Person-centered care can be defined as a particular way of practicing things that views the individuals that use social and health services as partners who are equal in both developing and planning care to ensure the needs of the patients are met. It is not all about giving the patient what they want or giving them a lot of information but it is all about putting into consideration the desires, family situations, values, lifestyles and social circumstances of these individuals. It is also considered very important for the nurse in charge to be compassionate and to view things from the patient’s point of view and also to be very respectful of their desires (Grol et al., 2013). Just like us, these patients are people first before anything else and therefore, nurses in charge should talk to them about decisions made before taking any actions. Families of these patients are a very important group of people in the progress of these individuals and working together with them is my major priority as a nurse in order for my patients to improve and get better. Individuals have come up with various tools to help in assessing practices of person centered care and therefore many literatures have been written and are available.
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According to Innes and Edvardsson (2010), tools used in conducting person centered care depended on the influences, the intended use, perspectives, applicability and the credibility of them. Researches that were done before shows a great range of the benefits of this kind of care. Positive outcomes resulted from these care were found to be; improvement of quality of life, it was found to reduce the rate of agitation, it improved the sleep patterns of the patients and it helped in the maintaining of self esteem of the patients. Wider research have shown that, person centered care practices and principles that change culture have indicated the possibilities of making lives better for the patients in care homes and it also contributes a lot in improving the working conditions of the nurses and staffs (Koren, 2010).
My strengths as a nurse to offer person centered care may include the following; I have the capability of building teams that are very collaborative and I ensure that they focus all the time on where the residents lives looking more into care that can nurture the spirit, the mind and body. I also have the capability of creating and supporting the particular organization as a dynamic environment for learning. Lastly, my other strength is my ability to put first other people’s mostly the patient’s needs before anything else. Despite all these strengths, I am human and I have weaknesses and these may include; first and foremost, I have no experience as a nurse in person centered adult care. Secondly, I do not have funds to ensure that the patients are having enough access the necessary care whenever they require it and lastly, I do not have the ability to create an environment that is very accessible and can be able to promote the enjoyment of the residents on an everyday basis.
My expectations are the following; to be in a position of including the family members and friends of the resident as very important members of his or her care team. Secondly, I would love to work hand in hand with the resident’s family members and ensure they are a major part of the care home and lastly, I would like to come up with various designs and important programs of end of life that have the capability of offering the best care in the last stages of life of the residents. My concerns in offering this care may include the following; not being able to include the resident’s close family and friends where need be, secondly, not being able to get to know the patient as an individual and being in a position to recognize their individuality and lastly, not being in a position to offer flexible and accessible services that one finds very easy to acquire.
The three major areas I am going to focus on in my Personal Development Plan are the following; ensuring that close friends and family members of the patients are part of this program and making them aware of what is going on with the life of the patient they clearly have the knowledge. This will include working together with them and educating them about the importance of their presence. Secondly, I would focus on building teams that can be considered very collaborative and making sure they pay attention on the well-being of the patients in order to give them the very best care and lastly, I would like to focus majorly on supporting the particular organization in whichever way I can as a dynamic environment for learning.
First I will talk about ensuring that friends and family are part of the program of care giving for a patient. This is because; close family and friends have a role in assisting with the patient’s normalcy. Family and friends can also assist the nurse in charge by familiarizing them with a patient’s dislikes, likes and his ways of being (Polit and Beck, 2004). As a nurse in these care homes I would pay close attention to what the patient’s family has to say about them and make good use of the information they give to make changes and improvements in these care centers in order to meet the family and the patient’s needs. I would also involve the family of the patient in development plans by helping in redesigning the conference of the care in order to start with the input of the family and that of the patient.
In order to involve the family and friends of my patient, I would do my best working hand in hand with the facility to come up with an educational retreat so that the members of the family can give us experiences that can give the patient a good and happy day. By doing this, it would give me a chance to understand the patient’s care philosophy. I would also ask the family members and friends to mention one or more contribution they have the capability of giving in order to strengthen the patient’s person centered care. Holding special days of education so that family members and friends can be involved and engaged in what exactly is going on in the home will also help in the stay of the patient.
Educating them on new directions that the care home has come up with and the topics that interest the patient will also assist in building the relationship with the patient and his family. I will also send invitations to these members of the patient’s family so that they can participate in a survey after all their visits so that they can give us the feedback and what needs to be changed so that I can ensure the services we offer are improved continuously in the home care.
Gathering of feedback from the family members on matters related to the quality of services and care that are administered to their patients help in targeting on the focus of the teams in the care homes. In this case, I will inquire from the members of the family of any complaints or concerns which even after them airing were not satisfied. This makes them feel included in the life progress of their patient and encourages them to do what it takes for the patient to be happy and not feel alone. Families and friends can give ideas and note the gaps and needs needed for programs of recreation and different activities. These feedbacks they give can be used in planning projects the birthday stories and parties of the patients and videos of their life stories. This makes living for these patients in the homes fun rather than lonely.
The second plan I will discuss is building teams that are very collaborative and making sure that they offer the best care to these patients. I will work together with them and lead by example to ensure we offer the best to the residents. This involves including a wider disciplines range in the care systems and ensuring decision making as a team is the norm. It also includes the promotion of teamwork value and making sure that every team member knows the importance of creative collaboration as it enhances the daily lives of the patients (Gilson, 2003).
In this case, I will have a meeting between my team, the family of the patient and the patient himself in order to come up with the best care plan that will aid the life the patient will get in the care home. I would also encourage my team to concentrate on every aspect on the life of the patient and not only the medical care. This will help the patient be comfortable with them and give them easy time even in cases of medical procedures and in most cases if not all will help give the patient a good day.
My team and I would also do our best in evaluation, revising and reviewing every patient’s recreational plans because their abilities, interests and needs keep changing with time. This can be done by assessing and observing the participation of the patient in all the aspect of their plans regarding recreation, this assists in venturing different options to adjust their involvement as required. It is also noted that, with time, patients may need a lot of support and encouragement in order to participate in activities they once enjoyed and had fun doing(Goffman, 2017).
I will follow up on such occasions and ensure that my team members give enough encouragement and motivation to these patients. It is our responsibility as nurses to give the best to our patients and ensure every day to them is a good and happy day as long as they are under our care. I will urge my team to come up with missions that represents the philosophy, beliefs and values of this care home during this practice. I as their team leader, I will share this with the care home in order to get their opinion on it and making sure that leading edge practices are implemented in the facilities.
The last objective I will talk about is doing my best to support the care home as an academic environment and also to provide the best care possible. The journey of person centered care never comes to an end therefore; seeking and implementation of practices that can help in ensuring there are changes in the culture (Lukas et al., 2007). Ensuring that all members of my team are well equipped with the trainings that are taking place will help them provide the best care to the patients. In relation to this, I would come up with a collaborative team and ensure that we do our best research on offering the best care. I would also come up with practices, care guidelines and policies to help in the improvement and enjoyment of the patients in these homes.
It can be considered very important for me as a nurse to view the world from the perspective of the patient in this care home. In doing this, I will be able to recognize the patient’s behavior as a way of communication and therefore it will help in the promotion of empathetic and effective communication with the patient. This assists in the validation of feelings and connection with the patient in the world of reality. The identification and support of ongoing and current opportunities for meaningful engagement is also an important factor I will consider when dealing with my patients. This is because every particular interaction and experience can be viewed as an engagement opportunity.
Engagement can be considered very meaningful and purposeful to these patients and it therefore should support at all times the preferences and interests of the patients at all costs. I would nurture and build caring and authentic relationships. These people at the care homes also deserve relationships that make them feel respected and supported at all times. This sort of relationship can be built by being present in their lives and paying attention on the daily interactions instead of the task. If I do a particular activity with them instead of doing for them, I will be giving care and attention to their needs.
Close friends and families can be described as the most important people that have effects on the living conditions of these patients. It is therefore very important for me as a nurse to build a relationship with the patient’s family. By doing this, I will be able to get to know my patient better the dos and the don’ts. Making families a part of the care plan is also important and they should be made aware of all the decisions I make as a nurse before implementing them on the patient.Building a team and having a good relationship with my teammates will help in achieving the agenda of offering the best care to patients. It is also a very important factor to understand the patient in what he is going through and try as much as possible building a relationship with them. This will help in administering of the best person care to the patient. Every nurse should ensure there is a good communication with the family members and he patient because it is a very important factor in the life and stay of the patient.
Edvardsson, D., Koch, S. and Nay, R., 2009. Psychometric evaluation of the English language person-centered climate questionnaire—patient version. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 31(2), pp.235-244.
Gilson, L., 2003. Trust and the development of health care as a social institution. Social science & medicine, 56(7), pp.1453-1468.
Goffman, E., 2017. Asylums: Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Routledge.
Grol, R., Wensing, M., Eccles, M. and Davis, D. eds., 2013.Improving patient care: the implementation of change in health care.John Wiley & Sons.
Koren, M.J., 2010. Person-centered care for nursing home residents: The culture-change movement. Health Affairs, 29(2), pp.312-317.
Lukas, C.V., Holmes, S.K., Cohen, A.B., Restuccia, J., Cramer, I.E., Shwartz, M. and Charns, M.P., 2007. Transformational change in health care systems: an organizational model. Health care management review, 32(4), pp.309-320.
Polit, D.F. and Beck, C.T., 2004. Nursing research: Principles and methods. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.