In the play “The Streetcar Named Desire,” Tennessee Williams explores a dying world of romanticism through Blanche Dubois. The protagonist, an upper-class and flimsy woman, living in an illusionary reality created by life’s hardships she has encountered throughout her past, begs for understanding as they are slapped around violently with each turn of events.
Blanche Dubois, a protagonist in “A Streetcar Named Desire,” is portrayed as having to endure extreme life experiences. This involves the loss of loved ones, pain-numbing life events, and excessive standards for living expenses. Amid these sufferings, Blanche DuBois decides it’s time she moves on with her sister Stella who lives in New Orleans.
After reading Streetcar Named Desire, one realizes that life doesn’t get any easier in New Orleans. She has to deal with more of the same miseries and pains she had at her home place. One thing a student can learn from this book is what an essay assignment might be like when it comes up for discussion on literature courses or if they are given their own topic choice
1. Blanche DuBois loses her sanity: How does it happen and what triggers it
2. The gender issues Tennessee Williams trying to portray in the Streetcar Named Desire
3. The adverse effects of letting humanly desire to control you
4. Blanche is highly attracted to young boys: How does that affect her life and lead to her downfall?
5. The literacy techniques used by Tennessee Williams in the play
6. Why does Stella choose to stay despite the maltreatment and abuses by her husband, Stanley?
7. The primary differences between the two female characters Stella and Blanche in the play the Streetcar Named Desire
8. The way the Streetcar Named Desire portrays the Southern Elites and the Working Class
9. What is the relationship between Stella and Stanley like?
10. The themes of fantasy and illusion in the play Streetcar Named Desire
11. What does the streetcar symbolize in the play Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams?
12. The differences between Mitch and other men in the Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
13. The importance of alcohol in the play the Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
14. A glimpse on the societal expectations of women when the Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee was published
15. The theme of intimacy as portrayed in the Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
16. The role the child sired by Stella and Stanley represents in the play the Streetcar Named Desire
17. The lives of Stanley and Blanche as a reflection of the effects of wrong desires
18. Why it is so hard for Blanche to comprehend the fact that Stanley is her sister’s lover?
19. The way Tennessee Williams Portrays Masculinity in the play Streetcar Named Desire
20. The characters and behaviors of Blanche are different when she is alone and when alongside other people: Explain and describe real scenarios
21. How is sexual Desire portrayed as the prerequisite and destroyer of love in the play Streetcar Named Desire?
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