Executive summary
Nelly’s Limited, is a social enterprise firm that is significantly associated with music therapy sessions for adults. Nelly’s Limited is objectively focused on adults who have learning disabilities. The administrative office will be located in Waltham Forest as well as the New Ham Borough. Nelly’s Limited has its main objective to effectively build an establishment that will significantly help, as well as enable adults to create a personal connection with the real world through music. There is a vast range of sessions that take place in the organization. The company’s offered sessions are strategically categorized into distinct and different levels determined by the level of disability the adult may have.
According to Burns (2011, p.26), there is a significant need to have these kinds of clustering is to make sure that each adult has comfort in learning with the person who shares similarities. Moreover, it enables them to keep improving their standards, whereupon he or she gets promoted to the next level (Burns 2011, p.26).
My start-up loans will be £10,000 to enable Nelly’s limited buy all the equipment and pay their staffs. Each client with face to face sessions of thirty up to forty minutes will pay a fee of £45, Group sessions of 40 – 50 minutes and a fee of £70 – £90 per session. Moreover, these fee expenses consist of time with a therapist with includes keeping of notes as well asformation of liaisonwith the experts. The company will do its financial analysis annually with a target of achieving a progressive development. The expected returns of the company annually are 9.87% and this is a good starting point for a junior company like this that is still seeking to establish its operation base.
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Nelly’s company limited was created as a resulting effecting caused by the alarming ever-increasing growth in the population of the individuals experiencing learning disabilities. Research has been significantly carried out in the recent past, showing that a substantially greater population of individuals living with disabilities in learning comprises of adults (Burns 2011, p.15). Since necessity is the mother of invention, the need for a music therapy session become almost inevitable, thus leading to the establishment of Nelly’s limited. Nelly’s Limited is not the only company in the Waltham Forest as well as the New Ham Borough and therefore the company’s entrance into the market was met with a substantial amount of competition from firms targeting the same market. Moreover, creating a platform with the resilient struggle for dominance in the industry.
Nelly’s Limited as an organization works towards absorbing as many individuals with learning disabilities as possible as long as they land on an adult’s stage as well as age bracket. The classes are categorized as per the learning capability of an individual hence the people with equal learning capabilities are grouped together under one tutor. The centre significantly aims at nurturing as well as enhancing the talents and abilities of these adults. The wide range of events within the company gives the clients a variety of choices to select from and thereby enabling them to effectively develop their learning skills.
Nevertheless, the research team, customers as well as staff members will play a primary role in ensuring the achievement of success for the company; especially since most of the firm’s engagements are initiated and implemented through effective collaboration as well as the involvement of all these groups.
Social Enterprise
Nelly’s Limited as a social enterprise has created a business model that has its focus driven towards considerations and concerns of a critical part of our population. Nelly’s Limited has held the interests of individuals with learning disabilities at heart. Therefore, Nelly’s limited achieves its objective in solving a solution in our community, while still achieving a substantially profitable business. The company, therefore, is making a significant change in our society by enabling adults experiencing learning disabilities to develop their learning skills. Thus, bringing their clients to be significantly more productive individuals in society.
The Nelly’s Limited team will be working on a project that will be utilized in the analyzing of individuals based ontheir attendance of each session versus the amount of progress they will each have made. This step will significantly improve the clients understanding as well as learning progress and skills. The primary agenda ofNelly’s business innovation is to effectively create values which will lead the organization towards higher profits.
The Company’s innovation and values will come from the creation of fresh revenue opportunities as well as motivating enhancement of revenue production through existing channels; from creating solutions for time saving, money saving as well as enabling increase of productivity as well asgood performances from our clients. Nevertheless, this is wholly aimed towards attaining individuals who are better in learning than their peers, thus substantially improve their learning. Furthermore, the learning curve of the other clients will be significantly boosted since it is easier to learn from your peer, rather than from the assigned tutor.
Moreover, Nelly’s Limited as a social enterprise has put in place their mission, vision as well as objectives as a company to create and show a clear path for the company to follow. The company with their proclaimed mission, vision as well as the objective has created a favorable environment to effectively achieve the organization’s goals.
Nelly’s limited organization vision is to encourage adults with learning disabilities in the community to become proactive and social participating members in the music therapy in the society.
Nelly’s Limited organizational mission is to promote and uphold excellence in music therapy practices and learning sessions for adults and also participate in research and educational developments in creating awareness and improving the world of music therapy.
Nelly’s Limited as an organization has established three main objectives that are driving the company, these include;
First, Nelly’s Limited is focused providing opportunities for a suitable learning environment for adults. The facilities utilized will work towards achieving the optimum results for the client. Moreover, the facilities will also ensure that the therapist employed will work to give the best session to the clients.
Secondly, Nelly’s Limited is striving towards providing opportunities for the clients to progressively improve their learning. Nevertheless, ensure that the clients may eventually get back to full normalcy and even learn on their own.
Thirdly, Nelly’s Limited thrives towards providing an opportunity for creativity and self-expression for adults who have passion in the field of music, sports and other recreational activities.
- A commitment to creating an environmentally way for learning and interactions by our clients that is incorporated with sustainability of one’s standards of life.
- Commitment to innovation, inventions and excellence.
- Commitment to improving the lives of our clients.
- Commitment to improving humanity. More often we pay visit to the old people and children’s homes for interactive sessions.
Market research
According to Moule and Hek (2011, p.56) to fulfill a company’s objectives in a market research it is vital to substantially plan for the company’s marketing campaign. Moule and Hek (2011, p.56) further explains that a company’s marketing campaign should be focused on communications with their potential customers as well as clients.
Therefore, it is vital for Nelly’s Limited to effectively analyze their organization, as well as their products’ portfolio (Stahl 2004, p.35). Furthermore, the company should efficiently analyze their operating environment, both internally as well as externally. The environment should be favorable to be efficient for both their clients as well as the employees.
Internal Analysis
Nelly’s limited will carry out an internal analysis to achieve a helpful insight of the issues that may be substantial obstacles when marketing their products. Tsai et.al (2014, p.52) argues that an internal analysis may be the best way to determine the areas within an organization that require more attention and solutions. Nelly’s Limited internal analysis will help the firm effectively increase their skills, as well as identify their strengths within their organization.
Nelly’s Limited could utilize a SWOT analysis for an effective internal analysis. Utilization of SWOT will enable the organization to substantially consider the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities as well as their Threats, and therefore enhance the quality of the decision making process in tackling their marketing challenges.
This market research will thus strive towards understanding on how the market can decline as well as grow to determine the relative position of the company, it potential and the direction the business can move. The area where the business will be set will be analyzed and the possible ways to overcome the hurdles face of all businesses. The presence of competitors in this field has contributed to the need for market research. The research is conducted with the aim of increasing the company’s customer base. The results from the market research will be taken through analysis by the team and the final decisions made from the findings, outcomes and will enable us to understand the things our clients want but the company is not offering or having services for (Masterson & Picton 2010, p.45).
SWOT Analysis of Nelly’s Limited
External Analysis
Nelly’s Limited has placed their focus in strategies of marketing communications. The company is steadied towards enabling marketing communications within groups of people who share the same ideas as well as opinions on the best way to undertake for the firm to effectively market it(United Nations 1997, p.56).
Nelly’s Limited has implemented the PEST analysis to efficiently carry out an external analysis. The PEST analysis focuses on the Political, Economic, Science and Technology aspects of the business. The PEST analysis will effectively check on the various market factors of the organization.
The PEST Analysis of Nelly’s Limited
Human Resource
It is vital for Nelly’s Limited to have reliable and production Human Resource Management in place within their company’s system. According to Mechanic (2004, p.56), the Human Resource department is in charge of the substantial process involved in management of the employers as well as employees; and even the clients in the company. Therefore the human resource department ensures the collaboration of the individuals in the company to be one path; that is; to achieve the firm’s set objectives.
Human Resource manage thus include;
- Staff management; hiring and firing
- Compensation for employees
- Defining as well as designing work
Nelly’s Limited has adapted a hierarchy form of structure for its human resource management.
The embracement of a structure in the company significantly enables reduction of confusion, reduction of consumption of time, as well as ensuring a direct channel of information and instructions within the company (Mechanic 2004, p.50).
Nelly’s Limited will assign a line manager as the company sets its foundation. Line manager will be in charge with directing the employees work. Therefore he or she will be in charge of the following;
- Placement of the employees
- Orientation of the new employees
- Training of the current as well as new employees
- Job performance improvement
- The cooperation to attain creativity
- Interpretation of the various company process as well as policies
- Labor expenses and costs control
- Development of the capabilities, abilities and skills of the employees
- Maintenance as well as growth in creativity in the company
- Protection of the employees’ general well being; particularly their physical, mental as well as their health conditions
Nelly’s Limited will also have the assistance of staff managers to assist when the line manager is unavailable or overwhelmed by work. The staff manager will have the following functions;
- Staff as well as line manager support
- Assisting the staff as well as the line manager
- Advising the staff as well as the line manager
- Significantly decreasing informational weight
However, with the growth of Nelly’s Limited a new leadership structure will be put in place that will be able to withstand the growth in the company.
Governance, Legal and Management Structure
Nelly’s Limited will adapt strategic and recommended governance and legal structures; which will enable the shareholders interests, both long and short term are achieved. Therefore, strengthening the company’s elected Board of directors as well as the accountability in the firm; thus achieving a foundation in the company’s public trust.
Nelly’s Limited Board will bedetermined through by a shareholders election process to ensure the board considers their interests for the company; seeing the company’s health in the long run, as well as the business success together with the growth in its financial strengths. Furthermore, the elected Board of directors will serve as the final decision making determinants within the organization; excluding issues that are involving the company’s shareholders. Moreover, the elected Board will be in charge of the selections as well as overseeing the company’s senior management team.
Nelly’s Limited elected Board of Directors will establish the Organization’s Governance Guidelines intended to give a functional framework to ensure efficientcompany governance. Furthermore, this particular guidelines will be dealing with specific matters, these include:
- The Board’s mission
- Responsibilities of the Director
- Qualifications of the Director
- Determining a Director independence
- Terminating of a Director independence
- Structure of the Board’s committee structure
- Management succession as well as the evaluation of the performance of the Chief Executive Officer
Nelly’s Limited Board will have regular reviewing of the growth and changes within the company governance; as well asstrategically updating the Company’s Governance Guidelines as well as materials utilizedin governance when required.
The materials that is necessary for the firm’s corporate governance entails of;
- Company Governance Guidelines
- Company’s Certificate of Bylaws as well as Incorporation Bylaws,
- Board committee charters
- Codes of Business Conduct of the company
- Guidelines on steps of reporting any organization’sconcerns
- Firm’s public policy engagement
- The Political contributions policy
Operational Model
Nelly’s Limited will adapt a working and functional model to ensure the company is well up and running. This social model will enable the individuals to attend their music session. This involves how to assist clients to carry out their daily learning through music. This will enable them to get in touch with the world through music. Nelly’s facilities will be of high class and will structure to meet the intended purpose.
Items | Costs |
Music therapy equipment (171.*3) | £ 513.00 |
Websites Marketing over social media |
£225,00 |
Furniture and fixtures
Housekeeping supplies Office furniture |
£2,000 |
Administration Expenses
Licensing fee Utilities Bills Legal Fees Insurance Business phones Working capital (5 months) |
£250.00 £450.00 £2,850 £150.00 £150.00 |
Staff wages (per hour)
Daily charges for one to one session Daily charges for groups session |
£45.00 £90.00 |
Total costs | £8.086 |
Marketing Plan
Nelly’s Limited marketing plan will entail a great quest for existence and growth in the significantly competitive market, amongst the marketing strategies will be:
Engine optimization
Since a large number of audiences’ visiting website daily, the company will try out to be the most outstanding company in the search engine such as Bing and Google. This involves employing algorithms and strategies that will ensure that the search engine easily trace our site easily (Masterson &Piston 2010, p.56) and make it appear at the first pages of each search engine.
Social media
Marketing the company through social media will help to increase the number of our customers, sex appealing and enticing display will boost our attraction and customers at long end(Masterson & Picton 2010, p.56). The most effective one is using the hash tag in twitter to share the information of the company as it will reach a wider audience.
This will involve getting a skilled blogger (s)who will be writing contents and posting them. Therefore, while signing partnership with companies, there is a need to add the aspect of blogging which will involve them sharing the link to the company at the end of the blog post.
The Four Ps in Marketing Strategy
These 4Ps in marketing strategy are price, place, promotion and product and every marketing plan should revolve around these factors and they are at times referred to as “marketing mix”. They operate in a manner that the products sold at a place will vary in price as per the way you promote it.
A good quality of the training facilities, customer relations and assessment on the progress of the clients are what will make the company growing and gaining customer. This service will meet a specific customer need that is on demand. Nelly’s services will be essential for marketers to understand and plan for a variety of stages and different challenges. Nelly’s benefits will offer its features needed to be understood and the exclusive selling plan needed to be studied. Furthermore, the potential buyers of the services will need to be identified and understood.
The price for the services should be matched so that the customer is not affected but also helping the company make profits. The price of the services offered should be altered as per the demands so that the customers does not exceed the carrying capacity limit while company get sufficient amount to run through the workflow and working capital so as to expand the company.
The place where the company will be based will be locations that enable staffs to reach out to our clients this will enable easy access to all our clients living in the areas.
For every product to perform well in the market there must be popularity. There is need for the owners of the service to set aside funds that will be used for promoting the product. This means that the Nelly’s limited will carry out a good of research.
Fundraising Strategies
Nelly’s Limited will utilize four fundraising strategies, to attempt to reach their budget funds to begin and grow their company.
The fundraising strategies Nelly’s Limited will begin with are;
- Fundraising through family, friends and familiar contacts
Nelly’s Limited opts for this fundraising strategy because of the beneficial fact that individuals who are near and dear are genuinely supportive of the entrepreneur and are therefore less likely exploit them with unreasonable interest rates.
- Angel investors
Nelly’s Limited will search and market for angel investors, who will provide essential backing in finances in the earlier stages as well as the start-up stage of the company, paid throughthe company’s equity stake. This benefits both the investor as well as the company.
- Ventured capital
Nelly’s Limited will search as well as market themselves to attain a ventured capitalist who will be an investment during the first development stages of the company.
- Crowd funding
Nelly’s Limited will begin a website and strategically market the company and its objectives and goals within an online platform, and as such interact with other individuals as well as businesses to effectively expound on their project’s potential with aim of attracting investments as well as loans from the public.
Nelly’s Limitedrequires a firm strategic financial plan to enable them to effectively achieve their goals. Nelly’s Limited financial plan is strategically drawn annually to account and effectively budget for the various costs as well as the expenses predicted for the coming financial years. A good financial plan will help the company to accurately project the future expenditure, and thus strategically plan ahead.
The estimated startup cost for Nelly’s Limited is £10,000.
Allocated annual expenditure is as follows:
Item(s) | Cost (s) |
Institution Maintenance. | 100.00 |
Equipment repairs and replacement. | 250.00 |
National Insurance fee | 50.00 |
National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)Membership. | 60.00 |
Utility bills such as electricity and water. | 340.00 |
Daily expenditures | 500.00 |
Staff wages | 300.00 |
Insurances | 150.00 |
Total | 1750.00 |
The financial plan was drawn with the following assumptions:
- There are no additional therapists that will be added to the system in the course of the year.
- The team and number of clients will remain throughout the year.
- The addition of new clients and extra income will be generated into research and innovation and the budget structured under the department.
From the above stated budget, a total of £45.00 to £90.00will have to be generated and collected weekly so that the budget is harmonized and the smooth running of the program and the institution is achieved.
Sales Forecast
The sales forecast is essential to the stakeholders of the company to significantly enable their sales forecasting for organization. The sales forecast thus refers to the income production expected to be generate annually; and therefore the sales forecast helps the efficiently plan ahead. Moreover the sale forecast will ensure the company implements strong as well as effective process into their systems. Nevertheless, the working capital needs to be harmonized so that the cost of the products are balanced in a manner that it will be easy to balance the balance sheet.
Cash Flow
Exit/sustainability strategy
Nelly’s Limited is focused on building a sustainable business model that could later grow to enable franchising of their business model as well as the brand of the company. Nelly’s limited exit strategy is to eventually sell their company brand and model as a franchise and generate income as a royalty from the franchisees as well as procurement costs of the franchise.
This exit strategy will enable the company to benefit significantly from the revenue generated from the purchases of the franchises as well as the royalty income in perpetual terms.
Nelly’s limited is a center that will be established with the main aim of significantly helping the adults who experience learning difficulties. Nelly’s Limited will substantially undertakethese adults with learning disabilities through music therapy sessions, with strive to enable them to get in touch with the real world through music. The center will be guided by its principles and set goals that are aimed at achieving though music therapy. The intention of this organization is to ensure that the vulnerable adults are at peace with the world through communication by use of music.
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