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Progressive Delivery

Progressive Delivery: Simplest Method to Manage Big Orders

Progressive Delivery: Simplest Method to Manage Big Orders

The primary purpose of progressive delivery is to give you an opportunity of managing big orders.

The option of Progressive Delivery grants you:

  1. To have full control over the progress of your work because you will receive parts of a large order in small portions after their completion.

Our writers handle the work in different stages depending on the agreement with the customers hence providing adequate time for advanced planning.

  1. To actively communicate with our writers through personal managers of our accounts who keep continuous track of the work development and informs you of the progress.
  2. An opportunity of making payments in many instalments according to your planning like after delivery of each part of work.
  3. Extensive revision deadlines, which can be roughly 21 days rather than the normal 7 days thus giving you, time to identify areas that require revision.

We have established the most suitable procedures that enable us to manage huge quantities of academic orders.

We maintain that a competent writer and progressive delivery are the main contributors to our clients’ academic success.

How can you order it and how much does it cost?

Our company only charges 10% on top of the normal cost of the work for its delivery service, which every client must indicate or contact our support team in case of late request.

Limitations to the service

Please note that the delivery service has some limitations such as restricted permission for orders that cost less than $200 or those with 8 hours to 3 days deadline. Furthermore, it is mandatory for orders worth $600 and above or with 7-10 days deadline.

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