Compliance Matrix
Proposal: Allied Contractors Construction Proposal for the New Intel IGC Project
Date: Thursday August 20, 2015
RFP | Proposal Response | ||
Section Reference | Requirement | Page/Section | Action |
1 | Project Summary execution capabilities | C-1 | Technical Approach |
2 | Services to be undertaken | C-2 | Design Plan |
3 | Project Evaluation | C- 3 | Materials Usage |
4 | Project Management | C – 4 | Key Technical Performances |
Allied Contractors Compliant Proposal
Allied Contractors has the capabilities of catering for all the details contained in the New Intel IGC Project RFP. Essentially, the organization has existent financial management systems that will be able to estimate the cost for setting up new infrastructure at the IGC grounds site. . Essentially, Allied Contractors will play the role of member in the Project Team that will comprise of representatives from IGC, the architect in-charge of the project and responsible consultants as will set forth in the underlying chapters. In this case, Allied Contractors (AC) will take up the responsibility of design integration and phases construction and further build on their existing pool of knowledge to come up schedules, develop construction estimates, abrogate labor conditions on site and further offer any probable assistance that I considered helpful in the phase prior to construction. Furthermore, it will be the duty for Allied Contractors to ensure that construction is undertaken under the estimated guaranteed maximum price. In accordance to the phased schedule, Allied Contractors will only commence the initial phase of construction when approval from the IGC board is given. In accordance to the terms and conditions of the RFP, amendments in the contract are acceptable at some point in the process of project. All the phases of the contract are therefore covered under this RFP herein and are to be adhered to the latter.
Allied Contractors Contact Address
Allied Contractors, Maryland
Administration Building # 212
2039 Hill Drive Avenue
Temple Hills, Maryland
This office shall act as the sole communication and contact point for Allied Contractors and any activities tied around preparation and submission of the RFP shall be communicated through the same office. Similarly, all queries tied around procurement of the project are to be done through the Hill Drive Avenue Offices.
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Meeting and Site Visit
Wednesday, August 3, 2015 at 2.00 p.m. at the IGC Impetus Maryland office, Allied Contractors will have representatives present at the pre-proposal conference and thereafter follow through with proponents for site assessment.
Proposal Submission Timelines
Allied Contractors will submit their RFP at the issuance office on Thursday 20, August before 3.00 p.m. in order to ensure any kind of consideration. The original proposal shall be clearly marked, further communication on price proposals will only be sent out to the issuance office upon confirmation that AC scored the contract requisitions correctly. Further date seclusions for Pricing Proposals will be communicated and scheduled upon the finalization of technical evaluations and announcement of dates by IGC. The proposal will be submitted by hand delivery to the mentioned details in the RFP hereby herein regarded as the Issuance Office:
The IGC Impetus, Maryland
Office of Procurement
Administration Building # 212
1092 Hill Drive Avenue
Temple Hills, Maryland
Proposal Withdrawal and Modifications
Timelines for proposal submission will be taken into account under this case, whereby in the event that any modifications or withdrawals of with regards to Allied Contractors proposal concerns will be sent out in written notice to the Issuance Office within the set timelines. The Director Allied Contractors is the legally appended individual to handle all contractual matters with the Issuance office and will be responsible for issuing any kind of notice of withdrawal.
Contractual Inquiries and Questions
The Director will have the mandate of contacting the issuance office within the set working hours and further any queries with reference to the RFP is submitted within the set deadline for queries submission which is set at Thursday 17, 2015 by exactly 4.00 p.m. Allied contractors will similarly take into account that any items that might influence the scope of the contract operations will be subject to conclusive conditions of the Addenda.
Site Investigation
Allied contractors will be present on site for investigation date set forth above so as to ensure they have concrete proof that they have taken an in-depth look and are satisfied of the working requirements that has been presented to them inclusive and tied to aspects of transportation, labor availability, water on site, waste disposal, materials handling and their storage and electricity availability. Any additional clauses that are neglected by AC during this set period will be the company’s full responsibility of covering the aforementioned proponents with regards to catering for the appropriate price estimates for undertaking the project. Allied Contractors shall take full responsibility for any interpretations that are reached at this point from of the information that has been made available by IGC.
Competitive Negotiation
Allied Contractors understands that IGC Group has the mandate and reserves the right to award the project inclusive or exclusive of negotiations. Proposers that are considered as being susceptible for award qualification are the only ones who will be allowed to partake in the negotiation process. Waivers to the document will be made to the best interest of IGC specifically those considered as minor irregularities in the contract that are of immaterial and inconsequential nature.
Security of the Proposal
As a qualified proposers for the price proposal Allied Contractors shall abide by these RFP guidelines and will further comply with multiple security proponents of the proposal. Firstly, in the event that Allied Contractors qualifies for a price proposal submission, the limited price for the project is set at $100000.00 will be made available and they will furnish the IGC with a bid bond that has been issued by a surety company that is licensed under the laws of Maryland State. Furthermore, the set bond will be over 5% of the average amount of priced proposal figure. Secondly, security that will be allowed will only be tied around a bond that that satisfactory of the state requisitions, banker’s check or a trust account, pledges and bonds backed by the state, credit letters approved by the attorney general and from State Treasurer certified institutions, grant of certified real estate properties. Thirdly, in the event that the AC are the company who gets awarded the contract fails to execute the contract within an estimated timeline of 20 days upon award notification, they are to pay up an amount that is inferred as the difference in the proposer’s and the proposal accepted price as liquidated damages. The case of evaluation for the RFP usually is undertaken within prolonged timelines and any information tied around the evaluation is not to be released. With regards to this details, the award date is that which the proposal receives approval from the Public Works Board. Finally, when it comes to presentation of the Guaranteed Maximum Price, as the approved contractual manager – Allied Contractors will abide by the aforementioned requisitions to the latter. In the event that AC fails to abide by any of the aforementioned conditions set forth, they will have to pay up liquidated damages to IGC Group as the earlier case mentioned.
Right for Proposal Rejection and Informalities Waiver
Allied Contractors understands that IGC Group reserves the right to come forth and reject proposals presented to them collectively prior to the award or under the State of Maryland interest and similarly under the same circumstances, IGC reserves the right to waive any irregularities found in the Allied Contractors Proposal.
Proposals Irrevocability
Furthermore, Allied Contractors is in full knowledge that for a closed period of one hundred and fifty days from the date of proposal, the pre-construction phase of the project shall be irrevocable; only under written agreements between the client and contractor may these days be extended. Furthermore, the price proposal maintains an irrevocable status to the time of acceptance of the Guaranteed Maximum Price and contract amendment that will mirror the construction work to be undertaken.
Qualifications and Licensing
Allied Contractors is a licensed contracting firm under the Maryland Construction Law and shall further submit proof of licensing upon submission of their proposal. AC will abide by IGC’s rightful mandate to require the contacted firms to demonstrate they have the capabilities of handling the Intel IGC Project and can satisfactorily deliver the contractual needs within the set timelines.
Addenda and RFP Clarifications
In the event that Allied Contractors feels that there exists any kind of discrepancies within the RFP documents, they will within 10days prior to the due date of the proposals request clarification of the matter in question through the Issuance Office which will in return be expected to offer a written Addendum to the same contract. Circumstances for such clarifications have not been requested prompt for a waiver in any claims made by the proposer. Explicitly, attention will be dedicated towards written requests; since oral explanations to the same matter are considered not binding.
RFP Cancellation
Allied Contractors understands that the IGC Group has the right to cancel the RFP partly or wholly at any given time they deem fit but only within the time prior to proposals opening.
Qualified Proposers Interview Sessions
Allied Contractors will make themselves available for individual presentations having achieved the either the minimum or the requisite score to a board of IGC representatives. The company further understands that during the evaluation process, IGC similarly reserves the right to make regular visits to Allied Contractor’s business operations place.
Unsuccessful Proposers Debriefing
It is in the full knowledge of Allied Contractors that their proposal could get rejected thus following a submitted written requests, AC will schedule a debriefing session that shall be held within a submission time frame of fifteen days when they became knowledgeable that there proposal was regarded as unsuccessful. Focus of the debriefing will be tied around foundations as to why their proposal was deemed unsatisfactory. The debrief will be expected to be undertaken in the earliest time possible upon AC’s request for analysis of their failed proposal and the procurement officer’s will be needed to give a rationale for selection.