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Top 123 5th Grade Debate Topics for Students

Feb 26, 2022 | 0 comments

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Feb 26, 2022 | Topics | 0 comments

The 5th grade debate topics are those that will assist someone in establishing traction in a more informal atmosphere.
The elementary school topics of debate are beneficial in helping high school-age students develop confidence in expressing their thoughts. You’ll always find yourself in situations when you need to develop relevant ideas or responses.
These funny Debate Topics are a great way to start socializing. It can be hard to strike up a conversation with other primary school kids or high school students you’ve never met before.
These will help you develop the correct responses and know how to deliver them to a group of kids.
They’re a terrific method to start new relationships and keep old ones going strong.
These list of debate topics are effective in assisting both kids and adults in comprehending various viewpoints.
The issues revolve around our day-to-day activities. You can use these topics to get a general awareness of significant concepts without delving too deeply. This makes the topics more relatable and researchable.
These controversial topics are a terrific way to break the ice and open up new possibilities. Choose a topic from the list below that interests you and start your search. Here are some of the best 5th Grade Debate Topics to help kids in their interactive learning journeys:

  1. Does Education Lead To Success
  2. Where Can We Place Fifth Graders? Middle or Elementary School
  3. The Prevalence of Fashion Amongst Children Today
  4. Should Schools Abolish State-wide Tests
  5. Is Skating on Roadside Walks dangerous
  6. Should Repeating A Year At School Be Abolished
  7. Should everyone Become Vegetarian
  8. Should recycling Be A Mandate
  9. Should Cooking Class Made Mandatory
  10. What is The Relation of Violent Video Games Too Violent Behaviour In Children Who Play Them
  11. Should Zoos be Abolished
  12. Should Tax Rates Be leveled For everyone
  13. Children Watching Tv On School Nights is Not Recommended
  14. Are Sports Stars paid Too Much Money
  15. Should School Attendance Become Optional For elementary school learners
  16. Should People Who Share Music Illegally Get Locked Up
  17. What Do You Think About Human Cloning?
  18. Does History Teach Us Anything
  19. Should Computers Replace Teachers
  20. Does Handwriting Play A Role In Grading
  21. Should We Replace all Traditional Forms of Energy with Solar Energy
  22. What is The Impact of Using Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports
  23. What Do You Think About School Pictures
  24. Is Pluto A Planet Or Not
  25. What is The Relevance of History as A Subject
  26. Is It True That There Is Life On Mars
  27. What is The Importance of Participation In Co-curricular Activities In School
  28. Should Poetry Be Made Compulsory For Children
  29. Is Agriculture still A Relevant Subject In Schools
  30. Why Animals Should Not Be Held Captive
  31. What is Your Perspective on Children Being Used in Television Advertising
  32. Should Homework Be Done Away With
  33. Should Bullies Be Charged In Court
  34. Are There Rewards For Recycling or Fines For Failure to Recycle
  35. What Do You Think About Animals Being Used in Scientific Experiments
  36. What is Your Opinion on Accessories and Cartoon Cards Brought To School
  37. Is Democracy The Best Form Of Government
  38. Which Household Chores Should Children Participate In
  39. Should Schools extend the Time kids Spend At The Premises
  40. Should A King, Not A President lead America
  41. Are Video Games Too Violent
  42. Which is your Preference When It Comes To Measuring? Metrics or Customary
  43. What Is The Importance of Online Chatrooms For Children
  44. Is Death Penalty An Extreme Form Of Punishment
  45. What Should Influence a Person’s Career Path? Personal Interest or Academic Qualifications
  46. What is the Difference Between Traditional Schools and Virtual Schools
  47. Macs Vs. PCs
  48. Androids Vs. iPhones
  49. Should The Moon Be Colonized
  50. Should America Donate Money To Undeveloped Countries
  51. Should Voting Be Made Mandatory
  52. Should Grades Become Rudimentary
  53. Should Performing Arts Class Made Mandatory
  54. Should Praying be abolished in schools
  55. Should Smoking Be Banned
  56. Should School periods be Extended
  57. What is the Government’s Role in Provision for Wireless Service
  58. Is It Bad For Schools To Sell Chocolate Milk To kids of all ages

Elementary School Level

  1. Do we need to ban cell phones in classrooms?
  2. Do middle school kids need recess?
  3. Are computers replacing teachers?
  4. Should tracking devices be allowed on student IDs?
  5. Are pre-teens and teens overscheduled?
  6. Is traditional education better than homeschooling?
  7. Are aliens real?
  8. Should animal testing continue?
  9. Do we have good enough role models for this generation?
  10. Should children in beauty pageants be banned?

Middle School Level

  1. Does every home need a pet?
  2. Should all kids have chores daily?
  3. Does the Internet need to be banned from schools?
  4. Should PE be required for all middle school students?
  5. Should soda be banned from children?
  6. Does homework need to be banned?
  7. Should every student play a musical instrument?
  8. Is year-round school better for kids?
  9. Does junk food need to be banned from schools?
  10. Should schools require uniforms?

High School Level

  1. Are PCs better than MACs?
  2. Do all museums need to have free admission?
  3. Is history a critical subject?
  4. Should parents be required to attend parenting classes before having children?
  5. Should all kids be required to take a cooking class?
  6. Are video games too violent?
  7. Should students’ education level be considered legally in cases of bullying?
  8. Are single-sex schools better for kids?
  9. Should solar energy replace other forms?
  10. Should community service be a school requirement?

Controversial Topics

  1. Is social media, like Facebook and Twitter, destroying our country?
  2. Should famous people like celebrities and sports stars make less money?
  3. Does your state have the right to make any vaccination mandatory?
  4. Should fast food and soda be banned?
  5. Is it the police’s job to protect your safety?
  6. Should the voting age be changed to 16 years?
  7. Should boys be able to play girls’ sports?
  8. Should rich people’s taxes be raised to “pay more of their fair share”?
  9. Is war ever justified?
  10. Should people who are greatly overweight or smoke have to pay more for health insurance?

Debate Topics kids up to the age of 10

  1. Should primary school kids be allowed to eat whatever they want?
  2. Birthday gifts should never be expensive.
  3. Are cats or dogs better?
  4. Little boys should not have stuffed animals.
  5. Should middle school kids be allowed to stay up as late as they want?
  6. Every girl should have a Barbie doll.
  7. Should shooting games be allowed?
  8. Which is better, homeschool or going to school?
  9. Should everyone be allowed to get free lunch at school?
  10. Which is better, the beach or the mountains?
  11. How much money is the right amount for an allowance?
  12. Should middle school kids wear uniforms to school?
  13. What is better, Batman or Superman?
  14. What time should school start?
  15. Which is better, peanut butter or Nutella?
  16. Should soda be banned?
  17. Should high school kids be given an allowance?
  18. How long should you be able to play on electronics in a day?
  19. Should everyone make the school sports teams?
  20. How many recesses should high school students have at school?
  21. How many days should Christmas break be?
  22. Should computers replace teachers?
  23. Should high school students of all ages be able to watch whatever they want on TV?
  24. Should pets be allowed to come to school?
  25. Children need to make their beds every day.

Get Help from the Experts with your 5th Grade Debate Topics Paper

The debate topics are a great way to learn about various perspectives on complex issues.
They also offer the opportunity for you and your classmates to share what knowledge, skills, and interests they have while learning from one another’s differences.
We’re confident that after completing this activity in class, you’ll be equipped with more tools to advocate for social justice when it comes time for college applications!
If you need assistance crafting your argumentative essay or any other paper assignment, we can help.
Our professional writers specialize in creating compelling arguments, so now, get started today by placing an order online.
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