Technology refers to the informed use in design, in t goods and services in addition to the utilization of these goods and services. The emerging trends in the technology, therefore, discusses to the innovations, advancements and the use of scientific principles, methods and resources to achieve industrial goals. Information technology rapidly develops in the modern world. For many businesses, it is difficult to cope with the emerging trends of technology in the businesses today. More advanced and groundbreaking technologies get introduced in the expanding market on a daily basis. Consequently, people are not only compelled to keep up with the current development in the technology but also try to be ahead of other competing firms. Industries are constantly on the drawing board to cope with the digitally growing life (Kica 2012).
With serious talks about the advancement of technology, this article explores the emergence of D printing or additive printing. In the past, 3 D printing was commonly referred to as stereolithography and was invented by Chuck Hull in 1986. It is predicted that D printing will grow quickly with seventy five percent of the world expected to adopt this new device by the end of this year alone and further, 200% in 2015. Additive printing refers to production of three dimensional objects that get a built from a digital model. In printing the objects, the manufacturer uses three dimensional computer aided design program that generates a digitally modeled objects. The objects use a series of sliced digital layers that have very thin cross sections. Each slice gets operated selectively to because hardening of the layers of the light-sensitive object. It uses ultraviolet light that will bring the defined shapes of the objects. Thereafter, the build layers lowers by a given percentage and an additional layer is put, and the process goes continuously until the whole object gets completed. In the process of printing, the three dimensional printers begin down at the bottom of the design and gets build upward into continuous layers of the material until the material is complete.
Michael Feygen produced the first 3 D in 1985. Three- dimensional printing software that was developed uses a general principle of addition of material to an object layer after layer. There are different 3D printers that use different materials in the formation of layers. To be specific, some printers use resin, though, expensive while others use polymer or gel. The device uses a predetermined design that is developed by the computer software. The computer commands the three-dimensional printing device to add a layer when the first layer gets finished. The cross section of the object is precisely predetermined so that the software sends definite directions to the object. The technology has grown rapidly and will be affordable in most of the homes in the near future.
For instance, the device has found its way into the medical industry. In truth, slowly and surely, the technology will be used in kidneys, blood vessels, delivery of drugs by vehicles, tissue scaffolds and many other medical devices. Specifically, the process referred to as two photon polymerization that uses femtosecond lasers and photo initiators to produce objects with thin layers with thickness of about 50 microns from photo-reactive resources. According to Valentan (2011), this process has many challenges and, therefore, in quest of substitute technique. This has seen researchers use a combination of photoinitiator triethanolamine for polymerization of objects in high scale.
Currently, 3D printers are used in large scale to produce variation in medicine industry. The need to implement small scale medical objects has emerged with medical researchers proposing the use of 3D printing. The results by the researchers proposed the use of two photon polymerization that will allow the use of 3D printers in implantations with small scale features in medicine.
The innovation around the 3 D printing device has a bright future. The benefits connected to this device are indeed numerous. Firstly, the machine enables a more rapid prototyping. This means that many items can be produced at a low price. The production can, therefore, be produced without incurring the cost of tools of the traditional production processes. In connection to this, the 3D printers have a bigger advantage over the present printers. Moreover, the device allows the reduction of lead times. Due to its ability to produce the goods quickly, the device usually shrinks the number of lead times.
Consequently, as the technology develops, the implication of three-dimensional printing has so far been realized. The production of the goods will increase for either consumption or purchase. In addition, it might allow the production of household goods. In relation to this, the goods that have for years depended on plant machinery for production of goods will be produced locally. Although the cost of production may be higher, it will eliminate the procedural traditions of shipping the goods and tiresome transportation of the goods to reach the consumers. For example, in the current world cars are made by few factories around the world, with the implementation of this device, cars may be made in every metropolitan state. Dealers and assembly plants may make the car parts, and this can shrink the long chain of supplying of the goods.
The invention of 3D printing device empowers the customization of goods. This is because altering the goods will no longer require them to be retooled but only following the instructions of the command software. In truth, this permits the creativity in satisfying the consumer’s needs efficiently. The implications will come from manufacturing, to supply, and retailing to reconsider their operating strategies. The 3D printer also allows fast production, and this leads to easy management of the inventory.
On the other hand, the 3D printing devices have many challenges that have hindered its growth. To begin with, the device is very expensive on both installation and maintenance. This means that most of the states in the world may not afford the device. According to Biglino (2013), most of the states in the world are still staggering economically and are dependent on other few developed states. It, therefore, gets the installation of this device a nightmare. In reality, this has greatly impacted the growth of this device more adversely.
Another disadvantage is that the 3D printers can be slow depending on the volumes of the products. When the volumes of the products on produce are too large, the device may be slow, and this consumes time. With the technology, time is the most precious commodity, and a resource that must be utilized with care. Therefore, when the device becomes inconvenient with time, it becomes challenging, and this indeed negatively affects it efficiency.
In conclusion, 3D printing has significantly industrialized over the past years since its innovation. It has enabled consumers to conduct prototyping as well as producing personal items profitably. As the world turns digitally, the 3D printing devices gets futuristic and more benefits are likely to be observed. As the research indicates, 3D will influence the future of the world habitats more advance. The application of the device will be wide including the device being used in the medical industry, manufacturing of cars and construction just to mention a few.
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Biglino, Giovanni, Verschueren, Peter, Zegels, Raf, Taylor, Andrew M, &Schievano, Silvia.(2013). Rapid prototyping compliant arterial phantoms for in-vitro studies and device testing.BioMed Central Ltd. BioMed Central Ltd.
Kica, E., Rodriguez, V., &Groenendijk, N. (2012). High-quality patents for emerging science and technology through external actors. European Intellectual Property Review.34, 221-228.
Valentan, B., Brajlih, T., DrstvenšEk, I., &Balič, J. (2011).Development of a part-complexity evaluation model for application in additive fabrication technologies.StrojniškiVestnik.57, 709-718.

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