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FC Barcelona: Embracing Challenges and Fulfilling its Mission

Jul 12, 2023 | 0 comments

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Jul 12, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments


The vision of FC Barcelona has been to be more than a club focusing on being a brand ambassador for its country. FC Barcelona was founded in 1899 by Gamper Joan. The club is well known in Europe and Spain and has one of the strongest brand names. Gamper put a notice in the dailies stating that he wished to form a football club, together with his friend they chose the team colors and called the team Barcelona. In the early years, Barcelona emerged as one of the top teams in Spain and competed effectively in Copa De La Rey. One of the clubs first trophies were won in 1902, the early years for the club were very tough, and Gamper’s mission was for the club to acquire a stadium to stabilize its income. For several yes, the club that is famously known as Barca has risen to be one of the wells known Soccer clubs. The club has had success in European Football and good marketing strategies. The Headquarters of the Football Club is located in Catalonia, Spain. The local stadium of the club is Camp Now that has a sitting capacity of a hundred thousand people. FC Barcelona co-founded La Liga in 928; the club has never been demoted from La Liga although it shares a similar record with Real Madrid its biggest competitors. Also, the club has some of the best players the world has ever known. The club is associated with strong brand names such as NIKE, UNICEF, and the QATAR Foundation to name a few. Barcelona has a high bargaining power (Hamil 479). This paper shall present the Business aspect of FC Barcelona; it shall discuss its mission statement, top players, competitors, the current business trends it is adopting. The paper shall also discuss the current challenges facing the club. The last section of the paper shall provide reasons why I want to work for FC Barcelona.


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Mission statements are important in communicating to stakeholders about the future of the business. FC Barcelona’s mission statement encompasses the principles of treating sports as the primary goal, recognition, and endorsement of Catalonia through Barcelona to build the talent of children and the youth, showing the value of education. The mission statement appreciates the very reason the club was formed, which is to promote sports. The statement also recognizes the importance of education among the youth who are talented in sports. The football club also has several core values to help fulfill its mission. The club supports activities towards racial discrimination, it also recognizes the input of the disabled in sports, and also stands for healthy dietary choices.

As mentioned earlier the FC Barcelona is the home of the world’s top soccer players. Beginning with its founder, Gamper was among the first players of the club and holds a record for scoring the most number of goals in one much (Minder 1). Another famous player of the club is Lionel Messi, widely known by his second name. Messi has scored over 392 goals in Barca matches; consequently, he is the top scorer in La Liga (Minder 1). Andres Iniesta is also recognized as one of the top three Barca players, playing the Middlefield position (Deitsch 34). Diego Maradona is regarded as a legend in soccer matters.

The top competitor club for FC Barcelona is Real Madrid, like Barca, Madrid also has some of the best players and coaches. The clubs are also well-known for their complex strategies. Despite the competitiveness, FC Barcelona plays some of the most thrilling and captivating matches. The club values are reflected in the field among the players; there is confidence, skill, and trust among the players as they pass the ball. Through its foundation, the club contributes towards social responsibility at the same time passing positive values to children and the youth. Some of the world’s best players have been natured by the FC Barcelona Foundation, for instance, Messi passed through the foundations as a young boy (Ghosh 25).

In business, challenges are inevitable. FC Barcelona like any other business faces several challenges towards the achievement of its mission. In 2010, the club faced financial difficulties, the club lost close to a hundred million dollars. This affected the club’s transfer period since it was not able to get new players (Ghosh 42). The club has from time to time been faced with the need to cut and minimize costs. It is the duty of the club management to find new sources of revenue to maintain the club’s stadium, and maintain the high wages for the players.

Another well-known challenge faced by the club is balancing between the needs of the stakeholder. Stakeholders are those who are affected by the actions of the club directly or indirectly; the stakeholder could be primary, secondary, or key stakeholders. Examples of stakeholders are employees, employee’s families, investors, the government, and the club itself. There exist internal problems in Barcelona, especially between players and management. There is also the issue of frequent transfer of expensive players which is affecting teamwork among the players.

Completion is common, especially in the soccer business. Although FC Barcelona is one of the best soccer clubs, it has other rivalries like Real Madrid. For a long time, Real Madrid has been giving Barca a run for its money, trophies, and players. Most of the players in both teams have either been taken by the rival. Barca has the duty to make sure it maintains the high wages for its players. Also, the club has to ensure that it plays interesting matches that will increase its competitive advantage.

Despite the challenges, I wish to work at FC Barcelona. I recognize and appreciate the challenges faced by the club; I also believe that the club will benefit if it utilizes Porter’s five forces to overcome its challenges. The Porter five forces that shape strategy in competition Michel Porter recognized that completion is determined by the threat of newcomers in the market, the bargaining power of suppliers, power of buyers, the threat of substitution, and competition. The porter five forces were devised by Michel Porter to assist businesses to overcome their challenges to achieve their missions. Porter’s five forces are used to analyze the level of competition in a particular industry and determine the best strategy to create competitive advantage in explaining (Porter 27).

First, Barcelona has no threat of entry; this is because the club is an established brand and is widely recognized. Although Real Madrid possesses a threat to the club, the club has a very high chance of overcoming this threat. The second force is the power of suppliers, having established the FC Barcelona Foundation that supports young players; the club has the ability to continue producing more skillful players like Lionel Messi. Additionally, the club has received endorsements from recognized brands, this has increased its bargaining power to the best soccer club, and the team, however, has the duty to perform well or risk losing their endorsements. FC Barcelona is facing threats of substitutes, either the occasionally financial troubles.

With this analysis, if allowed to work for FC Barcelona, I believe I will part of the team that transforms the club into an even better brand. Additionally, I fully understand the history of the club, and I have been a fan of the team since childhood.


FC Barcelona is an accomplished club and business organization that has strived for the best results since it was founded. The dreams of Jon Gamper and other founders still live in the mission statement of the club. The club’s mission is to be the ambassador for sports, inspiring the youth with educational values. Some of the best players that ever played for the club re Lionel Messi, who was natured in the club’s foundation from childhood, Iniesta, Maradona, and many more. The club’s biggest competitor is Real Madrid. Some of the challenges faced by FC Barca include disagreements between the players and the management that affects the matches. Another problem is the high wage bill that needs to be maintained to avoid its competitors from taking its players. The club had also faced financial troubles.

I want to work for FC Barcelona because soccer has been my passion since I was a child. Although I do not play much often, my accountancy skills will come in handy to assist Barcelona to realize its mission. I have analyzed the potential way of overcoming the challenges faced by Barca through the use of Porter’s Five forces. Barca needs to maximize on its supplier, lack of new entry threat, and low rivalry power to achieve its goals.

Works Cited

Deitsch, Richard. “Andrés INIESTA.” Sports Illustrated (2011): 32-35.

Ghosh, Bobby, et al. “Lionel Messi’s Final Goal. (Cover Story).” Time International (Atlantic Edition) 179.5 (2012): 22-27. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Nov. 2015

Ghosh, Bobby. “Barcelona’s Transfer Troubles.” Time International (Atlantic Edition) 176.10 (2010): 41-43. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Nov. 2015

Hamil, Sean, Geoff Walters, and Lee Watson. “The Model Of Governance At FC Barcelona: Balancing Member Democracy, Commercial Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, And Sporting Performance.” Soccer & Society 11.4 (2010): 475-504. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Nov. 2015

Minder, Raphael. “Messi Leads Barcelona To Copa Win Over Bilbao.” New York Times 31 May 2015: 9. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.

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