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Ethics in Interpersonal Communication: Responsibilities and Impact

Jul 24, 2023 | 0 comments

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Jul 24, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

Ethical obligation

A person is considered ethical if he/she can differentiate between wrong and right, good or bad. In such a situation my responsibility as an ethical person is to first ask myself if my action in such a scenario will be of benefit or not and if the majority of the people will reason with my response. If a certain behavior is unethical, it will remain so no matter the outcome. In this case, my obligation as an ethical person is to address the issue and point out its effect on the victim and this will be of benefit to all the parties involved. It will be so right to go in this direction because I feel that I will be doing the correct thing. As much as it is my right to remain silent to avoid any conflict, my cultural and moral values do not allow me to do so.


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Action was taken

My best option to address this issue is by verbally communicate with the mother. This might not be easy but it all depends on how I will approach her. First of all, I will speak to her politely and calmly as a concerned person and try to calm her down first. Assuring her that she is not yelling at her child out of hate but out of anger and frustration but it is obvious that she loves her child. I will explain to her that it is her right to discipline her child but at the same time let her know the effects of how she is doing it and the outcomes altogether. Talking to the child about respect and following instructions from the mother will be very helpful especially when such a talk comes from a stranger.

Such a scenario has never happened to me, but in case it does, at first, I will be so saddened by what is happening in a public place. In the end, I will be so happy to be of great help if my way of handling it works. if it does not work I will also be proud of myself for taking a broad move and try to be of help.

Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication is the way that people who have a relationship and are connected in one way or the other interact either verbal or nonverbal. Interpersonal communication is very important to connected people because it defines the nature of that relationship.

Five purposes

To learn about yourself/others

Interpersonal communication says a lot about who you are and what your values are. This can be explained by the things research we do, the issues we discuss, and the photos we portray in public.

To help others

How we communicate with one another can make a great difference in other people’s lives. For example in the situation where you can approach a stranger and hint to him/her that what they are doing is wrong and that they might find themselves on the wrong side of the law.

To relate to others

Interpersonal communication builds and defines the relationship. For example, if you communicate in a nice and friendly way with another person most probably you will build a friendly relationship.

To influence others

Communication has influential effects. How people communicate can persuade someone to go by your words.

To play with others.

For a play to be successful there has to be an understanding. This can also be in a nonverbal manner.

Model of communication









The sender and receiver each send and receive messages to and from one another. A sender or receiver can encode or decode a message to be able to send feedback. The sender and receiver can pass messages either in gestures or by words. For communication to be successful there has to be a medium or channel to pass the message. During interpersonal communication, there can be several kinds of interruptions that inform of noise.

Work Cited

DeVito, Joseph A. Interpersonal Communication Book, The, 14th Edition. Pearson, 2016. [Textbooks.com].

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