Allan, G. (1997). Rethinking college education. Lawrence, Kan: University Press of Kansas.
The author is George Allan, in this book he demonstrates that what the students are taught in school is not important when their moral practice is tainted. He further goes ahead and elaborates with the fact that moral practice determines how students can acquire knowledge in the best way as well as their conduct and how they become individuals who are responsible. The book points out that some practices are not taught in class but learned in an environment that enhances dialogue and open-mindedness. In brief, the author observed that the college earns individuals skills to converse, skills of cultured intercourse, and not only a means through which they earn a living.
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This book will be essential in illustrating how college education builds an individual personality, develops a unique brand for individuals where people can easily interact with. This is as a result of the environment that college creates an environment that encourages dialogue and also enhances individuals to air their point of view. This fact will be further linked to the notion that one does not go to college for financial future gains only but also to be shaped into a reasonably noble human being.
In Atwan, R., Duff-Strautmann, V., & Atwan, G. (2017). America now: Short readings from recent periodicals.
The article is about how students often look forward to going to pursue their careers. It highlights the optimism that drives the student to pursue marketable courses. it highlights how there is a paradigm shift in education how today critical thinking or knowledge that only appreciates culture, history, or government does not entice the students because they are more driven by the success of having money.
The article also points out at the change in the generation in education policy now that college is seen as a way through a better job prospect is offered for better earning in the future, unlike the past where education was broad and it was more than the earnings.
This article is vital to my research; I will use it to prove the fact that people should be driven by a passion other than the prospects of a better future. In addition to this, I will illustrate how one can actually learn a technique through apprenticeship and become an expert and be better more than the one who has gone through college, in other words, it will give me fact there are some faculty which are better learned in the field than in-class use it further to illustrate that experience gained from outside college in another field like baking industry. To support this the author gives this example, “Oklahoma State’s degree in fire protection and safety engineering and technology suggests skill in acquiring valuable tips for making society safer, but should the university be the place to collect such tips?”
The article will also help in showing how the so-called “marketable course” is not that marketable as the field end up being flooded with graduate and with the high demand for the job than the job itself it renders many graduate jobless “Graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, known as the STEM courses, think their training aimed them in the right direction for jobs, but only 1 in 5 recent STEM graduates get those jobs.”
Mangukiya, Piyush. “[Infographic] Is College Worth the Cost?” The Huffington Post,, 7 Dec. 2017,
The article is about weighing the worthiness of education and determine whether the advantages of education outweigh the disadvantages and also if the advantages I worth the cost. To begin with, the author points out the coast of education and how it leaves an average student to a debt that is roughly $30,000 after which a job is never guaranteed immediately after finishing school making the 4 -5 year spent in school a waste of important resources like time and money.
On the contrary, the author gives detailed facts about the advantages of a college education besides a career. The author gives facts about social attributes that college education adds to an individual making them confident, have high self-esteem, more friends, and excellent communicators. In addition to social growth, college education promotes career growth as those with a college degree are paid better and are the decision-makers in the places of work while those with high school diplomas are subjected to implement the decisions. Further to this, those with a college degree have got high job satisfaction as well as the lowest unemployment rate. Finally, the author indicates that those who have a college education have got better health due to the comprehensive insurance cover and less stress related to income.
This article I vital in my research, I will use it to affirm the fact that when one goes to college there I much he or she gets besides the education. I will also use this article to explain the social, wealth, and career positives that college education brings and prove the fact that it is worth every penny used.

With a student-centered approach, I create engaging and informative blog posts that tackle relevant topics for students. My content aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed academically and beyond.