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86 Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics You Can Use

Oct 30, 2022

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Oct 30, 2022 | Topics

The Salem Witch Trials have been a source of inspiration for writers and other artists for centuries. The trial was a dark time in American history, but it’s also one of the fascinating stories ever told. Many have used this event as the basis for their works, including Arthur Miller (The Crucible), Stephen Speilberg (The Witches), and John Proctor, who wrote a book called More Wonders of the Invisible World.

The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. More than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft and 20 were executed.
If you’re interested in writing a research paper about the Salem witch trials, you may want to consider the following Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics and ideas to get you started

Best Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics

  1. How did the Salem Witch Trials begin?
  2. Who were the main characters in the trials?
  3. What was life like for everyone involved during the trials?
  4. The Salem Witch Trials and the Puritan mindset
  5. The impact of the Salem Witch Trials on literature
  6. The social and political repercussions of the Salem Witch Trials, including their effect on women’s rights
  7. What role did religion play in the Salem Witch Trials?
  8. Were there any consequences for those who believed and were practicing witchcraft?
  9. How does Arthur Miller’s The Crucible compare to actual events during the witch trials?
  10. The role of religion in the Salem Witch Trials
  11. The effects of gender on the trials
  12. The hysteria surrounding the witch trials in Salem Village, Massachusetts and other towns nearby
  13. How the courtroom proceedings worked during these trials
  14. Why were people accused of the witch during this time period
  15. The role of the accused in their trials
  16. The role of the court officials and judges during these trials
  17. How events surrounding the Salem Witch Trials shaped American culture for years to come

Interesting Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics

  1. The role of gender in the Salem Witch Trials
  2. The importance of literacy and education during this period
  3. How events surrounding the Salem Witch Trials shaped American culture for years to come
  4. The use of torture during these trials
  5. How people were accused of the witch during this period
  6. The hysteria surrounding the witch trials in Salem Village and other towns nearby
  7. Why were people accused of the witch during this period?
  8. How did the Salem Witch Trials compare with other witch hunts?
  9. What made people in Salem believe that there were witches in their midst?
  10. Did the Salem Witch Trials have an impact on future history?
  11. What happened to those who were jailed during this period?
  12. Who was involved, and how did they change after their experience?
  13. What do we know about the witches in Salem accused of being responsible for evil?
  14. Were there any legitimate reasons for the witch trials?
  15. Did people believe witches could hurt them or was it just a way to control others?

Simple Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics

  1. What were the Salem Witch Trials?
  2. What was the cause of the witch trials, and why did they happen in Salem?
  3. What did people believe about witches at the time?
  4. How did this event affect American history and culture?
  5. Puritanism and Witches: How they influenced the events in Salem
  6. The role of Cotton Mather in influencing the Puritan community and its views on witches
  7. How did people react to witch trials? Were they scared or not? What were their reactions towards it?
  8. How did these trials affect women’s rights throughout history?
  9. The role of women in the witch trials
  10. How did these trials affect the community as a whole?
  11. How did these trials affect women’s rights throughout history?
  12. Did any of the accused witches confess to being one or not?

Controversial Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics

  1. How did people react to witch trials?
  2. The role of women in the witch trials
  3. How did the Puritans react to the witch trials?
  4. The role of witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trials
  5. What were the consequences for those accused of being witches?
  6. Were these trials fair to women?
  7. The idea that the Salem Witch Trials were a government conspiracy
  8. The fact that all the accused were women and girls
  9. The fact that many of the accused never confessed to being witches, despite being tortured
  10. The fact that many were hanged and one person was pressed to death in this historically significant event
  11. Many accused were hanged, and one person was pressed to death in this historically significant event.
  12. The fact is that many of the accused never confessed to being witches, despite being tortured.

Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics for Middle School

  1. What Did You Learn About the Salem Witch Trials?
  2. How Did You Feel About This Event?
  3. Were You Surprised By Any of the Results?
  4. Did Any of Your Students Have a Connection to These People/Events?
  5. How Do You Feel About the Witchcraft Trials?
  6. Why Do You Think Witchcraft Trials Happened, and How Do You Feel About Those Who Were Charged With Witchcraft?
  7. Do You Think There Were People Present During the Witchcraft Trials Who Believed in Witchcraft and Were Guilty of Doing So?
  8. Why Did the Trials Happen and How Would They Be Different if They Happened Today?
  9. The Role of The Puritan Views and Values in Colonial Massachusetts

Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics for High School

  1. What was the social climate like in Salem, a part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony at that time?
  2. Why were people tried in court rather than by a local magistrate?
  3. How did the accused feel about being put on trial?
  4. What kinds of evidence were used? Was evidence of witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials?
  5. How did the court decide whether or not someone was guilty of witchcraft?
  6. What were some of the most common reasons for accusing others of witchcraft?
  7. How did people feel about being accused of witchcraft?
  8. ‘Young Goodman Brown,’ by Hawthorne. How can the writer use the story’s setting to represent the Puritan community’s attitude during one of the most tragic events in early American history?
  9. Witchcraft among women and men in France during the 16th and 17th centuries
  10. Compare the most common modern-day witch hunts, such as the communist hunts and the 1950s events that fueled the discovery of the crucible by Arthur Miller, to trials and executions of people accused of witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.

Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Topics for College

  1. How the Salem Witch Trials affected how we view witches and witchcraft.
  2. The impact of Puritanism on the Salem Witch Trials.
  3. How the hysteria spread like wildfire through a community.
  4. Why were women targeted for witchcraft accusations, in particular during this period?
  5. How the trials were a form of social control.
  6. The role of gender in the witch trials.
  7. Examining how Puritanism affected women and their roles within society.
  8. Why was hysteria so effective in Salem during this period?
  9. Was Abigail Williams, niece to reverend Samuel Parris, Solely Responsible for the Salem Witch Trials?
  10. The role of religion and how it affected the trials.
  11. How social class played into the witch trials (such as with Tituba, Good and Hobbs).

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Thanks for reading! I hope this post has given you ideas for your next Salem Witch Trials research paper. As always, contact me if you have any questions or need help finding sources for these topics.

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