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The Development and Modernization of US Business

May 24, 2023 | 0 comments

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May 24, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

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The US business is narrated by Hirschman (1977) and it explains the evolution the US business has undergone for many years. Hirschman reconstructs how capitalism in United States went from being sin of the avarice to the less acceptable sins. Capitalism in United States business that is today accepted had some history, and Hirschman elaborates the political and the economic history f the US business. Some of the advantages as highlighted by Hirschman for the workers is the massing of people in the cities and urban areas that are close to the factories and raw materials to help the businessmen who were the owners. Furthermore, it gave the workers by allowing them to protest against the governments or factory owners that exploited them (Hirschman, 1977).


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With the development and modernization of the US business, the business has been incorporated in classroom settings as course up to MBA level. Silbiger (1993) indicated the components of the corporate business in United States. This is in contrast to the evolution of the capitalism until it was accepted by the society. Business in United States has become so serious academically and practically with its division into different areas of specialization. Some of the businesses components that have seen experts specialize as an area are finance, operation, strategy, ethics, organizational behavior and marketing. Furthermore, the business in United States has become also technical with the introduction of other technical companies as pointed out by Silbiger (1993); economics, quantitative analysis and accounting. Furthermore, business in United States has evolved with many terms that are used in the business world and corporate today.

In analyzing the US business, businessmen, managers, entrepreneurs are riddled with many problems in their daily operations. They need ways of tackling the problems they encounter from their personal lives, professionally and even globally. Managers of the US businesses are characterized by using computers and the latest technology in encountering problems they face. This makes them lack contact with the real world. Meadows & Wright (2008) in her book offered insights for solving problems on different scales from personal to global levels. System thinking allows people especially the entrepreneurs and the managers of the US businesses to develop the skills for systems-thinking that most leaders across the globe apply and are considered critical. Problems faced by some US business such as insolvency, environmental degradation, financial misappropriation are as a result of a system failure. These problems that face US businesses cannot be solely solved from the others, because the seemingly details that are minor have big powers to undermine efforts. The successes in some US business can be credited from Meadows & Wright (2008) by the companies paying attention to important things and staying humble and learning their business environments.

According to Norman (2002), US businesses first discovered quality as the key competitive edge, and then followed by delivery of service and lastly smart design. He elaborates that deign of things by business is a powerful primer and gives the reasons why some products will satisfy a customer compared to the others. Norman (2002) illustrates both good and bad designs, and finally provides a good guidebook to the business to understand the use-centric design of their products, software and fixture. With the high competition among the businesses in United States, companies provide a lot of information to their potential customers on their products. Therefore, design plays a big role especially o the consumer products, architecture and software.

With the dynamic nature of the US businesses, negotiations are important especially among the stakeholders of a business, partners, government agencies, competitors and also during mergers and acquisitions. Michael (2013) explained what the business and the managers can apply during their negotiations, and what other high leveled negotiators has applied in different occasions. Business during negotiations should not trap themselves with rigid plans in the face of uncertainties or chaos but explore, learn, adopt and influence to finally reach agreements.


Hirschman, A. O. (1977). The passions and the interests: Political arguments for capitalism before its triumph. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.

Meadows, D. H., & Wright, D. (2008). Thinking in systems: A primer. White River Junction, Vt: Chelsea Green Pub.

Michael, W. (2013). The Art of Negotiation: How to Improvise Agreement in a Chaotic World. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Norman, D. A. (2002). The Design of everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

Silbiger, S. (1993). The ten-day MBA. New York: W. Morrow.

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