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Understanding Descriptive and Critical Writing in Essays

Jul 29, 2023

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Jul 29, 2023 | Blog

What does it mean to evaluate something or provide a critical review critically?

These terms are complicated, but we will help you understand them.

Typically, the word “critical” has a negative connotation. Being asked to write “critically doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be negative; instead, voicing logical opinions based on evidence evaluation is critical.

When writing a “critically evaluate'” or providing a ‘critical review,’ the first lesson is that there will always be some description element.

But don’t let this stop you from building on your reports to justify what point you’re trying to make! Let’s go through some examples:


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Descriptive writing- How to Critically Evaluate

Descriptive writing- How to Critically Evaluate

Descriptive writing is a way to focus on the four ‘W’s questions.

What are you describing? Where does it take place? Who else might be there, and when did this happen, if applicable?

What am I trying to describe here? Where do I have time/space for my story or scene to unfold in as much detail as possible (where)?

Essay components aim to convey essential information about the main idea.

Still, if you stop there, you only have a descriptive piece that does not meet the standards for criticality.

Critical writing

Critical writing

Critical writing is an opportunity to go beyond the mundane and take a closer look at what you see.

It’s not enough for someone to tell us how they feel or what happened; we ask them why it mattered so much then, which will give us insight into their future actions.

Managing the descriptive and critical writing

Managing the descriptive and critical Writing

There are many ways to write an essay, but there is a lot of expectation when writing in English.

For the reader to be satisfied that you have completed a critical review or evaluation, ensure they get what they expect!

In the first step, read the article/piece of work you will critically evaluate.

It can often feel like, just because something has been published in an academic journal or magazine, it’s a perfect piece of writing and cannot possibly be questioned, but this isn’t always true.

The author made certain decisions during the research and writing process, which should only make us ask more questions about their findings and the conclusions they’ve come up with.

The importance of research methodology is that it helps identify a study’s strengths and weaknesses.

For example, did you know there are two main sections where this information can be found?

They’re called “methodology” and “discussion.”

In the section on methodologies, authors will have made certain decisions about answering their questions.

Other factors like context or instruments (e.g., questionnaire) may also exist.

Perhaps one way we might determine whether these choices affect what’s being studied would be by looking at sample size – if it seems too small for an accurate representation, maybe some changes need to be made!

For example, a sample of 260 undergraduate students might be significant in the United States.

However, suppose they are all from Pakistan, and their circumstances do not apply to those studying at universities like Oxford or Cambridge.

In that case, this is just one case showing that it’s essential for people who study psychology to think about how certain situations may differ critically.

A critical evaluation is a way to demonstrate that you can think critically and reflect on what the author wrote.

You should question everything around you, from research studies to this article!

This will help understand why they chose these words instead of others or how relevant their argument could be applied elsewhere.

No one has all the correct answers – it’s up to us as individuals who want more knowledge about our world so we are better equipped for whatever lies ahead.


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