tend to enjoy better health benefits than the
less privileged. There are clear inequalities in terms of Coronary Heart Disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease (COPD), and cancer across the borough and between genders. The linking factors are smoking and obesity. Inequalities existing in accessing services with those most at risk not accessing services as much as those least at risk. Therefore, it is also counted under the broad category of health status determinants. Health is also a matter of individual personal health and practiced on a daily scale. People have a propensity to take care of themselves. They have reflexes to respond to the physical and social environment in undertaking such practices considering their own health. Thus, they are themselves viewed as the determinants of health within the category on a personal level. Thus, the equality standards must be developed to ensure the proper and indistinctive medical treatment to each social class and individuals regardless of the social constraints. This is usually backed by the establishment of better health-related programs and the introduction of policies supporting the resolutions of these restrictions based on underlying factors. Resources are scarcely available to poor people which leads them to low life and unhealthy living. Examples of these resources include dirty activities that result in physical healthiness. For example, proper diet, ensuring that all meals are balanced and taking a lot of water, pollution, and other factors.
The Social Determinants of Health and Explain Their Relationship to Health Inequalities
The government has invested in health researches to determine the factors that impact health. These factors are known as determinants of health. Health is determined by complex interactions at every stage of life between the individual behavior, physical environment, social and economic factors. It is the combined influence of the determinants of health that determines health status and does not exist in isolation from each other. These determinants impact the collective and personal well-being of the people in Sutton.
The health inequalities between rich and poor exist in every borough. This poses a great challenge in the field of health-related areas that need to be overcome for the valid progress of any society. These inequalities prevail when the rich and poor discriminate and are not treated with equality. This can be injurious to the health of society as a whole. The discrimination defies the validity of equality in rights to health among people and gives rise to numerous health care-related problems.
Some health status indicators and determinants include:
- Social Support Networks
- Social Environments
- Physical Environments
- Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills
- Income and Social Status
- Healthy Child Development
- Health Services
- Gender
- Employment/Working Conditions
- Education and Literacy
- Culture
- Life choices
- Biology and Genetic Endowment
Some people have a genetic tendency for health status. It is drawn from their biological background and ancestors. This can be thought of as an endowment or curse. Similarly, health also corresponds to affects both the organization and its employees. The effects of culture. For example, obesity is viewed as a point of embarrassment in some cultures. Thus, the norms in culture demand an idealistic perspective of health. This also tends to vary in different genders. Men are supposed to be strong and active whereas females are stereotyped as curvy in response to perfection. This perception is the outcome of culture shock upon arriving in the United States. These students must understand the cultural beliefs and customs. Education and literacy also play a significant role in health status as a determinant. The educational background differentiates favorable or hazardous conditions regarding health. The working conditions should be according to the safety measures provided for the workers in the organization. These working conditions are also considered determinants of health because they influence the conditions. Health services provided by the medical institutions such as hospitals and clinics are the participants in the health concerns and thus regarded as health determinants. Similarly, institutions such as insurance foundations that provide policies for health concerns are the developing phenomenon these days. They are also contributing to the health status of the people. However, this depends on the income and social status of the individual up to some extent. Financially stable people tend to enjoy better health benefits than the less privileged. Therefore, it is also counted under the broad category of health status determinants. Health is also a matter of individual personal health and practiced on a daily scale. People have a propensity to take care of themselves. They have reflexes to respond to the physical and social environment in undertaking such practices considering their own health. Thus, they are themselves viewed as the determinants of health within the category on a personal level.
The analysis of the health assessment related to the population must extend beyond the traditional health status indicators. Some examples of these traditional health indicators include disability, disease, and death. This is indicated by the population health approach that the population health approach develops indicators related to education, employment and working conditions, income, life satisfaction, quality of life, mental and social well-being, and other factors known to have an impact on health.
The Adult Social Services in Sutton has also adopted the policies to perform their duty in the field of health care and social policies. In Sutton, there are approximately 2,500 adults who receive support from Adult Social Services. Also, nearly 1,000 people are supported through the many prevention services funded by Sutton which are provided by the voluntary sector. So in total, approximately 3,500 adults were provided with care and support funded by Sutton Council. Like many organizations related to health and social care policies, Adult Social Services in Sutton have also been utilizing the same framework of social determinants of health for better understanding and contribution of work in Sutton’s health care.
The settings in the borough include the improvement of the lives of people that need care and support, encouraging residents to live as independently as possible, ensuring people are happy with the support they receive, and protecting adults. Their policies are aligned with these points to serve the adult people and take care of them. These policies are maintained according to the dynamic environment and adjust flexibly. This is the point of focus in Sutton.
Several types of research have been conducted regarding the health and social policies by the government and medical institutions. These should be backed by supporting evidence and appropriate data to teach the individuals and organizations their accountability on health status. Several factors that influence health status should be known by the people. The population health outcomes are significantly influenced by the resources that enhance the quality of life. Examples of these resources include local emergency/health services, availability of healthy food, public safety, access to education, safe and affordable housing, and environments free of life-threatening toxins
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The Health and Wellbeing of the People of Sutton (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment)
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