As a soldier, deployment comes with a sense of prestige in representing the nation and having the weight of the nation on their back. It’s hard to ignore what their families go through during this period. The level of stress that they go through usually hits the roof with issues; like single parenting when a mother is left home or a husband is left home with the children. Moreover, there is also the aspect of anxiety, loneliness, fear of the safety of the member of the family that has been deployed added family responsibility, and many more. According to Mcguire (2016), the veterans are always respected and appreciated for their service to the nation but the sacrifices that their families made during the period of deployment are usually forgotten and less appreciated when it comes to their families and the sacrifices that the family.
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Contrary to the Norm, in September 2011 a different approach was taken on how the military men were treated before being reintegrated back to the community after deployment. The families of the deployed soldiers have also been taken care of in a more honorary manner by the country, and more support has been provided during and after the hectic and stressful periods of deployment(Mcguire, 2016).
This thesis looks into the breast cancer. Ann has been a staunch Christian since childhood just like the rest of her family that is left behind and try to demonstrate that the fact that frequent deployment leads to adverse effects on the children’s behaviors as well as the marital relationship with their spouse.
According to the study conducted by Mcguire (2016), deployment is linked to behavioral problems of children as it was discovered quite a number were hyperactive, had peer issues and some were in an extreme fear majority had peer issue this may be because parenting had overwhelmed one partner. Mcguire finds a relationship between this study and the one conducted by Chandra et al. that showed that some children whose parents were deployed started causing trouble in school in regards to school work and peers.
According to the study, it has also been proved that deployment affects gender differently. Girls have more difficulties coping than boys when the parent is deployed. Having support groups, friends and people that understand and talk to the children about deployment has been proven to be useful and necessary (Barbee, Correa&Baughan, 2016).
Barbee, Correa&Baughan, (2016) also noted an increase in anxiety symptoms amongst the children whose parents were deployed .they also link it to the rise of anxiety to a drop in performance at school for the said children.
This research is essential as it shows the effects of deployment to a family as a whole include the children who are below six years who can barely express themselves but are still negatively affected by the absence of their parent because of p[aren’t is deployed.
The spouse of the servicemen is not left behind. They have to take the responsibility of being both the father and the mother in the house. Feeling the roles left by the partner is not an easy task, and also the thought of being separated itself is stressful putting into consideration the thought that there is a chance they won’t meet again.
The study shows that during deployment, the spouse often finds solace in the support group and besides that, they are always faced with a lot of responsibilities to the extent they forget about themselves. (Cafferky&Shi, 2015)
The story goes further to show the roller coaster of emotions that the military wives usually go through during the period of deployment. They are always curious and anxious about updates and news to give them comfort and emotional security during this time. According to Lester et al. the longer the period of deployment the more it affects the marital relational as separation anxiety will grow and hence the negative impact on the relationship (Lester .et. al, 2010).
This research highlight the plight of military wives and the significant level of stress which may impact quality of life. Arthur should be educated during the discussion with the doctor and also his family negatively and to some extent it may lead to family segregation.
The extraordinary sacrifice that the military servicemen face during deployment is one of the hardest things one can do, a sacrifice of putting carrier first before the loved ones. The increased time that the servicemen spend in war zone example in Afghanistan and Iraq affects their mental health this is according to McGuire .et. Al (2016). He demonstrated that the servicemen usually experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with the frequent deployment and this disorder affects their relationship with the close family members.
McGuire (2016) Noted difficulty in re-enlistment, he observed that reenlistment decision is based on how the first deployment was and the ability of the poverty on America’s families:Assessing our research knowledge. Journal of family to cope with the situation. Though it’s cumbersome for the servicemen to live a normal civilian lifestyle, they find it hard to live outside the military lifestyle.
This research is vital as it shows the degree to which deployment affects servicemen and how they make decisions when it comes to reenlistment.
The study has proven that the deployment does nothing but negatively affects the working environment. The worker needs proper shelter, transport, medical attention, and time for their family relationship. The poverty on America’s families:Assessing our research knowledge”. Journal of family bond between the spouse, members of the armed forces, and children weak about the time they stay away from each other. Studies have shown that children are the ones that are largely affected by the frequent deployment, though the spouse and the servicemen deal with the predicament differently having support groups and trained caregivers who could find out any stress-related emotions in both the children and their parents helps maintain the family order and reduces fear.
The support system has really changed, and nowadays it’s easily accessible to the families whose spouses have been deployed. All studies conducted have had a significant impact on the reintegration of the families that faced the deployment effect. We must appreciate the sacrifice that the military makes to keep us safe and live happy with our families. This should never be taken for granted.
Barbee, E. K., Correa, V. I., &Baughan, C. C. (2016). Understanding the Effects of Deployment on Military Families: Implications for Early
Cafferky, B., & Shi, L. (2015). Military Wives Emotionally Coping During Deployment: Balancing Dependence and Independence. American
Childhood Practitioners. Dimensions Of Early Childhood, 44(3), 4-11.
Journal Of health research in primary care. Family Therapy, 43(3), 282-295. doi:10.1080/01926187.2015.1034633
Lester, P., Aralis, H., Sinclair, M., Kiff, C., Lee, K., Mustillo, S., & Wadsworth, S. M. (2016). The impact of deployment on parental, theory suggests that suggests that poverty is hereditary passing from one generation to another due to genetic upbringing. A child brought up in a poor family and child adjustment in military families. Child Psychiatry And Human Development, 47(6), 938-949. doi:10.1007/s10578-016-0624-9
McGuire, A. L., Kanesarajah, J., Runge, C. E., Ireland, R., Waller, M., & Dobson, A. J. (2016). Effect of multiple deployments on military families: A cross-sectional study of the health and well-being of partners and children. Military Medicine, 181(4), 319-327. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-14-00310

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