Benefits of the research
Managers need to understand the implications of a good corporate reputation. The adoption of policies directed at ensuring a strong corporate reputation is the most likely path towards increased profit. Managers are often concerned with raising the quality of company products, ensuring efficiency and increasing responsiveness of clients. Corporate reputation can be taken like a panacea, a pill that can be used to resolve the majority of these issues. However, making the corporate reputation techniques work for the company can pose a significant challenge that calls for hard work and years of persistence by the managers. Managers may be required to increase demand for employees to achieve high performance. To achieve high reputations in a competitive environment, the operating system of an organization must respond to customer demands. The ability of an organization to satisfy the demands of its customers for quality products, lower prices, better features and all this leads to a positive reputation.
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Risks involved and solutions for the same
It is important to note that the study involves a sample of all corporations within the study area. This means that the results of the study cannot be generalized into all corporations. There is a need for the exclusive study of the characteristics and nature of the organization before attempting to apply the results. However, the researcher has included a variety of corporations from the main standing industries. This ensures that the results come from a variety of corporations facing different situations rather than a specific field of corporations who may endure the same challenges and operate in a similar field.
Some aspects of the primary data collection may draw ethical issues. Pimple[1] cites that business research may require sensitive information about a corporation. Such information is vital in measuring financial strength and policies of the organization. However, participants may feel that this information is too sensitive for the researcher and should not be given. Corporations often require their representatives to uphold a high standard of confidentiality. While this is beneficial to the organization, it will limit the scope of data required to enrich this study. The researcher has in response formulated a contract through which participants will be ensured on confidentiality. All information collected will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Smith[2] notes that whereas individual participants may be satisfied with a confidentiality paragraph or even sentence on the questionnaire, corporations will need more assurance. A contract dictates formality, allows the representative to relax knowing that they have a formal agreement with the researcher and gives the research a much more formal and serious outlook.
The researcher has noted that informed consent is required for the study. There are cases were business research has been carried out without fully informing the participants on the nature of the study. However, such research often draws controversy when it comes to publishing results. These researchers justify the lack of informed consent by insisting that corporations and businesses would misinform and misrepresent the data in an attempt to look better than they are. Informed consent, however, is vital for the research. Participants need to feel they were not misled into participating. The researcher will include a section on informed consent in the research contract. This section will include information on the researcher, what is required from the participants and finally, the use of the information gathered from the participant.
Pimple, Kenneth D. 2008. Research ethics. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
Smith Iltis, Ana. 2006. Research ethics. New York: Routledge.
Pimple, K. D. (2008). Research ethics. Aldershot, England: Ashgate. ↑
Smith, I. A. (2006). Research ethics. New York: Routledge. ↑

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